Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5843: Kneel whoever comes

King Dan said to these five ancestors, holding a fist: there are five Taoists who have labor.

He turned his head, looking at Lin Xuan and others, and smiled: Seeing that there are five ancestors of Xiantu

Any shot, you can push the second star field. Can you resist it?

Gu Yanran waited for others, his face was white again,

However, Lin Xuan smiled, and he stood there with a hand in his pocket. Calm eyes, seemingly careless,

This scene makes Dan Wang extremely angry: What kind of clothes do you pretend to be?

一 As soon as he waved, he wanted to let the five ancestors do it.

The five ancestors walked over.

Meet Tianshui and meet the son.

The ancestor of Xi Tianshui came to Lin Xuan and paid respectfully.

Rakshasa, see the son.

Cut the blood knife and meet the son.

There are five ancestors. At this moment, facing Lin Xuan, they are extremely respectful, as if they are worshipping God

This scene made everyone stunned.

In the Great Hall, all the clan factions were blinded.

What type of situation is this? Isn't this dreaming?

Am I not in illusion?

This is the five ancestors. They come from the fairy land, how high they are.

But now, such a great gift to a young man,

what on earth is it?

何 Who is this young man sacred?

Countless words, shocking sounds,

The people of Luo Dan Wang Shan are even more embarrassed.

He, especially King Dan, shook his body, but he knew that the identities of these five people even treated him courteously.

But now, five people are saluting.

Does n’t He mean that the young man in front of him is even more scary?

到底 Who did he offend?

It turns out that you still remember me, I thought you were going to hit me. Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Elder Wu Tianshui and others were shocked and fell to his knees.

I dare not, my son forgive me, how can we dare to shoot with my son?

五个 These five people are not others. They are the Tianshui ancestors and other people who Lin Xun first came to Xiantu.

These five people are very clear about Lin Xuan's means.

靠 I lean on and actually kneel!

The five ancestors actually fell on their knees.

At this moment, all the gatekeepers and patriarchs in the hall stood up, and they were stunned.

You know, before salute, they have shocked them,

But now, kneeling, the meaning of the representative is completely different,

This shows that the five ancestors are not at all opponents of this young man,

Even, there is a world difference between identities,

何 Who is this young man sacred?


The eyes of the King of Dan were almost staring out: Why are you five of you afraid of him? He is just a young man.

Is n’t it difficult for you to become the five of you?

Xi Tianshui's ancestor looked up, Lengheng: Shut up, you idiot.

The ancestor of Rakshasa is also Lengheng: Don't talk about you, even your master must bow his head in front of him.

You still don't kneel down and apologize to Lin Gongzi.

At the same time, they turned their heads and said to Lin Xuan: Son, listen to us,

We do n’t know, he offended the son,

If you know, give us 100 courage, and we dare not.

Xuan Linxuan looked to King Dan and laughed: You have a lot of friends, you have saved countless masters, and as soon as you wave your hands, you have thousands of troops.

呢 What about people now?

The King of Dan Dan was frightened, and those on Dan Wangshan were even more frightened.

Like elders, women in black, etc.

They swooped, all kneeling to the ground,

This young man is too powerful, powerful enough to suppress everything,

Do they dare to do it?

The King of Dan also changed his face instantly: it turned out to be Lin Gongzi. I didn't know Taishan and offended Lin Gongzi. Please forgive him.

He bowed quickly and made a salute.

Xian Tianshui's ancestor stood up and struck him with one foot: you bowed and gave me a kneel.

The five oldest ancestors stood up one after another, and directly overthrew Dan King,

I hoeed Lin Gongzi, admitting wrong, and disarmed his arms,

You almost killed us, do you know?

Five ancestors, all angry, Dan King,

Instantly, the King of Dan was severely wounded.

He screamed: No, forgive me, Father Gongzi forgive me, my master is the nine-time champion.

He still has one last hope, that is his master, the nine crowns of fairy earth,

This powerful identity, but that is a terrible subordinate.

When he said that, he was proud again.

Nine crowns, is it great?

Lin Linxuan sneered: It seems that you still do not know how to repent.

When I heard this, the ancestors of Tianshui and others would naturally not keep their hands.

The blood screamed and the screams sounded. This hall seemed to become Shura Hell.

Do you know what's wrong? Lin Xuan asked in a deep voice.

Rao life, Lin Gongzi's life.

King Luo Dan was terrified,

Chen Linxuan said: Didn't you say that you have the strength, you can crush everything?

You can crush others, I can crush you too,

I came over and apologized to my niece.

give her?

Wang Dan looked at Gu Yanran, his face became ugly.

He can see that Lin Xuan is powerful, so his **** is not shameful.

Hey, what is this Gu Yanran?

He definitely doesn't want to,

Zhe Linxuan was furious, so he slaped him away and broke the other side.

He said coldly: I do n’t know yet to repent. Since this is the case, there is no need to live.

The five ancestors are also preparing to kill.

King Luo Dan growled: No.

划 He cut his brows and shouted desperately: Master, save me.

In the frown, a light appeared, and then a loud voice sounded: Who dares to bully my apprentice?

The power that belongs to the Nine Crowns broke out and swept the Eight Wastelands,

Xi Tianshui and his ancestors were also quit by Zhen, and he vomited blood.

The other people were shocked: it was the breath of the Nine Crowns. Is the Nine Crowns coming?

They tremble in horror,

The people of Luo Dan Wang Shan were surprised,

Elder Grandma, black woman and others laughed,

You are so good, their ancestor is here, the Nine Crowns are here, enough to sweep everything,

The King of Dan even stood up and growled wildly: Boy, how can you be strong? Are you an opponent of the Nine Crowns?

Wait a minute and see how I kill you?

In the sky, the **** light turned into a space platform.

Then an old man appeared,

This old man, Xianfengdao bone, is very scary,

King Luo Dan fell to his knees: Meet Master,

Master Yun, please kill him.

Wuxian Fengdao's old man bowed his head: Who doesn't know how to die?

杀 He appeared suspicious in his eyes, looking to Lin Xuan ~ ~ Lin Xuan stood there, still sneer,

Xi Tianshui ancestors and others roared: Don't shoot, he is!

Lin Xuanxuan stopped the five ancestors, and then looked at the nine-time champion.

Are you sure you want to hit me?

I'm afraid you can't afford the consequences.

My master is not afraid of you. The King of King laughed,

Nine crowns also frowned: This young man is so confident,

He looked at each other, but found the other, unfathomable,

The next moment, he seemed to remember something,

He carefully identified, and then took a breath of cold air,

Soon, the nine-time champion came to Lin Xuan and fell to his knees directly: to meet with the son of Lin.

I knelt down, and the Nine Crowns went on knees!

The people in the Great Hall are crazy.

At this moment, even Gu Santong and others were stunned.

Nine crowns, in their eyes, that is the existence of supreme, even now kneeling?

King Luo Dan is crazy: His Master is also kneeling?

He felt despair.

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