Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6868: True God! Dan Huang (3)

Linghumo, they quickly checked the token again, they felt a strong breath on it, and a unique sign of moving the mountain.

This should not be fake,

The next moment, they returned the token, and then said: Meet the Mad God, I do n’t know, Mad God Shen is a senior?

They don't understand what is the relationship between the two parties? Could it be a disciple?

Lin Xuan said faintly: be a friend, let's go, go into the city, I want to take a rest, and then prepare to participate in the auction,

Hearing these words, these people of the Linghu family were stunned: they are friends, what is going on?

They were very puzzled.

What's wrong with the other person's tone? Are they really taken for granted?

Damn it.

Especially Ling Humin, her face immediately seemed difficult to look at, she just wanted to say something, but was caught by the brother next to her,

Ling Humin suppressed the anger in her heart, she asked: Mad God, you and Senior Shen are friends, then your formation must be very powerful,

Can you give us some pointers?

Lin Xuan gave her a glance, and shook her head and said: I'm afraid I'm disappointed. I'm not a matrix mage. I can only say that the level is normal.

I'm afraid I can't guide you disciples of the formation family.

Lin Xuan did not make a mistake,

The martial arts have been studied by warriors, but the level can be different.

Generally speaking, the power of formation is very powerful only if it is a specialized formation mage.

Lin Xuan has also studied the formation method before, which is stronger than ordinary demigods and land gods.

However, if you compare it to the Zhenfa family, or to the master of the earth, it is simply not enough.

Lin Xuan's solution is very simple.

It's not the crack of other people at all,

So he can't teach others,

After hearing this, the faces of the Linghu family changed their faces: what? The young man in front of him is a guy who does n’t know how to form.

Are you kidding me?

With contempt in their eyes, they have begun to look down on each other,

If it weren't for the token, they would just shake their heads and leave.

But even if they didn't leave, their tone was still cold for three minutes, Ling Humin whispered: Senior Shen, what are you doing?

Why send such a guy here?

Forget it, he is holding Senior Shen's token, let's entertain him well, don't conflict with him, because Senior Shen is standing behind him,

We are not giving him face,

It ’s for senior Shen ’s face,

Several people took a deep breath and were not angry anymore. They took Lin Xuan and walked towards Tianlei City.

After Lin Xuan came in, she looked curiously for 4 weeks. The Thunder Road power above Thunder City was really scary enough.

This should be the true **** of Lei Yan, an ancient city built by himself. The thunder power above is the true **** of Lei Yan, with a strong breath.

Lin Xuan can see that the mysterious rune on the wall, the true **** of Lei Yan, should be cultivating the magic fire.

Maybe something can be felt from above,

After all, his Jiuyang deity is also a **** of fire.

These people in the Linghu family have a look of contempt. If Lin Xuan is a Array Master, they are more awesome.

However, the opponent is not even a mage. They didn't see it at all.

Look at the other person ’s cultivation, demigod,

Too bad

Suddenly, Linghu Min laughed: Do n’t read it, this is arranged by the true God, you ca n’t understand, do n’t waste time,

Wait until you become a land fairy first.

For these words, Lin Xuan ignored it, he was too lazy to pay attention to it.

I'm afraid these people don't understand what it means to be a leapfrog.

Not to know what it means to go against the sky.

Dead face guy,

Seeing Lin Xuan ignored, he was still staring at the thunder fire forces around him, and kept watching.

Ling Humin poked his lips,

Linghu Mo, who was next to him, said: Sister, then things will be easy to handle. Doesn't he like face? Then we give him enough face,

Let ’s go to Fei Xian Ge and let him feel what is the top treatment.

Take care of him, senior Shen will know, and will be very happy,

At that time, maybe we can point us at it.

After a few discussions, they decided to go to Fei Xian Ge.

The so-called Fei Xian Ge is a place to talk about martial arts and rest.

However, the specifications of Feixian Pavilion are very high. It is built directly into the sky.

You know, in the sky of Thunder City, there is a powerful thunder force. Most people fly to a certain height and are afraid to go.

Going up, it will lead to a thunder-level thunder, no one dares to compete,

However, this Feixian Pavilion is different. This is the only one that can fly in the sky.

Naturally attracted countless people.

Around the Feitian Pavilion, there are flowers of Thunder. These flowers are crystal clear and blue.

The arc above beats, very dreamy,

However, it is very dangerous, everyone dares to watch from a distance,

But even so, it is already very pleasing to the eye.

A group of people took Lin Xuan to the front of Feitian Pavilion.

Linghu Min said: I have n’t seen it. I saw it for the first time. After I went in, I looked at it and ate it.

It's all our Linghu family.

She has completely regarded Lin Xuan as a country guy. It is estimated that this guy has little knowledge.

Lin Xuan was speechless: What's so good about this Feixiange is far worse than the Shinto runes of the true gods around him.

Lin Xuan glanced twice and stopped paying attention. Instead, he was very interested in the Thunder Flowers around him. He even wanted to pick one.

Seeing this scene, Ling Humo quickly pulled Lin Xuan and entered the Fei Xian Pavilion. If this caused a thunder and came down to the throne of true gods, they would be dead.

After entering, there are not many people inside. Those who can come here are all powerful geniuses.

The Linghu family is also one of them.

Immediately after coming in, someone greeted me: it was the genius of the Linghu family ~ ~ It's a rare visitor, you haven't been here for a long time,

Linghu Mo laughed: I've been studying formations recently, so I haven't had time.

is it? Those few formations must have become stronger again.

The middle-aged woman laughed and invited several people in,

At the same time, she also said: Yes, Dan Huang is also here. Would you like to meet?

Oh, is Dan Huang also here?

Linghu Mo exclaimed,

Linghu Min was excited with a look: Brother Dan was also here. It was so nice that I wanted to see him.

Several please,

The middle-aged woman leads the way. Although Feixian Pavilion is only a pavilion, it is extremely vast inside, just like a fairyland on earth.

There is a waterfall in front of it, which fell from the void, like the Jiutian Galaxy Waterfall. The surrounding area is even more immortal.

There was a young man there, with his back to the crowd, drinking there,

Beside him, there was a Dan furnace, which was surrounded by a light cloud.

Brother Dan.

The voice of Ling Humin cheering from behind.

In front of him, the man turned his head, and a handsome smile was raised at the corner of his mouth: It turned out to be Miner. It's been a long time since I've been away.

Oops, it ’s so boring to practice the array, how is it like Brother Dan Huang, you can refine the elixir if you eat it,

I wish I was a pharmacist.

Dan Huang laughed after listening,

You girl, how can alchemy be so easy.

After that, he looked up at Linghu Mo again, nodding slightly,

Who is this?

When he looked at Lin Xuan, he slightly hesitated,

He found that Lin Xuan was standing there with extraordinary temperament,

A look of the world.

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