Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6501: Yin Yang World

Inverse Sword God Chapter

Next, Lin Xuan began to recover fully,

A month later, his strength returned to its peak,

Taking a deep breath, Lin Xuan began to take out the gossip and the mirror of the sky.

The two started to merge,

In the end, the gossip was merged into the mirror of the sky, and a fake gossip mirror was temporarily formed.

Dalong Sword Spirit said: Although the power is not as good as the real gossip mirror, it should be able to find the Taiji ancient coffin with the power of gossip.

Next, Lin Xuan walked out of the ancient land. After he came out, he hid in the void and carefully looked around.

He found that no one was around.

This is good news for him,

He turned into a sword light and flew into the depths,

The imitation gossip mirror in my hand shines a mysterious light,

Lin Xuan felt that a mysterious atmosphere seemed to be calling gossip,

Great, it should be the place where the ancient coffin of Tai Chi is located,

Lin Xuan flew all the way,

During this period, he encountered many souls in the burial ground and fought.

The weak one was spiked by him with one sword,

However, he met a powerful man,

Originally Lin Xuan was not afraid of the other party,

However, he didn't want to alarm other land fairies,

In case it is caught by Master Qin again, it will be troublesome,

So he avoided the blow,

It took him about 10 days.

Next, it went smoothly.

Finally, Lin Xuan stopped,

In front, there is a mysterious breath,

Lin Xuan could sense that the gossip mirror in his hand started to turn,

Is this here?

Lin Xuan was extremely surprised. He carried out the reincarnation eye exploration, and he found that even in the reincarnation eye, he could not see any abnormality in the front.

There is a valley ahead, there is nothing in the valley,

In the eyes of other warriors, this should be a very ordinary valley, and no one would care.

But the gossip mirror in his hand told him that things are here.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Xuan punched forward, and a black hole appeared in the valley.

However, nothing else emerged,

Lin Xuan frowned tightly, he exhaled again, and found that he was not,

Dalong said: Use the power of gossip mirror.

Lin Xuan nodded after hearing, he urged the gossip mirror, and suddenly, the gossip mirror bloomed, forming a gossip picture,

Rotate between heaven and earth,

The mysterious atmosphere of terror emerged, and the whole valley was shaking slightly,

The air ahead is also shaking,

Then a door to space appeared.

The door of this space is so mysterious that it just floats in the void,


When Lin Xuan saw this scene, he was glad,

He fluttered in shape,

After entering, the door of space disappeared immediately, as if never before,

On the other side, Lin Xuan was shocked.

He came in through the door of space. After entering, he was extremely surprised.

Because he found out that this is a world,

Surrounded by a terrible yin and yang atmosphere, this is like a yin and yang world.

very scary,

Lin Xuan was shocked. He looked for 4 weeks. Around him, he found that his soul seemed to be suppressed.

Lin Xuan urged the gossip mirror, shot a light, and flew into the distance,

The next moment, he found endless Yin and Yang Qi and Blood rolling, Lin Xuan saw a dark shadow.

It turned out to be a palace, the terrible Tai Chi palace,

The yin and yang atmosphere above, constantly spinning, is extremely mysterious.

The ancient coffin of yin and yang should be in this palace,

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and was extremely happy,

Finally, let him find it,

He walked forward.

However, he frowned quickly,

Because he found that the yin and yang here is extremely terrifying,

With great pressure, his body shook slightly.

Lin Xuan has the power of land fairy level,

Even here he feels very stressed,

I am afraid that the people under the land fairy come in and die instantly.


Lin Xuan snorted, took out the Xianxian Sword, and chopped it out.

The sword is like a dragon, sweeping all directions with the power of horror.

The yin and yang power ahead seemed to be annihilated, and cracks appeared.

Lin Xuan raised his mouth,

However, at this time, the power of those yin and yang reunited and swallowed the sword energy,

Lin Xuan frowned slightly. He relied on the sword energy and walked forward,

However, the speed is very slow.

Lin Xuan snorted and turned into a dragon,

A Shenlong, open his teeth to dance between heaven and earth, faster.

However, there is still great resistance.

I can imagine how horrible the power here is,

Even the land fairy can have headaches.

Finally, Lin Xuan came forward.

The yin and yang atmosphere ahead is even more horrible. This temple, like the yin and yang temple, stands between heaven and earth.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, cut it out with a sword, turned into a green dragon, and rushed forward.

When the sound of earth-shattering sounded, the sword was chopped on the yin and yang temple, making a trembling sound.

However, it did not break open,

Moreover, the blue dragon was blown out and re-formed into sword energy, dissipating between heaven and earth.

Lin Xuan frowned tightly,

He snorted and took out the big dragon tip,

Suddenly the world broke down, and the yin and yang power of 4 weeks was suppressed.

The power of the Great Dragon Sword erupted completely, the palm of Lin Xuan turned into the claws of the dragon, and fell down fiercely.

Bang Bang Bang,

The power this time, even more horrible, can break the world,

However, it still did n’t open,

Lin Xuan retracted his palm and frowned tightly: didn't he?

He couldn't open it with the power of the big dragon sword.

What should I do? Can it be done, can't he get in?

The treasure is right in front of him, but he can't enter, which makes me feel uncomfortable,

At this time, Dalong said: Boy, do n’t attack it, find a way to fuse it,

You have a Taiji chart, use your Taiji chart and gossip.

Lin Xuan nodded when he heard it, he took a deep breath, his palm was printed, and a Tai Chi picture appeared in his palm.

Rush forward,

Constant rotation, blooming mysterious yin and yang atmosphere,

Lin Xuan's other hand took out a fake gossip mirror,

It was formed by the fusion of the sky mirror and gossip,

At this moment ~ ~ The gossip figure flew out from the mirror of the sky, and merged with the Yin and Yang figure of Lin Xuan,

It covers the outside of the Tai Chi diagram and forms Tai Chi gossip.

Lin Xuan displayed Taiji gossip, and a mysterious atmosphere appeared on her body.

At this moment, he is like the same god,


Taking a deep breath, he walked forward,

This time, the terrible yin and yang temple opened the door slowly,

The sound of booming sounded, the door of the temple opened,

Lin Xuan was surprised: is it okay?


It seems that the power of Taiji is the same.

Taking a deep breath, he walked in quickly.

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