Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6184: Jade Fairy

Damn, how could this be?

The mysterious black armor strong, shocked.

Get me out!

They exclaimed that there was an Emperor-level power on their bodies,

Not only that, but even more terrifying formation forces, sweeping out,

This power is enough to destroy the world. Even a super emperor cannot bear it.

However, in front of Dayan Zhoutian's formation, it seems insignificant.

In an instant, they were swallowed up,

Between heaven and earth, the Black Armor disappeared, and the full sky formation was also swallowed up.

Only broken rifts are scattered,

What happened? Swallowed,

The strong men of Dongjunfu are stunned,

Is it Fuzu ’s power? Great!

House Lord mighty!

They cheered.

In the formation method, the owner of the East County House is also stunned.

It wasn't his hands at all,

He could n’t show off such a powerful array power,

who is it?

He suddenly turned his head and looked at it. Is it a mysterious man here?

This mysterious person can only be seen by Lin Xuan, he cannot see,

However, the other person really exists,

Only the other party can exert such terrible power.

Is this mysterious man the master of the formation?

He was completely stunned,

He even said with a fist: Thank you for your shot.

Dozens of people in black appeared in Dayan Zhoutian's formation.

When these men in black came out, they roared to the sky. They wanted to rush out.

But the formation method began to restrain their bodies. These people could not escape and were completely suppressed.

But did not die,

Lin Xuan was surprised: seniors, why not kill them?

Zhou Tianshi Shen Sheng said: Kill them, Xianer will know.

Who is Fairy?

Lin Xuan was surprised: Is it the master behind these black armors?

Jade Fairy, it should be a land fairy now,

Zhou Tianshi sighed, a sadness appeared in his eyes.

Jade Fairy!

Lin Xuan repeated the name.

Land Fairy!

He was amazed. The next moment, he turned to look at the owner,

He said: Senior, what is the land fairy of the lineup?

Is it called Yuxianer?

The eyes of the East Junfu leaped wildly: Can the name of the land fairy be called casually?

You know, the land gods have great power,

You are disrespectful here, and you are likely to be slapped to death across the endless void.

However, he nodded,

Few people in this world know, what is the real name of Zhenxian?

However, Dongjunfuzhu is one of the few people, he knows.

This name, he heard it once, was when he had just become emperor.

However, he never shouted, and he wanted to forget the name desperately,

Because he was afraid that one day, he shouted,

He will die.

I just didn't expect that now Lin Xuan shouted the name,

He was even more shocked. Lin Xuan was an intruder and he hadn't seen Zhenxian before. How could he know?

After listening to Lin Xuan, he took a sigh of coolness: the land gods of the front are called Yuxianer, which is actually related to Zhou Tianshi

And Yuxianer wanted to kill Zhou Tianshi, why?

Lin Xuan was very puzzled, he looked at Zhou Tianshi.


The battle in East County was actually very fast, although fierce, but it soon disappeared.

So that the other clan factions are extremely puzzled. They haven't responded yet.

However, the fronts, Baiyuxian Palace, Yuxian'er frowned slightly,

She sensed that the shaking of Da Yan Zhou Tian's formation, and then the people she called out disappeared.

And did not die,

However, I can't feel the breath of those people.

Have you entered Dayan Zhoutian array?

How could it be so easy?

Yuxianer frowned: Is the power of matrix formation weakened? Forget it, wait and see.

After speaking, she waved her hand, the void broke, and the elder came out.

The elder is a super emperor, but at this moment, in front of Yuxianer, he is extremely respectful.

He didn't even look up, staring at the ground,

He knelt on the ground with one knee: to meet the lord, but I do n’t know what the lord said

Didn't you catch an intruder before? Bring him over,

I have something to ask him.


The elder left

He came to the ground, and there were many people in it who were tortured.

One of them was tied in the air by a chain, and this person had an amazing light,

He is resisting hard,

When others see this scene, they will exclaim: terrifying body,

Although just an ordinary emperor, this body is far beyond the same level.

The elder was humming: What if you are strong? Come here, don't want to go out again in this life,

The next moment, he waved his hand and quickly left the figure.

When he reappeared, he returned to the White Jade Palace,

Putting people here, the elder left.

Where is this

Ye Wudao growled wildly,

That's right, this figure bound by chains is Ye Wudao,

He entered the seventh day with Lin Xuan before, but halfway through, the power of Zixian exploded, stunning them.

Moreover, it was a random teleportation, and he himself fell from the sky.

When I woke up, I found myself in a cage, restrained and suppressed,

However, no one has ignored him, and seems to have forgotten him,

Ye Wudao is desperate, is it possible to be suppressed in the dungeon all his life?

Today, someone suddenly appeared again ~ ~ and took him away,

Next, there was a fairy-like scene, and Ye Wudao took a deep breath.

who are you? Why suppress me?

Ye Wudao growled wildly. Even if he died, he must understand it.

At this time, he saw a figure coming out, and at the same time, a strange aroma flew towards him.

So fragrant,

He feels his soul is about to rise,

The next moment, when he saw the figure in front of him, his soul was shaking.

There is a woman ahead, beautiful,

It ’s so beautiful, it ’s too beautiful to describe in words.

Not only that, but the beauty of the other side has a mysterious power.

Seems to make anyone crazy for her.

Ye Wudao's face was shocked, but soon his body trembled,

Because he felt the breath of this beautiful woman was terrifying,

This is the power of the land fairy. The opponent is a land fairy.


There was a hint of hope in his heart, and when he met the land fairy, there was a long life.

And he will be tested next so he doesn't have to be trapped here.

Yuxianer looked at the figure in front of her, a beautiful smile rising from the corner of her mouth.

Intruder, do you know what this is?

What's the secret, tell me?

Yuxianer stretched out her right hand. There was a green fruit in her palm, blooming mysterious atmosphere,

Long fruit,

Seeing this scene, Ye Wudao exclaimed,

He couldn't be more familiar with this fruit, because he had seen it more than once.

Longevity? Well, it looks like you intruders really know something,

Tell the secret of longevity.

Yu Xianer's voice sounded again.

.. Literature Museum m.

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