Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6212: Peerless crisis! Petrochemical!

Mysterious lines appear on several land gods, as if the lines of stones are like

Their bodies are going to become statues,

The nine lions roared, the fire was full, and they resisted madly.

They retreat quickly,

The same goes for several other land fairies,

They didn't even die, they burned the immortal and the magical fire.

They are really scared,

The light from this immortal eye is called immortal light. Once enveloped, they will petrify and become stone people.

At that time, they will be very difficult to move, and their strength will disappear.

So now, even if they desperately damage the foundation, they cannot stay here,

Must escape.

Want to escape, don't you think it's too late?

Just then, a sneer sounded, this voice was very young,

who is it?

The eagle **** roars,

The purple fairy is also roaring,

But the next moment, they stopped, this is Lin Xuan's voice,

He suddenly turned his head,

I saw Lin Xuan sneer.

Boy, do you want to die? We ca n’t even resist it, do n’t say you!

Brother, kill him?

As soon as the nine lions were cold, they wanted to do it.

But at this time, Lin Xuan's back was split. Behind him, a palm appeared, which suddenly became bigger and covered the sky.

It's a big hand, an immortal hand,

Its appearance directly enveloped the sky,

All the paths of the land fairy are sealed.

Damn, how could you have immortal hands?

The nine lions roared wildly, and one of his skulls was instantly broken.

Not only that, his scalp was numb,

He felt he had fallen into the trap,

You really are pitting us!

Other terrestrial gods have also come to understand, gnashing their teeth one by one,

They did it!

That ’s right, you all fell into my trap,

After speaking, the immortal hand behind Lin Xuan is even more horrible.

Kill me

The colossus roared and stepped on Lin Xuan, shattering Lin Xuan's body,

Finally dead,

Little ant, go to death,

They growled wildly,

Kill Lin Xuan to relieve the hatred in my heart.

Although they are laughing, their faces are extremely ugly.

Immortal hands, plus immortal eyes, they can't walk away,

In the end, these land fairies screamed, desperate,

Even the colossal body of the colossus, the soul wanted to escape, but it was useless,

The eyes of the immortal eye shrouded, and their bodies began to show stone patterns, and gradually they became a statue.

Damn it!

In the sky, the three land gods of the ninth sky are also roaring,

The hand they protruded was completely petrified, and this power is still spreading throughout the body,

They quickly withdrew their palms and resisted each other.

This scene is very scary,

Before, it was terrible. The land fairies that suppressed the heavens and the earth turned into statues one by one.

There is a terrifying and devastating atmosphere around,

The great emperors in the distance were shocked: what happened?

How did their master, the land fairy, turn into a statue?

Would you like to check it out?

Yeah, how could this be?

Are you looking for death? You ca n’t even resist the land fairy, you still want to go,

You want to die, don't hold me,

The voices of various discussions came. These emperors did not leave, nor did they dare to pass,

But at this time, there was a figure walking towards the front, and soon came to the battlefield ahead.

who is it? So ignorant of life and death,

At this time, when I think about it, I'm dead.

When they looked, they froze: it was that kid,

This back is so familiar,

It's Lin Xuan, he's not dead!

Impossible, I saw it with my own eyes. He was crushed by a giant elephant. How could he not die?

Amazing, really amazing!

The figure walked over and looked at the statues, constantly wondering,

And at this time, in the statue, there was a roaring voice: How are you not dead?

This is the sound of a giant elephant.

Lin Xuan was startled and quickly backed away,

However, soon he laughed: It seems that you are petrified and your power is gone.

However, it is not true death, it should be a special state of life,

Thinking of this, he smiled again: yes, I did not die, that you killed was just an incarnation.

impossible? I've even cheated, you don't have this ability,

The voices of the nine lions were also transmitted. At this moment, they all turned into a lion statue, which was spectacular at 10 minutes.

Lin Xuan snorted: Impossible? I think you are ignorant,

The seventh day is Zhou Tianshi. Do you know any new news?

Zhou Tianshi made a rune for me. Just now, I used this rune.

By the way, does the land fairy on the seventh day know that Yuxian Er? At the beginning, she was deceived by this rune too,

Therefore, I was seriously injured.

what? Is Zhou Tianshi's rune? hateful!

The Colossus growled,

Nine lions roared again and again,

The Eagle God is completely silent,

And Zixian is crazy,

Before, he laughed at Yu Xianer as an idiot, but he was defeated by a young emperor.

But now he is also pitted by a young man,

Moreover, his end is worse than Yuxian Er,

Yuxianer was seriously injured, but he could recover, but theirs was not working.

After this kind of petrification, they want to recover again, but it is as difficult as going to heaven ~ ~ Although they are not dead, it is more miserable to live in such despair.

Four terrestrial gods petrified, and the other three terrestrial gods petrified the arm.

Unfortunately, Zixian's sister only petrified one arm,

If it is completely petrified, when he goes to the ninth heaven, he will be able to lose one enemy,

However, this result has been very satisfactory, at least, the Immortal Hand is very satisfied.

Without Lin Xuan's help, he would at best run away these land gods,

However, it is impossible to completely petrify these land fairies.

When these land gods recover, I am afraid they will make a comeback again.

But this time, it is estimated that for a long time, these land gods will not shoot.

It is difficult to even break through petrochemicals.

Young man, you really did it,

The voice of the immortal hand came,

Lin Xuan's smile disappeared, but her brows frowned tightly.

He remembered one thing,

When entering the Immortal City, there was a condition. If their side failed, the land fairy of their **** domain would petrify.

At that time he didn't quite understand,

But now, when he saw these statues, he felt cold in his heart,

The so-called petrified land fairy is the sight in front of it.

Lin Xuan is standing next to the land fairy. He can only feel that these people are still alive.

The power on them disappeared, and even they couldn't move.

If it is really petrified, it will be too miserable, and the top combat power will disappear instantly.

At that time, I am afraid that the other side will go crazy and destroy God's Realm in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, for now, it is their **** domain that has the upper hand.

I am really looking forward to those petroglyphs on the other side!


.. m.

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