Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6275: Join the other side

Inverse Sword God Chapter

In the era when Dragon Xiao became king, neither the Divine Land nor the other shore appeared.

Although there were people from the Divine Realm at the time, he came out and invited him, but he refused,

Since then, he has not been threatened or stressed.

The only pressure is to cultivate things, but he did a lot of layout.

But now it seems that many of his layouts are useless.

Although he has become a super emperor from the Great Emperor, he can already shatter the ancient times,

However, the horror on the other side and the realm of God is far beyond his imagination,

It turns out that there is a saying of the land fairy.

Brother, do n’t be discouraged. Those land gods are old monsters that have lived for tens of millions of years.

We have only lived for tens of thousands of years. In the future, we will surely become land gods.

Long You persuaded.

Long Xiaotian was silent because he knew it was too difficult to become a land fairy.

With the resources he currently has, it's hard to ascend to the sky.

So he made a decision: You, let's join the other side.

Long You was shocked after hearing: Brother, didn't you say that you don't want to be controlled?

Joining the other side, we have no freedom.

That ’s not necessarily, we did n’t really join in, we just wanted to find a big tree as a dependency,

This time, the other side, the battle with the God Realm was severely hit, and the strong were dead countlessly.

So he only needs new power now.

We joined, they should not refuse,

And after joining, we only aimed at Lin Wudi, and found a way to capture the big dragon sword soul from him.

Once we got it, we left the other side, and with the Dragon Soul of the Dragon, I can definitely become a land fairy.

Okay, everyone listens to me.

Long You nodded,

Next, the two people of Long Xiaotian stopped attacking the dragons, but went to the eternal land.

At this moment, the eternal land has been fully defended, and he cannot naturally enter.

He was stopped on the edge of the eternal land, Long Xiaotian explained the intention,

Was quickly put in,


There was a smile on the corner of Long Xiaotian's mouth,

I'm here on the other side.



At this moment, countless people gathered.

These people are all because of the mysterious and horrible shock before,

They want to find out if the amazing baby is born.

These people came from the family sects of the heavens and the world, and even the Supreme Palace and Yuhua Xian Dynasty.

They started to look around the world,

At this time, two figures flew in the distance,

A man wearing a purple dress and a purple jade crown, tall and mighty, handsome and extraordinary,

Beside him, followed by a beautiful woman,

Wearing a long purple dress with a sword in his hand,

Their presence attracted everyone's attention,

Who are these two people? It's strange. They come from a distance. Maybe they know something.

Suddenly, someone rushed up and said, "Stop, who's coming?" Do you know what baby is here?

This is a man with a thunderbolt shining all over. He is a Lei man.

Ahead, the sword king frowned: stupid outsider.

Kocho, you go to solve it,

After listening to the woman in purple, she came out,

In her eyes, there was a touch of coldness: the stopper died,

At this moment, there was a terrible sword in her body.

Suddenly, the whole void shook violently.

Everyone felt a creep.

This breath is terrible,

They are all stunned

I saw that this woman was very beautiful, but the breath on her body was extremely terrifying,

The Lei strong man's face changed: Little girl, just you? Still want to threaten me.

Extremely stupid, cut!

The woman in purple drank coldly, the long sword she held in her hand flew out, and was held by her jade hand,

Cut out with one sword,



Everyone just felt a flash of sword light,

Subsequently, a scream came, and the Lei tribe was split in half, and the body fell from the sky.

So fast sword,

Everyone was frightened, their scalp was numb, and they all backed away,

How terrible this Lei tribe is, they know it, with a devastating atmosphere,

But now, he was killed by one sword.

The mysterious woman who came here was really terrifying.

I'm disturbed

Forgive me, we were wrong.

A voice came, and then these people fled.

For a moment, it became extremely quiet.

The little girl in purple is walking back to the sword king,

Huang Lengheng said: Outsiders, it really is a cricket ant, really weak and poor,

He stepped a little, and the sword gas under his foot flashed again,

Turned into a flash of light,

He had only one purpose of this trip, and that was the Dragon Soul of the Dragon.

In the distance, the Supreme Hall, and the people of the Feathered Immortal Dynasty, are also shocked: terrible swordsmanship, never seen,

Is it possible that these two people came from Yuqing City?

Where are they going? Keep up to see

People from both sides followed in secret.

The little butterfly in front said: Boy, there is a small ant following in the back, is it cut off?

The sword emperor snorted: ignore them.

You go to Wandao City, and chop that Lin Xuan for me. I'll look elsewhere.

Now that I ’m here, let ’s take a look. How is this universe starry different?

The Sword Emperor is very arrogant, plus the outsiders he saw before, he thinks that Lin Xuan is just that

Perhaps the little butterfly next to him couldn't beat him, he didn't bother to care.


Kocho replied,

She then traveled to the city of One Thousand Swords.

Flying all the way, she was fast, like lightning, and finally came to the city of Manga.

However, at this moment she frowned tightly. To be honest, she was really shocked.

Because, at the moment, the ancient city is surrounded by endless swordsmanship, flying and dancing, gathering strength,

What a terrifying sword spirit,

Fluttershy was surprised,

To be honest, this way, some people greeted her beauty, wanted to talk to her, and was killed by her.

There are also people who want to grab the sword in her hands. As a result, she can't stop her.

Along the way, her evaluation of these outsiders is weak,

Too weak, no one can stop her sword,

So she despised 10 points in her heart,

However, when she came to this ancient city, she was shocked.

The sword spirit here made her feel a little creepy.

Except for their Sword God Palace, he hasn't seen any place yet, with such a terrifying sword spirit,

This is where? Isn't it Mandai?

Thinking of this, she whispered coldly: Mandadao City is ahead,

Several strong men appeared above the city wall, and they said in a cold voice: The city of ten thousand swords is over.

This city is now called Wanjian City. Who are you? What's coming?

Changed name!

As for the reasons for this, Kocho is not willing to delve into it, she is too lazy to bother,

She said loudly: Then I ask you, can Lin Xuan be in this ancient city?

You are looking for the son of Lin. The son is of course here. He is the defender of Wanjian City.

Are you there?

Little Butterfly's mouth raised: OK, you can let him out.

What are you looking for?

Kill him.

Several strong men above the city wall were stunned ~ ~ To be honest, they thought that this was Lin Xuan's friend,

After all, Lin Xuan ’s footprints are all over the world, and he is a friend of other worlds. Maybe

However, as soon as the words "kill him" came out, the people on the wall immediately became gloomy.

Are you an enemy, are you from the other side? Or a person of self-esteem?


A little pride emerged in Xiaodie's eyes: I came from the sword **** palace, let him out,

He doesn't deserve to own the Great Dragon Soul. This thing can only be owned by our Sword God Palace.

Jingu? never heard of that,

However, little girl, is too arrogant,

Above the city wall, two people killed,

For the enemy, they never stay.

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