Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6264: Hades

This figure is extremely powerful and extremely dark,

As soon as he appeared, the shadow cast seemed to cover half of the universe,

The warriors of countless planets are terrified,

They looked up and saw a huge dark cloud covering the world.

The breath above was cold, as if the door to **** was opened,

The warriors in the Nine Secluded Lands are even more shocked,

Many people are kneeling on the ground: What is this master? Are they here again?

Crane Fairy exclaimed: Land Fairy,

Dare to ask my friend, who is it?

The crane fairy flew up and hovered in the air. The feathers on his body were like the sky sword, straight into the sky,

Confrontation with that dark cloud,

Eyes appeared in the dark clouds of the sky,

In the dark eyes, the black flame was beating, which could burn the world.

I am even the supreme goddess of the palace. Will you stop me if you go to attack the ancient city of Jiuyou?

A cold voice came,

Hexian people are shocked: Master of the Supreme Palace? Moreover, the other party came towards the ancient city of Jiuyou.

I ’m not stopping you, I ’m not a person in the Divine Realm, but the ancient city of Jiuyou is extremely mysterious,

How about we both join forces and explore together?

No need to,

Hades refused instantly,

When the crane fairy's face changed, what else did he want to say, however, the **** of **** had already acted,

It turned into a dark cloud and flew towards the ancient city of Jiuyou again,

Soon, they shrouded the ancient city of Jiuyou.


The huge eyes in the dark clouds fall, and the towering black light, like a sea of ​​fire, hits the ancient city of Jiuyou.

Makes the ancient city of Jiuyou shake violently,

Countless people in the city were shocked: so powerful, this is the power of the land fairy,

The Emperor frowned as well. He waved his hand and made several defenses.

But it didn't work at all.

The turtle fairy said: Hahahaha, the **** of the underworld is here. Can you keep this ancient city?

fast! Cut off the space channel first!

The **** of the sky in the sky took out a dark sword, cut it with one sword, and split the space channel formed by Zhou Tianshi's condensation into two halves

The sky is full of cracks, and everyone is desperate,

In Heaven City, Zhou Tianshi, who helped Lin Xuan, also frowned: No, the ancient city of Jiuyou was attacked.

Do they want to take advantage of it?

Lin Xuan said: Seniors don't matter, right?

Zhou Tianshi said: No, I have to go back quickly, as if the land fairy was shot,

what? Land Fairy!

Lin Xuan was stunned: Where is the land fairy?

Yuanxian? Half a soul, not to be afraid,

It stands to reason that the Demon Emperor, with the power of the earth's veins, should be able to resist,

This is the heyday land fairy. I wonder who is it?

I go first,

Otherwise, the ancient city of Jiuyou will be lost,

With a wave of Zhou Tianshi's hand, the space matrix method appeared in front of him. He entered the door of space and disappeared.

Lin Xuan was so anxious that even a land fairy appeared, what happened?

Can the Jiuyou Ancient City be held?

This situation has really become confusing.

In the ancient city of Jiuyou, after the gods cut off the space passage, the huge body began to land.

He has already ripped the formation, and it seems that he will occupy the ancient city of Jiuyou.

Countless people in the city were frightened, their bodies were cracked, and they could see the cold smiling face of the **** of darkness,

It seems to be printed on the sky.


Suddenly at this time, a terrifying voice sounded,

I saw Zhou Tianshi returned and immediately opened Dayan Zhou Tianzhen.

The mysterious formation method, combined with the ground vein, instantly resisted the figure of the **** of the underworld,

The smile on Ningshen's face disappeared, and his brows frowned tightly: you are the celestial master, hum,

A cold humming sounded like a thunder, and then, in the dark mist, the Nether Excalibur fell down.

The dark sword, with a breath of death, is extremely cold, which makes people unable to compete.

One sword cut off seems to be able to exterminate the strong in the world.

Dayan Zhoutian array, shaking violently,

But at this time, the formation method turned into a mysterious tower, covering Zhou Tianshi,

The mysterious tower shakes and spins, releasing powerful energy.

Get out!

Zhou Tianshi was angry, the formation and the ancient city merged,

Subsequently, the mysterious tower turned into a big Yan hand, pushed out, and defeated the **** of the underworld.

The body of the **** of darkness, leaving the ancient city of Jiuyou, growled angry,

However, soon he sneered: you have no skills to guard here, and you can't keep the city of million swords,

I and the **** of death always get an ancient city. What do you think?

As soon as this word came out, the faces of the people in the **** domain changed greatly: not good, they are in danger here,

Originally, they had an advantage against the other bank and gained the upper hand.

However, the Supreme Hall, joining at this time, changed the situation.

Originally thought that the Supreme Hall was just a group of Supreme, not even the emperor, nothing to fear,

But where do you want to go? At this time, the Supreme Hall was able to get out of two land gods!

This kind of power, coupled with the other bank, should surpass them.

Sure enough, Wandaocheng was hit again,

Death sneered again and again, and a big death hand fell.

The blood and blood of the people in the city rolled and life was lost. Are they going to die?

Lin Xuan roared, and he planned to use the dragon sword soul with all his strength,

One sword cut out, blocking the hand of death,

However, just a moment later, the big hand of death fell again,

Useless, Lin Wudi, you are just the same level invincible ~ ~ in front of the land fairy, you can't.

Damn it

Lin Xuan was angry: people and swords are one,

He rushed into the vein of the earth and merged with the soul of the big dragon sword, a terrifying dragon-shaped sword flew out, and cut a sword again

This sword, shattering the sky and slaying the stars, blocked the hand of death.

Death brow frowned tightly, the sword of the other side was really beyond his expectations,

However, you can cut a few swords,

Sure enough, Lin Xuan was separated from Dalong Sword Spirit, and all the power in his body was used up.

Fortunately, there is the power of the earth vein, otherwise, his power just now will be drained by the great dragon sword soul.

Little ant, you're offending me,

Grim Reaper took out the sickle, the huge sickle, turned into a death arc, and chopped it down.

Lin Xuan felt a cold breath: Can't he keep it?

At this time, a black hole appeared in the sky, devouring the power of the sword, and engulfing the death sickle,

Wine master!

Lin Xuan exclaimed,

The figure of Jiuxianxian emerged,

He had sensed it before the battle, but he was attacking the ancient city of Guixian,

He felt that the Divine Land should be able to carry it, so there was no support.

However, the appearance of the **** of **** unexpectedly, he had to withdraw from the front and come to support,

In the most critical moment, Lin Xuan and others were rescued.

Little guy, are you okay?

The winemaker asked,

Lin Xuan shook his head: It was too dangerous, he was almost destroyed.

You continue to collect this ancient city and plant your sword.

As for death, I help you stop it,

Jiujian Xianwang said to the **** of death: bullying my apprentice, what is it?

Have the ability to fight me,

After that, the vortex behind him exploded, swallowing the whole world,

Swallow it with death.

(End of this chapter)

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