Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6698: Get power? (three)

Inverse Sword God Chapter

The people from the Balong family are very excited,

The Patriarch said: You can try it next.

Long Batian came out and said, I am going to try.

Seeing that some people from the Dragons came out, those people in Qin Guangcheng sneered.

Really undead,

We ca n’t even crack it, let alone you,

It ’s useless even if you are dragons,

They look disdainful,

Dragon Batian didn't bother.

He took a deep breath and walked towards the second mountain,

Dragon tyrants are the top geniuses of the tyrants, and the younger generation in the dragon world is the most powerful.

Moreover, Long Bawang has begun to understand all characters long ago.

In an instant, Dragon King came to the second mountain,

Ahead, the Dragon Horn Man appeared again,

He looked at Dragon King and said: Take out all your strength.


Dragon tyrant growled in the sky, his body kept growing, as if painted a tyrannosaurus.

His fist, like the peerless mountain, blasted forward fiercely,

For a moment, the whole mountain shook violently.

The void above is constantly broken,

This blow was really too strong, so those people in Qin Guangcheng changed their faces.

The genius of this Dragon tribe is too ordinary, and its future achievements are limitless.

Dragons really have a lot of genius.

Faced with such a terrible attack, the opposite Dragon Horn man still did not dodge and let the punch hit him.

The next moment, some cracks appeared on him, spreading around,

But soon, under the power of mystery, these cracks recovered instantly,

The fist of Dragon King was also repelled,

The dragon horn man said: No, the strength is not enough, too weak.

Dragon Overlord Roar, Dragon Dragon Fist!

His fists kept waving.

For a moment, thousands of fists, like meteorites, shot forward.

Cover the dragon horn man.

The dragon horn man did not dodge at all, but constantly exerted the power of the characters.

Some mysterious sword qi appeared on him, and these sword qi bloomed.

Wherever he went, the rift in his body recovered quickly,

Seeing this, Dragon King, his eyes widened.

In his eyes, a terrible light broke out,

He stared at the sword gas deadly,

This is the power of all characters, and more terrifying than he controls,

So he quickly realized,

He was not attacking.

Those people in Qin Guangcheng were stunned. What is this kid doing?

Can you give up?

But he was in there, didn't he delay time?

Boy, get out of me!

The strong men of the Tianhuangdian roared wildly.

Dragon Overlord ignored them at all, which made them crazy.

Damn kid, come out to make you look good!

They are murderous,

Gradually, the second heavy mountain, the Dragon Horn man frowned,

Are you feeling my power?


He snorted, waved his sleeves, and the power of a row of mountains suddenly flew out,

This power is really too strong, making countless people feel panic and despair,

Can the Dragon Horn man from the second mountain also shoot?

Beyond their expectations,

Dragon Overlord couldn't escape, and was hit by this blow,

He flew backwards, his body was covered with cracks, and his internal organs were severely damaged.

Almost killed him,

When I saw this scene, the people of the Balong clan exclaimed: No, young master!

They are extremely nervous,

Won't be spiked?

Other dragons are also dignified,

Qin Guangcheng's people laughed, stupid things,

Enrage this guardian, it's better to be killed in seconds,

I do n’t think Dragon Ball is so arrogant.

They are proud.


The dragon tyrant fell to the foot of the mountain, vomiting blood in large mouth, his face was ugly,

Qin Guangcheng shook his head and sighed after seeing him, did he die?

The people in Tianhuangdian said that they were seriously injured and almost died.

Dragon King, immediately exerted the power of all characters, with some mysterious runes on him,

These runes are very vague, but as soon as they appear, the cracks on Dragon Overlord quickly recover.

This surprised Qin Guangcheng's people,

This is impossible,

Damn, how could this kid have such a strong recovery power?

Are all the dragon babies on him?

Their envious eyes are red,

The Dragon King roared, rushed again, and killed the Dragon Horn man.

It didn't take long for him to slap him again, and there were more cracks in his body.

He continued to recover with all characters.

Once, twice, three times,

He is always falling, but his character is getting stronger and stronger, and his recovery speed is getting faster and faster.

In the end, the land fairy on the side of Qin Guangcheng also found the situation.

The Red Blood Chief said: No, he has a problem,

The great ancestor of the wild, also blooms with its cold light in his eyes,

He said, don't you think the speed of recovery of this young man is very similar to that of the dragon horn man?

As soon as this word came out, everyone in Qin Guangcheng changed his face. What?

Could it be possible that he already has this power?

Although they have only gone to the Liangshan Mountains, they also understand that they have a mysterious power.

The first heavy mountain seems to be able to control weapons.

The second mountain is the power of rapid recovery.

These two forces, even the land fairy, are extremely jealous.

Now, Dragon King has shown its power to recover quickly,

Is it possible that the opponent has already received the power of Erzhong Mountain?

They cannot believe

Even a few land gods are murderous.

Almost, come back.

The Patriarch hurriedly said,

After listening to Long Batian, he tried again, and then he returned.

As soon as he returned, the strong men of the Dragon race rushed forward to protect it,

Subsequently, the Balong family sent two elders to go one after another.

These two elders are also able to recover from injuries,

After a big battle, they also had a new understanding of the word "Zizi", and they recovered faster than before.

Damn it's impossible,

Moon magic fairy, this moment is a bit embarrassing,

Is it possible that the power of the second mountain can be infinitely obtained?

No, they are ready to act,

An elder of Yuemofu rushed in and was beaten to death with a slap.

Tianhuangdian sent a strong man and fell directly into it,

Qin Guangcheng's people are crazy,

Damn, why, why didn't their strongmen go in without this power to recover?

Why can the dragons!

When the people in Longjie saw this scene ~ ~ they sneered,



Still want to fight with us?

This is Dragon World after all, we are the masters here,

Get out.

The geniuses of the Dragons sneered.

Find something dead. Several land gods on the side of Qin Guangcheng were shaking with anger.

On the other side, the Dark Red Dragon said, boy, wouldn't you go?

This power is mysterious,

Lin Xuan squinted and said: no rush, wait a moment,

Although Long Batian and others recovered faster, Lin Xuan felt that the opponent still did not get the power of the second mountain.

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