Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6304: Knife

You see the battle will end soon, I said, it will not affect here,

The white robe figure spoke again.

This is a woman's voice, but she can't see her face clearly,


The white robe woman waved her hand. Suddenly, the three took Su Yu and disappeared into the sky.

When they left, several other powerful men were shocked.

What a terrible means, who are they? A young man asked,

The old man in a black robe was ugly, but who did he say? It does n’t matter, anyway, we do n’t know that woman,

Let ’s continue to cultivate this thing,

After speaking, they returned to their original positions one after another and began to cultivate.

Three days later, Daxueshan came again, this is a young figure, very handsome,

There was a breath of flame on him, which seemed to be able to melt, all the snowy mountains between heaven and earth,

He is Lin Xuan,

Lin Xuan turned into a flame and lightning, which was extremely fast, and rushed directly towards the Cold Mountain Hot Spring.

Because he's been here once, it's familiar at the moment.


Finally, he came to Hanshan Hot Spring.

The cast reincarnation was blinded, and looked overwhelmingly, taking a panoramic view of the entire hot spring.

Did not find Su Yu,

Is it possible that the other party is not here?

The few cultivating worldly powerful men below are frowning. Some people use their souls to investigate directly.

They looked up and saw a young figure standing in the sky,

Damn it

The blue shirt man was immediately angry.

A few days ago, there was a big war here that affected their cultivation,

Unexpectedly, now someone comes again, direct soul search,

This is simply not looking at them.

However, when he was about to get angry, he found that the soul in the sky was wiped out and disappeared.

Lin Xuan collected the soul and did not find Su Yu,

However, he discovered something,

Here is the breath of Su Yu, and the breath of fighting.

Someone was fighting Su Yu, and not so long ago.

Lin Xuan cast his reincarnation again, he landed down, and made a careful investigation.

There was indeed a fight, and more than one person had shot.

4 people!

Su Yu is probably in danger.

It seems that I can only ask.

He fluttered and walked forward.

A few, may I ask, was there a fight here a few days ago? How many have you seen?

Please also enlighten me.

Lin Xuan said, that was quite polite.

However, the three strong men across the face were cold.

Especially the man in blue shirt, it was a boy who snorted coldly. You used to show your soul.

Do you know the rules here?

Who allows you to cast your soul?

Lin Xuan frowned after hearing this, but soon he said sorry that I had something urgent, so I didn't pay attention.

Is this over? The blue shirt man does not spare,

Lin Xuan also frowned. He said what do you want?

He did search this area before, but did not search these people,

To be honest, it ’s not too rude,

However, this man in the blue shirt snorted me not much, and you can just pay one emperor classic.

Imperial scriptures!

That is how precious the emperor ’s practice is.

Take out one and put it in the heavens and the world, which will make countless powerful men crazy.

Even the Great Emperor, everyone practiced only one kind of imperial scripture,

Some are inherited by others, some are created by themselves,

But in any case, this is the secret of the emperor, how can it be given to others?

Put another request, Lin Xuan said.

Boy, are you with that woman?

Want to know the whereabouts of that woman?

Give me an emperor scripture, and I tell you her whereabouts,

The blue shirt man said with a smile,

Because he discovered that Lin Xuan is just a mid-level emperor.

Moreover, there was only one person, and he really didn't look at it.

Lin Xuan's face went down,

The other side's provocations repeatedly thought that he was a soft persimmon?

He sighed and I gave you one last chance to take back all your words.

I spare you once,


The blue shirt man laughs and spares me, just you?

Boy, do you know who I am?

Breeze Sword King, it's me!

When I swept the world, you were not born yet!

Now that you're looking for death, I'll do it for you, Lin Xuan said.

You are not worthy. The breeze knife sneered,

In his opinion, he did not need to pull a knife at all to deal with Lin Xuan.

Because he was a strong man in the late imperial realm,

Lin Xuan shook his head and sighed. Then I shot.

He lifted a finger and nodded forward, with a stern sword light emerging from his finger,

Like the same meteor,


Pointing out with one finger, the void was broken, and above the fingertips, Jianguang flew out and pierced the sky,

At this moment, the sky was falling apart, and the vast sword, like the ocean of swords, shrouded the front.

The three masters in the front, originally disdain,

, The other two, standing with negative hands, ready to watch a show,

However, when this point was pointed out, what kind of swordsmanship did their faces change?

So powerful, why is this young man so strange?

It completely surpassed its own cultivation.

The breeze sword emperor is getting better and stronger!

He did not dare to carelessly, roared loudly, the breeze on his body instantly condensed to form a battle armor,

Then he shook his hands, and the hurricane in his hands condensed into a mad sword.

Killed in the past.


The sword and the sword collided, shaking the earth,

But soon, the sword was torn by endless sword gas,

The sky's sword shadow rushed on the blue wind sword emperor,

The Qingfeng Daohuang was beaten back and hit the Daxue Mountain Peak. He crushed the Daxue Mountain Peak.

And he was nailed into the void, his body was penetrated by 3000 swords.

The blood of the sword emperor dripped, pierced through the sky,

The miserable voice made the scalp numb.

Lin Xuan looked at this scene and said coldly that he had warned you long ago and asked you to take back what you said before, but you refused to listen.

In this case, take your own consequences.

The other two masters in the world took a breath of cold air, and they did not expect that Lin Xuan was so powerful.

The opponent can challenge the challenge.

This is a demon.

Lin Xuan walked forward,

Qingfeng Daohuang's frightened body shivered, and he said that two Taoist friends helped me, we shot together and took this kid

However, the other two were silent, and they not only ignored him,

Instead took a few steps back ~ ~ to say that this matter has nothing to do with us.

How did this happen?

Qingfeng Daohuang was stunned,

He has been here for hundreds of years, and has long been friends with two other people.

Originally thought that the three could fight with the enemy,

But where I want it, this is not the case at all.

Lin Xuan raised his mouth, he looked at the Qingfeng Daohuang and said now he can tell me, what happened before?

Who took that fairy away?

Say, I say, I tell you all!

The blue wind sword trembled in fear,

He never dared to have the slightest arrogance anymore, and told everything he saw.

. ()

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