Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5846: Do you know Hexagram 8

符 Those runes of paper, blooming mysterious light, flying to all directions,

Then, like a sky monument, fell fiercely,

They want to seal the whole world,

Looking down, below the earth, the sea monster crocodile felt that this scene was completely angry.

The blue scales on my body burst into light,

It woke up completely, waved its claws, tore the earth apart,

With a super strong force, he went out.

The earth is broken, the breath is rolled, the sky is cracked,

The behemoth came out, it roared upward, and a fierce light burst into his eyes,

I'm not good, it came out.

Chen Yixian's face changed greatly, he urged 16 runes fiercely, and continued to suppress,

At this time, the sea monster crocodile was angry.

The deep sea fire bloomed in the sky, shredding 16 pieces of rune paper,

Then, a paw patted over, such as Taikoo Mountain,

I shot Chen Yixian out,

Chen Yixian kept back, his face was pale,

Bad, this monster's strength is so terrible, not far from the realm of the emperor.

What a pity, the old man's ability is not in combat, and he can't beat this monster.

I'll give you a few guys, hurry up, my husband can still do some tricks with it,

If you do n’t leave, you are really dead.

Chen Yixian, reminded Lin Xuan next to them,

But, he turned around and almost spit out old blood.

A few of Lin Linxuan not only did not escape, but walked forward.

Lin Xuan looked curiously at each other: good strength, is this a sea monster crocodile?

Gardenia, toad, I feel that it is stronger than the two of you.

Dark red Shenlong snorted, the emperor refused.

Toad said: Uncle Ben is even more dissatisfied. Come, Uncle Ben and you, fight 300 rounds.


The giant siren crocodile, with its huge head lowered, looked at the dark red dragon and toad,

There was disdain in his eyes.

The next moment, it opened its big mouth of blood basin, pointed down, and bite over, trying to devour everything.

I'm done.

Chen Yixian sighed: these little guys are dead,

At this moment of crisis, Lin Xuan stepped forward and blasted out with one punch.

Golden fists, like the sun, straight into the sky.


Screams screamed, blood blew.

The domineering sea monster crocodile retreated, the huge body fell to the ground, tearing the ground apart, and forming countless canyons

There was a crack in his body.

I dare to swallow me, don't you want to live?

Lin Linxuan sneered.

Huh, is that the case?

The dark red dragon and toad are also sneer,

Xiao Zhonglingxiu's face was pale.

On the other side, Chen Yixian was completely shocked: God, what's the matter?

This young man, did you knock down the sea monster crocodile in one punch? Isn't he dreaming?

This young man has such a strength, which is even better than him.

No wonder the other side, so calm before, the other side saw him, not surprised,

When I saw the sea monster crocodile, I was not afraid,

It turned out that the other party was a super strong man, he looked away.

Dark Red Dragon came over and patted Chen Yixian's shoulder, and said: Old man, don't be afraid, we protect you.

Chen Yixian's old face blushed: Shame,

Before he died, he was still in front of these young men, pretending to be a god. As a result, his strength was stronger than him.

He is really a mess.


The fallen sea monster crocodile stood up again, his eyes glowed, he stared at Lin Xuan, and rushed over again,

Lin Linxuan snorted coldly: I wonder if you live or die?

He took out the 诛仙 剑 directly, and stabbed it in the past.

This time, the sea monster crocodile was more injured.

His body was penetrated, and a large blood rain fell down.

In his eyes, there was no more fierce gaze. Instead, there was a touch of panic.

The young man in front of me is too scary. It seems that he has the ability to kill it.

It turned and ran.

Don't look at its huge body, but the speed is terrible. In a split second, it ran away.

Lin Linxuan snorted and wanted to chase,

Chen Yixian next to his uncle said, "Forget it, I counted it, he shouldn't deserve it,

Even if you chase him, you ca n’t kill him,

Zhe Linxuan stopped, looked around, and he said: Old man, you say your ability is not in combat,

what is that? Is it true that achievement is a hexagram?

一 Chen Yixian nodded: Yes, what I said before was not fake. This little fairy, going to the heaven, is very dangerous.

You are also very dangerous,

Alas, I have detected great opportunities in both of you. As long as you don't die, you will get that opportunity and benefit a lot.

After Lin Linxuan heard them, they all took a deep breath.

Chen Linxuan asked: Can the elderly, specifically, what is the opportunity?

Chen Yixian closed his eyes, pointed his fingers, and after a while,

Only then did he say: The chance of the little fairy is related to the Tao, and your chance is related to the eyes.

Specific me, I can't say any more, leaking the secret, the endless troubles,

Is it related to the eyes? Is it possible that it is the power of reincarnation? Lin Xuan was surprised,

Suddenly, he remembered that before he was in the heavens, he felt the power of reincarnation,

But, at that time, he had just finished his body and was unstable, so he didn't investigate.

I seem to have a chance, I have to go there.

Maybe his chance is really there.

Chen Linxuan looked at Chen Yixian again and said: Old man, you said that let Lingxiu follow you, the danger can be reduced, is it true?

Chen Yixian said: Does the husband look like a bad guy? She followed me, it was really safer,

As to whether she is willing to follow me, it is not necessarily.

Zhe Linxuan looked to Zhong Lingxiu and said: Will you?

Wu Zhonglingxiu nodded: I can talk to him for a while.


Yuan Linxuan was surprised,

Zhong Zhongxiu said: Lin Xuan, don't worry, he is not a bad person.

And, one more thing,

感应 I feel that beside him, my innate body is faster.

Cultivate faster? Lin Xuan Yiyi,

The next moment, he looked at Chen Yixian, turned the eye of reincarnation, and wanted to see clearly,

However, Chen Yixian's body is full of mysterious light,

There is an extremely mysterious avenue around the magpie, and gossip emerges.

Young man, are you exploring the old man's secret? You can't detect it.

Chen Yixian shook his head,

Xuan Linxuan exclaimed: the power of gossip,

Do you recognize it, a gossip mirror?

Lin Xuan remembered that the gossip mirror in ~ you are talking about that mirror. I know, of course, I made it

Alas, then I fell out with it.


After Lin Linxuan heard it, he immediately hesitated: What? Fall out?

The gossip mirror is an extreme weapon. The old man and the weapon have fallen out. What's the joke?

Lin Linxuan was very puzzled, but the gossip breath emanating from the other person just now is really similar to the gossip mirror.

肯定 There must be any connection between the two. The old man who wants to come should not be someone on the other side.

So he decided to let Zhong Lingxiu follow each other,

The old man said: Little fairy, would you like to worship your husband as a teacher?

Zhonglin Xiu nodded indifferently, she said: I want to consider, I am by your side for a while,

Check it out to see if you have the qualifications to become my master.


The old man is suffering.

Chen Yixian sighed: he made a weapon, and fell out with me,

Now I want to accept an apprentice, we have to look at people's faces,

Hey, it ’s so painful.

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