Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6166: The strongest peerless

The terrible dragon roar rang through the world,

The people outside looked up, they were shocked,

Millions of dragons swept down and shrouded zero.

Seal of Six Demon, break me!

With a rage and a quick attack, there were six peerless powers in his body that killed the past.

Between heaven and earth,

The two collided, and the whole void kept shaking,

People outside were shocked and encouraged, and no one could resist.

Even the eagle **** and the colossus are also shocking: is this really just an ordinary emperor, can it consolidate the power?

The six peerless forces in front of them started to break under Wanlong.

Those dragon shadows began to kill towards the spirit,

Zero roar,

Immune to magic and magic.

He roared to the sky, mysterious breath appeared on his body,

At this moment, he seemed unable to be injured.

Lin Xuan smiled: this is the purest sword, you can't resist it,

Indeed, these dragons have something to do with the big dragon sword soul,

There are no immortals and magical powers, just the most basic power,

However, these forces are indestructible,

For a moment, these dragon shadows were violently bombarded on Zero's body,

Suddenly, the sky was falling apart,

The entire seal space is chaotic.

They couldn't see anything,

Lin Xuan's figure was completely engulfed.

How's it going?

Ye Wudao they are anxious,

The Emperor Cangqing also prayed: they must lose, and they must not let this kid win.


In front of him, a figure flew out with blood and cracks on his body.

The crowd looked carefully, and then stunned: it was zero again!

That's right, this time it was zero.

This time, the other side was even more miserable. His body was penetrated by dozens of sword qi, and the cracks were all over.

Lin Xuan's sword is too sharp, and the spirit is not an opponent.


Since he was created by his master, he has been sleeping here, guarding the tomb,

No one can wake it up, because no one can come to him,

But today, a young man, an ordinary emperor, beat him seriously,

If he continues like this, he will lose.

As a last resort, if you can catch it, you win.

If you ca n’t catch it, you die.

In the eyes of the spirit, a cold light appeared, and he was desperate.

The six forces on his body rushed out, forming six mysterious runes around him, spinning quickly.

Six big weekly seals!

This is the zero strongest extinction. The six forces erupted together and merged together to form the strongest blow.

The world is roaring, everything is broken,

Countless people are shocked,

The Eagle God also took a breath of coolness: He was able to exert his strength to this step, which is really bad enough.

This really is a monster,

The colossus also frowned: That Lin Xuan, wouldn't be dead by this trick, right?

You must not die.

The Colossus had a decision in his heart: If Lin Xuan really couldn't resist, he would take a shot at a crisis time,

He will save this kid's life,

He certainly wasn't trying to save the boy, he was trying to get the baby from him.

Ahead, six handprints flew over quickly, and the six major Zhou Tianyin directly covered Lin Xuan.


This is the seal of destruction, the mark of relentlessness, and no one can be enemies under the land fairy.

Feeling this power of destruction, Lin Xuan's expression became dignified,

He naturally knew that the other party was desperate,

Last move?

Lin Xuan put away the Xianxian sword, a dragon shadow appeared on his body, covering his body,

Become a dragon, I am a sword!

Is still the most basic sword qi, no magical power, no sword decision,

However, at this moment, Lin Xuan seemed to be a peerless sword, standing between heaven and earth.

Everything, as he approached him, vanished.

The power of the Six Great Seals of Heaven and Earth is constantly worn away and dissipated quickly,

But Lin Xuan slumped his feet, and the whole person turned into a flash of lightning,

Where he passed, the void was split in half,

The next moment, he skipped from the spirit, and then stopped.

The two stood back to back.

There was a crack in Zero's eyebrow, and then it burst open.


Lin Xuan spit out blood, her face pale,

I have to say that this spirit is really terrifying and hurt him all.

However, he won.

The next moment, his body became more upright,

Behind him, the broken body was painted as a mural and disappeared.

The seventh seal disappeared completely.

Ahead, a quaint gate appeared.

Did you make it?

The crowd was stunned.

The moment Lin Xuan turned around, the rear was quiet and terrible,

Everyone was as if a statue.

The next moment, Lei Xiao was excited: succeeded, he actually succeeded,

Then, the third-day people reacted, and they all rushed forward.

Come to Lin Xuan.

You really did it, it was incredible.

Mao Xia they are shocked,

The Red Feather Emperor, Ye Wudao also laughed, they succeeded!

Ten long fruits are in hand, which can save many lives.

Eagle God also smiled,

On the other hand, the fourth-day man cannot believe it.

No, why is it like this?

Despair in their faces,

The Cangqing Emperor and others on the other side fluttered. They felt black before their eyes, and almost fainted.

They lost again!

10 long fruits, got by the other party!

They were completely defeated, a complete defeat!

Why is it like this? This forest is invincible, right?

Is the other party ~ ~ really invincible existence?

In their hearts, there was a huge sense of crisis,

For a long time, they did not take God's realm in their eyes,

But now, they are really panicking,

Can this battle be defeated by them?

The face of the giant elephant also became very dignified: the third-day man won, and the eagle **** can successfully enter the tomb of the demon god.

To be honest, at this moment, he felt like dreaming,

They were three, four, five, and three heavens, three powerful land gods, and they were three brothers worshipping.

However, the giant elephant and the eagle **** have fought each other for tens of thousands of years,

Because they are all working on the idea of ​​the tomb of the demon god, who can succeed and who is good to go,

Everyone wants to leave this immortal city,

However, over the past tens of thousands of years, they have gone through countless attempts.

They found countless geniuses and even trained masters to attack the seven guardians.

No one succeeded.

The best time was ten thousand years ago, when they successfully reached the sixth heaven.

However, in the face of the Twin Kings, they still failed, and they lost out.

This time, good luck, the intruders came in,

These intruders are all top masters from outside, there are many super emperors,

This excites the eagle gods and giant elephants,

They know that their chance is here again.

But when they saw the seventh Guardian Beast Spirit, they were desperate again,

Such a powerful existence cannot be defeated by anyone except their own hands.

But someone did it.

The Eagle God laughed happily: Great, young man, you really did it.

You didn't let me down,

I have to thank you!

.. m.

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