Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6462: Kim God!

These white bones are extremely scary, the ancient strong,

Although dead, the power on her body still has not disappeared,

They are united together in horror,

However, at this moment, such a terrible strong man even kneels easily,

Where is that golden flame like figure sacred?

Could it be that this is the God of Jinwu?

Qin Shi, who had been silent, suddenly said,

After the others listened, they took a breath.

The ghost fairy shrank his pupils. The 9 Jinwu strong men in his hands are no longer a land fairy.

The golden figure in front of me is a real land fairy,

And the gods of the Jinwu tribe,

It's no wonder that his bone bones are black and bow to the other side.

Damn, restrained? Guixian is extremely unwilling.

The **** of gold.

On the other side, Lin Xuan took a deep breath, and he could feel that his Jiuyang body was shaking,

Both are flame-like bodies.

Of course, Lin Xuan is still only the realm of the emperor. Once he becomes a land fairy, his body will be absolutely terrible.

But now, there seems to be more important things to do,

That is to leave here and continue to the summit,

The two people in front seemed to stop the way,

After the Jinwu God came out, the wings behind him spread out, covering the sky and blocking the sky and earth.

The woman in black on the other side, the thousand paper cranes in her hand also kept dancing, blocking the other world.

The two shot and cut the road.

Just two land gods? If you want to stop us, you can't help but think of us.

Sirius snorted coldly.

Xuan Yin also sneered, everyone, depending on your ability,

Having said that, he took the person from Prince 7 and rushed quickly.

In the right eye, the light appeared,

A purple hammer emerged and fell fiercely,

With a purple thunder on it, it can penetrate the world,

After he started, those other people also started to do it.

In their opinion, the number of land gods far exceeds each other, and there should be no problem.

However, things are not like this,

The golden light power and the cold power of the woman in black, the two are perfectly integrated.

Yin Yang Power!

This strength combined and multiplied, even blocking the sky's attack.



The immortals of all walks are crazy.

How could it be increased several times?

They couldn't believe it.

We go too. Lin Xuan also gave a low drink, he rushed over with Xinger and others,

On Lin Xuan, a terrible flame emerged,

Da Ri did not annihilate his palm and flew out,

He killed a thousand paper cranes for a long time,

In the previous battles, he could see that the thousand paper cranes were afraid of flames, and his Jiuyang Shenhuo was equally terrible.

Sure enough, the thousand paper cranes around them shook violently.

Jiuyang Excalibur,

Lin Xuan sighed coldly, and the big dragon sword flew out, with a strong flame power, turned into a sword of light, severely cut off.

Thousands of paper cranes in front of it fly out,

He killed a blood path,

But at this time, on the other side, the power of the God of Jinwu also flew over,

Large golden palms covered the sky, blocking the fire dragon.

A bang, Lin Xuan, they were shocked,

Shoot together.

Lin Xuan whispered,

Xing Er nodded and took out a semi-artifact sword,

The sky is full of black light.

At the same time, the jersey on his body also exploded in power.

The power of this artifact and semi-artifact is stronger than before,

Because Xing'er was just a king before, but now he is a super emperor.

She has more power to mobilize.

The Queen Queen also shot,

The Dark Red Dragon is also playing.

However, the sword is nameless. At the moment, there is nothing to help. He can only helplessly stay in the formation of the dark red dragon.

Damn, my strength is still too weak, if I return to the top, I can fight.

The Queen Emperor shone extremely terribly, her palms lifted, and the dazzling fire of flames beat above her palms.

They cooperate with a terrible 10 points.

It's not just them, the others are doing the same.

The war broke out and everyone wanted to kill a way

However, the cooperation between the God of Black and Black and the woman in black is perfect.

The two seem to merge into one,

The power of light and darkness erupts constantly, engulfing everything like the sea,

Everyone seems to be involved.

Damn, what exactly is this? Sirius growled wildly, he felt the pressure,

Yunxian also frowned tightly,

Her yoke gang just doesn't seem to work here.

The same is true of the ghost fairy,

Xuanyin snorted, his left eye glowed, and a shield, zoomed in, blocked him.

The shield has endless starlight, road patterns, intertwined with each other,

Exuding a mysterious breath, he blocked the paw of the God of Jinwu,

Making a terrifying sound,

At the same time, the purple thunder hammer in his hand killed the woman in black fiercely.

Useless, others saw this scene, shook his head slightly,

They used to attack it before, but it did n’t work.

However, this time, there have been changes.

When Xuanyin started, another black figure rushed over quickly,

This black figure was like black lightning. Killed the woman in black directly,

Thousands of paper cranes are constantly broken,

The ancient coffin of the woman in black was shaking violently,

The sky was falling apart, as if it could not bear this force.

What is it, terrible breath,

Those around are creepy,

Even Lin Xuan changed his face, his pupils shrank, and the samsara eyes burst into a terrible light.

This breath is so familiar.

Damn it's impossible, how could that guy be here?

And he didn't find it before?

Lin Xuan was too surprised.

Great, successful, Xuanyin's mouth raised a smile, this is his nirvana,

Surprisingly, others couldn't take it anymore,

Even if the woman in black is no matter how strong, I'm afraid I can't resist it.

There was a roaring sound ahead,

The world is broken.

Avenue is roaring.

Woman's black hair flutters. It seems a little embarrassed ~ ~ However, she still blocked the attack,

Behind the woman in black and the God of Jinwu, a picture appeared, slowly rotating.

This is an extremely mysterious picture, such as the fish of yin and yang.

When everyone saw this scene, they all exclaimed,

Yin Yang map? They even control the power of Yin and Yang.

No wonder they joined forces, the power can be improved several times

The power of Yin and Yang is equally terrible. Everyone is envious and afraid,

On the other side, Lin Xuan was gloomy,

He stared deadly at the dark figure,

Black sky.

The other party actually appeared here!

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