Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5980: Xianmen!

Xia Xiayu was overcast, and in his eyes, a slaughter of killings appeared, covering the surroundings,

Suddenly, other families were numb to their scalp. They had a dilemma.

On the one hand, they were afraid of the Xia family, and at the same time, they were also afraid of the shroud in Lin Xuan's hands.

However, at this embarrassing moment, Lin Xuan laughed: Do not listen to me, do you listen to you?

You do n’t even know what a shroud is, you know, what do you do next?

Naturally went forward.

The elder snorted,

Lin Xuan shook his head: nonsense, but the front is dark, can you go?

What's this, isn't there a flame?

While talking, the elder, went to catch the flames in the air.

However, the flame seemed to be transparent, and his palm passed through it.

how is this possible? Unable to catch,

Those other people were also surprised, and tried one after another, and found that the flame seemed to be visible but could not hold it

Lin Xuan sneered: You can't even catch the flame, why can you let others listen to you?

Brother gritted his teeth: Damn boy, can you catch it?

of course.

Lin Xuan said: This flame is called ghost bone fire.

It is the flame formed by the bones after the death of the strong.

It turned out to be this way,

The surrounding emperors were surprised,

The elder snorted: nonsense.

So many of them don't know the origin of this flame. How could this boy know?

Lin Xuan ignored it.

This information is naturally a big dragon, said to him,

When Dalong swept the existence of Jiuyou Land, he naturally knew many things.

It even knows how to collect ghost bone fire.

Lin Xuan cast his reincarnation eyes and summoned it. In the Valley of the Sun, the bone-shaped palm,

Then, with the wave of the palm of the white bone, the ghost bone fire in the sky fell into the palm of the hand,

That ’s it, just waving your hand, you can attract,

The surrounding emperors were stunned,

Even Xia Qianyu frowned.

Let's go

Lin Xuan walked ahead with the ghostly fire, others followed,

These people do not know that the ghost bones can only be connected with bones, and the flesh and blood cannot be touched.

This is also the reason why so many emperors could not be found before.

Flesh and blood cannot bear.

The other family emperors followed, Lin Xuan's side,

It looks like they are looking at each other,

Instead, he left the Xia family here,

Many people in Xia family grit their teeth,

Xia Qianyu was even colder, and he couldn't help but kill in his eyes.

The candle dragon next to him laughed: this little guy is a little bit interesting.

He looked at Xia Qianyu again and said: Why bother to be in a hurry?

For the present, the most important thing is to find the good fortune Xianchi,

Before, we looked in many places in the ancient city and found nothing.

I think this temple is so mysterious. Maybe the Fortune Fairy is in it.

Just leave them in front and explore

Xia Tian Yu nodded: OK, let him live first, then

When I found the good fortune Xianchi, I killed him first.

He led the Xia family to follow up.

I also walked for a while, Lin Xuan and others stopped again,

Because in front of him, another ghost fire appeared, suspended in mid-air.

Those other people rejoiced: Great,

After the second flame, after they get it, they also have a certain strength and can act alone.

Many people try to take shots.

Boy, get out of here, don't let these people rob,

Nine Wraith said.

Lin Xuan's eyes bloomed. He frowned slightly and didn't act.

Because, he saw,

There seems to be an unknown danger ahead,

Someone laughed next to him: Mr. Lin, this flame, we charge it, don't you care?

Lin Xuan smiled: Anyway, you can do whatever you want.


The members of the Youlei family shot quickly, and those other people also scrambled.

But at this time, in the darkness in the distance, there was a roar,

Then, it turned into a black storm and rushed over.

Damn, what is it?

Not good, it was a monster who had smashed the bones of the emperor before.

These people are frightened, they retreat insanely,

They backed away, pale,

Lin Xuan also took a deep breath: Sure enough, it appeared again.

Under the glow of the ghost bone fire, everyone can see clearly what this thing is,

This is a ghoul.

The people of the fire and thunder family exclaimed.

Those other people are also ugly.

They met this thing before, in the ancient city,

Very terrifying, devastating cannibalism.

A ghoul, not to be afraid, everyone planned to make a quick decision,

However, at this time, a lot of dark shadows appeared again and again,

There was also a low, roaring sound.

Bad, more than one,

Damn, I know, ghouls are all in groups, we are in danger

Why don't you hurry up?

Fear in some people,

Even the emperor now has the intention to retreat.

Now that you're here, don't even think about leaving.

The cold voice came and made people creepy,

Lin Xuan, they are all surprised: someone is talking, who is it?

Everyone, all looking forward,

I saw a person who came over. This figure, holding a white ancient lamp in his hand, contained the ghost bone fire inside, beating.

This man, wearing an ancient armor, was very serious, like a zombie,

His eyes, with a strange black light,

His voice is also low,

It's as if two metal pieces are colliding constantly.


This place, besides them, there are people, who is it?

Is anyone coming before them?

The people in the Xia family were shocked,

People from other families are also close enemies: How does this guy look, unlike people of our time?

Wouldn't he be the one who stayed in the world war?

That was a million years ago. How terrible is it to live to this day?

Who are you

Xia Qianyu asked in a deep voice.


The dry man smiled: I'm from Xianmen.

My name is Xianshui.


After everyone listened, their brows frowned tightly: never heard of such a martial art

Xia Qianyu Lengheng: What fairy gate, pretending to be a ghost.

Xianshui was also angry: you did n’t know it, not even Xianmen, you people, kneeling on the ground obediently.

If you dare disturb my teacher, what should I do?

Who is your Master? Dare to let us kneel,

Wuyun people also roar,

The emperors of other families also snorted. Even if they face Xia Qianyu, they don't have to kneel.

No one can make them kneel.

Xianshui laughed to the sky: stupid, my master, naturally the master of the fairy gate, that is, the fairy,

You dare to disrespect Xian, I don't think you want to live anymore.


Everyone was surprised: Can it be done ~ ~ is a land fairy,

There is a land fairy here, everyone is frightened,

Even Xia Qianyu's face changed greatly.

Candle Dragon is no longer calm, although they are strong,

However, the words of the land fairy are not enough to see.

They can kill them with one finger.

Impossible, how is this possible? Have a land fairy?

Stupid, it seems you do n’t know at all, I ’m amazing at Xianmen,

With a wave of his hand,

The ghouls around rushed up.


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