Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5870: Weird bones

I'm too crap, what top genius? In front of this seat, vulnerable.

The sea crocodile floated in the void and sneered.

O God, are all seven top geniuses dead? In a blink of an eye,

什么 What kind of monster is this? Is it an ancient monster? Why is it so scary?

Everyone is crazy because they have seen that the strength of Xueyue is absolutely terrible.

To what horror did the seven join forces?

现在 But now, everything has fallen, it is hard to imagine.

Xu Lang was even more angry and embarrassed. His face was black. Was this plan ruined?

Killed this monster, killed the kid, killed them for me, and made them worse off.

When he waved his hand, those behind him, the old strong, also shot quickly.

Three old men rushed over, and they carried with them powerful rules that swept everything.

Immortal law, flowing clouds.

The three of them are like clouds, covering the sea monster crocodile,

The roar of the sea monster crocodile, the original mini body suddenly became large and became a behemoth.

I took a paw and patted the three old men out of the air. The three old men fell into the ruins and vomited blood.

what? It turned out to be this monster, I remember, it is an ancient monster, right?

It turned out to be on the other side, **** it was it, run away.

The families and clans around me, when seeing this scene, retreated madly,

鳄鱼 This crocodile is too scary, an ancient-level powerhouse.

I do n’t know what is dead or alive, enemies against the other side, even if you are an ancient strong, you must die

Xu Lang was so angry that he waved again, attracting more powerful people,

Lin Linxuan stood there, his eyes flickered, he found some problems,

He said to the commoner old man behind them: You exit first, here is a dangerous boy.

be careful.

Wu Bailing and others reminded, and then quickly backed down, in fact, they were not more worried about Lin Xuan,

Because, they know, Lin Xuan's strength,

These people retreated,

Lin Linxuan looked up and looked into the sky. The few geniuses who died before, plus Lei Chen, although they have fallen,

Alas, there was a bone in their body that quietly sank into the ground.

What a weird thing,

Lin Xuan frowned: It seems that these geniuses have improved their strength, and they really have problems.

Not at all. I do n’t know what the other way is the normal strength growth.

He must crack the plan of the other side,

Because he and Bi are enemies, he does not allow the other bank to be strong.


As he was thinking about the problem, the two elders appeared instantly, behind Lin Xuan,

I killed two swords and stabbed them fiercely, Lin Xuan ’s heart,

go to hell.

Lin Linxuan sneered, he didn't move at all, he stood there,

When the tyrant siren crocodile saw this scene, he rushed forward quickly, slapped one's hands, and slapped two swords into flight

Then, with one tail, he flew the two old men out, and the two old men split their bodies.

回 No one of you can escape this time,

Appeared around, more masters, they surrounded the whole villa, group by group,

Inside the villa, there is only left, Lin Xuan and the sea monster crocodile, the others, all left the villa,

Watching the battle outside,

Someone said: Are these two people dead?

Sure, who can survive this lineup?

Countless people shook their heads,

However, Braun said: They can definitely live, you look at it.

In a blink of an eye, 100 masters appeared in the villa, and they stared deadly at the sea crocodile.


They rushed over.

The battle broke out in an instant,

Sea crocodile, very strong, and battle with 100 experts,

Not long after, these 100 masters were killed, blood turned into a sea of ​​blood, echoed between heaven and earth.

Next, it's your turn.

霸 海妖 Crocodile stared at Xu Lang,

Xu Lang backed in fright and fell straight to the ground,

But at this time, he crushed the token in his hand, and a door of space emerged.

From the inside, more masters came out, this time there were thousands, and there were several half emperors.

After they came out, the powerful force suppressed everything.

Among them, a half emperor is a middle-aged man. He frowned and said, "Who doesn't know how to die? Dare to oppose us.

The people who watched the battle outside were also exclaimed: Look, half emperors are here, and five and a half emperors are here.

It is indeed the other bank. Once shot, such a powerful lineup appears.

I think that except the emperor, who can deal with it calmly, everyone else will die.

Xu Lang stood up, and he laughed proudly: Did you see it? This is our lineup across the shore,

I see how you die?

As soon as his voice fell, Lin Xuan's gaze stared at him, and in his eyes again, the glory appeared.

Suddenly, Xu Wolf's soul was destroyed.

His eyes were wide, and he fell to the ground. He didn't believe him until he died. One of the other eyes killed him.


The masters who came here were also frowning, and those half emperors all changed their faces.

手段 What does this mean? At a glance, did you kill Xu Lang?

They stared at Lin Xuan, frowning tightly: It seems that they are not good, let's do it.

They rushed forward quickly.

I killed this kid first.

Their goal is Lin Xuan,

The tyrant Siren Crocodile rushed over and blocked Lin Xuan.

Want to do something to my son, ask me first, promise not?

His huge body became bigger again and became several kilometers long,

Stand up

A pinch went down, and a mountain peak disappeared.

The people outside, seeing this scene, were crazy, they quickly retreated,

Such a force completely surpassed them, it was not them at all, they could resist.

The strength of the five and a half emperors is very scary.

They swept everything,

The tyrant siren crocodile has some tricks to play,

It said to Lin Xuan: Son, you step down first, I will solve them completely.

Xuan Linxuan shook his head: No, after watching for so long, I should warm up.

The remaining people, you deal with, these five and a half emperors, leave it to me.

Are you going to shoot? Ok.

The tyrant siren crocodile revealed, gloatingly, he was once struck by Lin Xuan.

He knows how terrible Lin Xuan is, and these five and a half emperors are going to be out of luck.

His body flickered ~ ~ Flying into the distance, killing others.

He stopped the crocodile. Among them, a half emperor roared and rushed over.

There is only one and a half emperors, come to Lin Xuan's side: kill you, you don't need so many people.

半 This half emperor, with a slap, walked towards Lin Xuan and took a photo.

He hit Lin Xuan's face, obviously, he would torture Lin Xuan.

Lin Linxuan sneered: Oh, do you hit people, do you like to face? Coincidentally, I also like to slap.

Lin Linxuan took the same slap.

I don't know what to do.

半 This half emperor sneered. He was different from others. The person in front of him could not hurt him at all.


The sound of crisp slaps sounded and spread throughout millions of miles,

I slap everyone, just feel a trembling body, unconsciously, covered my face,

This slap is so painful.

In the villa in front of me, a scream sounded, and the half-emperor who shot it was flapped with a slap.

Huang Bandi ’s face was completely rotten,

倒 He fell to the ground and made a pig-killing sound,

Lin Xuan, stepped on his head with one foot.

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