Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6893: Protoss vs Fairy! (One)

When I heard this, I kept laughing.

Yin Mengyao also continued to bid,

Because they want to understand the truth, what is happening here will be known to all worlds, 9 days and 10 places,

If Bai Fengyun shots because of this matter, I'm afraid it can't stand up.

At that time, the reputation of this white **** family will plummet.

Because the other teacher is unknown,

The other side is bullying, even if it is a protoss, it is impossible to bully people like this.

After all, there are more than just white gods in this universe.

I ’m really anxious, Xu Tianxiong, these immortal people can completely attach themselves to the Wushuangxian clan and compete with the white gods

Wanting to understand this, they no longer fear anything,

Anyway, it is fair competition.

Damn, you look for death,

Bai Rulong is crazy,

Originally thinking that after moving out of the name of the Protoss, he could scare these people, and then he easily took away Tiandi Baoyu,

But now it seems impossible

Abominable Xu Tianxiong, you are waiting.

Even if you want to use the family name to scare others, the face of the protoss has made you lose it.

Just then, a cold humming sounded,

Everyone is crazy: Who is this? Is this teaching Bai Rulong?

who is it?

Bai Rulong growled even more: Do you want to die?

The divine power in him permeated,

Everyone just felt that there was a pair of white eyes between heaven and earth, looking down at them.

This Bai Rulong is really crazy, dare to do it at the auction?

In the other VIP room, a voice of cold wind came: Do you think I am afraid of you?

The voice fell, the whole world shook, the phantom of all white eyes was blocked,

I have no pair of immortals, who have n’t been afraid yet,

Even if it ’s your ancestor, the ranking is only second.

My ancestor of Wushuangxian tribe, ranked first,

We are number one on the God List,

Hong Liang's voice sounded in the sky, everyone knew who was talking,

It is Lu Wuque, a **** son from the Wushuang fairy clan. The opponent is indeed qualified to challenge Bai Rulong

Both of them are extremely extraordinary.

Is the master of the Protoss and the Immortal,

The two fairies were fighting, the others could only look up.

Damn Lu Wucai,

Bai Rulong gritted his teeth, but he could not take the other side, the other side was not afraid of him,

He can only continue to bid,

1 million catties of Jingjing,

Obviously, he intends to make a final decision.

The people around were shocked. This price was once crazy before.

That really shocked the audience,

I heard it for the second time,

They are still shocked,

Do you have to make a final decision?

Obviously, this time it is impossible,

Everyone was crazy, but Tiandi Baoyu was more important than the blood of Mengling.

1.1 million catties of Jingjing,

Lu Wuque continued to speak: I am determined to get this thing, you can bid as you want,

If you can get this thing, I lose,

He has infinite confidence.

Having said that, but Yi Mengyao, Xu Tianxiong, never die, they have not given up,

Coupled with Bai Rulong, it was anxious to jump,

The price climbed all the way, reaching 1.5 million catties,

This price has far exceeded the blood of Mengling.

Without hesitating in this life, I can see the fairy fights in this life.

It is estimated that since then, such a scene has not been seen for a long time,

Many people are amazed.

As the true Son of God looked at this scene, his mouth raised,

He was in a very good mood, and even hummed.

To be honest, as the true God, many people look forward to his shot,

However, he did not take any action.

Because it is not necessary,

This thing was specially released by his father, and definitely has a purpose.

His father got this emperor ’s jade pendant and studied it for a long time, but he could n’t absorb the above power.

I do n’t understand the above powers,

After all, there is too much difference between Tiandi and True God.

However, the true **** of Lei Yan is not vegetarian. He can cultivate to become a true god. He is definitely the top power in the world.

He researched something else,

He couldn't do these things himself,

So he made a round,

Auction this Tiandi Baoyu.

What the true Son of God has to do is stare on the side, don't be surprised.

In their plan, this thing is best left in the hands of Wushuangxian or Baishen.

Then their plan can be carried out smoothly.

Now it is indeed as they hoped. Lu Wuchuang and Bai Rulong both drew red eyes and vowed not to end.

The other people, although there is hope, but I am afraid they can't laugh to the end,

In the end, this thing still has to fall into the hands of the Protoss, or the Immortal,

How could this true Son of God be unhappy?

This feeling of taking advantage of a fisherman cannot be appreciated by others.

the other side.

Yin Mengyao's face was ugly, Xu Tianxiong and the old immortal, also frowned tightly,

To this extent, they have little power, I am afraid they will,

Price again, and if they don't get it, they give up.

Do n’t fight, fight in the end, it ’s futile, because I love this thing,

It belongs to me, no one can argue!

There was another sound.

Everyone is stunned, who is this? So arrogant, don't look at the gods and fairies ~ ~ crazy.

Bai Rulongqi's jumping foot: Who is it? Want to die?

His eyes are like arrows, covering the whole world,

Soon, he stared at someone: it was you!

How could he not know Lin Xuan?

Lin Xuan just took the blood of Mengling. The previous writing was very large.

Makes Bai Rulong very dissatisfied,

In this world, only he can be arrogant,

This kid dares to be arrogant in front of him.

For the last day of Emperor Baoyu, he didn't do it before, and he didn't expect that this guy jumped out again,

Can't wait to die?

Mad God, do you want to die?

Bai Rulong sang coldly,

After hearing those around, they also exclaimed and turned around,

This kid again,

They all looked at Lin Xuan. They were dizzy for a while, and this guy jumped out again. He still had to fight.

He has already given out 1 million catties before. Is he still rich?

Surely not, even if this kid is a protoss, it is impossible for him to take out so many gods.

Look at it, he will be miserable in the end,

Some people sneer,

There are also some people shaking their heads: don't say so early, I'm afraid the story will reverse and I'm afraid of being beaten.

You can pull it down so that it can be reversed and I will eat the table.

Don't talk about the table, I can eat your shoes,

These people sneer again and again,

They are followers of the Protoss and Immortals, and naturally they are not optimistic about Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan ignored these people in the slightest. He sat there with a smile and said: 2 million catties of Jingjing,

You bid whatever you want,

If you can take Tiandi Baoyu from me, I think you win.

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