Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6228: All gods

Gao Linxuan's eyes were full of self-confidence, others might be scared, but he would not.

Because he can see, the power of these palms is very familiar to him, the magical laws are immune,


On the third day, when he attacked the tomb of the demon god, he met a guardian,

At that time, the guardian monster was immune to any magical powers and attacks of formation.

At that time, everyone was desperate,

Only the terrestrial gods have super strong realm power, can they be crushed,

However, the land fairy can't shoot, so no one has opened the tomb of the demon god,

I didn't defeat that guardian monster until Lin Xuan came out.

Today, the situation shown by this big hand is very similar to that of the monster.

The other party ignored the attack of the super emperor, because it was an attack of supernatural power, which is also immune to supernatural power and fairy law!

To deal with such things, you can't cast any magical powers and rules, you can only attack with pure power.

Alas, these people obviously don't understand. These powerful people are even frightened.

Zhe Linxuan exhibited a dragon-shaped sword spirit, and split the two broken palms flying. He protected Murong all over the city.

When everyone saw this scene, they were shocked,

There is nothing they can do about this palm,

But Lin Xuan can do it,

They all looked at Lin Xuan: son, help!

Even the elder, at this moment, was also terrified: son, I was wrong before, please, save me, okay?

Because the elder found out that he could n’t resist this palm,

His throat is almost crushed. If no one saves him, his end will most likely be the same as Emperor Han.

求 Begging for mercy now, don't you think it's too late?

Lin Linxuan snorted, he didn't bother the elders and others at all, but looked to the void,

He said: Come out, I know you are here.

Hahahaha, it's a bit interesting, but someone can resist my magic power and immortal immunity,

Young man, who are you?

A laugh broke out between the heavens and the earth, and then a figure appeared in front of everyone.

When I saw this man, everyone was blinded, even Lin Xuan's face changed.

Because this person is broken, just like broken porcelain,

However, it seemed to be bound by some force.

He looked far away, and the man was full of cracks, and the blood rolled in those cracks, but it didn't flow out.

What is even more shocking is that the breath on this person is extremely scary.

The other party absolutely surpassed the super emperor, this is a land fairy.

Senior's life,

When I saw this scene, the elder waited for the strong man in the world and quickly knelt on the ground, scratching his head for mercy,

Lin Linxuan also took a deep breath: there is even a land fairy on Wangxian Mountain.

I was really surprised.

However, at this time, more shocking things came. Between heaven and earth, a black lotus quietly bloomed,

黑 This black lotus actually needs the information of the land fairy. When he appeared, he killed Lin Xuan directly.

I am black lotus again!

Lin Linxuan was creepy,

He roared, took out the purple gourd, and hit the sky.

Inside the purple gourd, there was a real fire of shamisen, blooming between heaven and earth, as if it were a magic fire, sweeping for nine days

I blocked black lotus's attack,

The next moment, Lin Xuan was shaken back,

He was stunned: This black lotus is so terrible.

I want to know, the last time I dealt with Yuxianer, a shamisen fire really penetrated the other party,

现在 But now, just blocking it, this black lotus blow, you can imagine that black lotus is much more terrifying than Yuxian,

Heilian was surprised: I didn't expect that you had the immortal fire, which really surprised me.

A huge figure covering nine days,

In the heavens and the earth, the black lotus bloomed beside him, even with four immortals.

Elder Grandma and others are crazy,

Even Lin Xuan took a breath of cold air: Four immortals, how could this be?

You know, the land fairy is just three immortals,

的 All the land gods Lin Xuan has seen before are all three immortals,

Four Immortals, what level is this? Still a land fairy?

This ninth day, it is really incredible that there are such terrible characters.

More importantly, this thing has something to do with the other side.

You are from the other side!

Lin Xuan asked, gritting his teeth.

At this moment, the dragon dragon soul in the body roared, Lin Xuan held the Xianxian sword, ready to desperately,

还有 He still has a real shamisen,

Tong Murong's allure was a cold hum, and his body was full of colorful light.

Phoenix Ancient Seal was also held in her hands.

The two of them are like enemies.

Heilian is standing high, although he is a plant, but at this moment, he is like the ruler of heaven and earth.

He stared at Lin Xuan and said: You are an intruder, and it seems that you should be a person in the Divine Realm!

I did n’t expect that the top genius like you would appear in the God Realm, but it ’s a pity that your way ends here.

Today, you will die.

Hei Lian condensed a sense of killing.

Elder Wu and others are almost fainting. They cannot resist this power at all.


The black lotus blooms, black petals fly, sweeping across the Xiaoxiao, wherever it goes, everything fades away,

Elder Grandma and others are desperate because they are affected by this power.

The next moment, their bodies were torn instantly,

At this moment, Elder Grandma, the super emperor, has no resistance.

I ca n’t help it, the other party has two more immortals than him. This is definitely the dragon to the ant.

At this moment, all these people in Xunxian Village died.

Lin Linxuan is also creepy,

The land fairy, he cannot resist, let alone the existence of four immortals,

He screamed angrily, and the real fire of Sanwei was about to erupt,

But at this time, in front of him, there were more, two broken palms,

These palms are bigger than the palms that burst out before,

For a moment, like two mountains, blocking them in front of them,

The next moment, a trembling voice sounded,

The black lotus is angry: you want to help them, do you want to be my enemy?

At this time, the man with a crack on his body ~ ~ haha ​​laughed: What is your enemy

两个 We two have been fighting for millions of years. Do you think I'm afraid of you?

Boy, don't be afraid, I'll protect your life. Nothing else, because you can get immortal power.

Thank you senior.

Lin Linxuan was extremely grateful. I didn't expect that this man covered with cracks would help him.

At the same time, they asked: Do seniors, the tomb of the third demon god, have anything to do with you?

傀儡 The tadpoles inside are made by me, boy, those tadpoles, have you been defeated?

We are also destined.

He was lucky, Lin Xuan said.

Fan God, do you really want to help this boy?

Heilian was completely angry, and the terrible breath covered the world.

两个 The two of us, fighting for millions of years because of the immortal order,

I don't mind making a decision today!

I'm afraid you can't do it.

Fan Shen Lengheng, mysterious power appears on his body, his body, magical powers and immortal immunity,

This is a super power,

Lin Xuan next to him was shocked: these two world-heavy men came for the immortality!

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