Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6930: Create Kendo! Lead crisis!

When Lin Xuan saw this, the whole person was stunned.

It ’s incredible that Tianshi has something to do with Jiutian.

The mysterious pole of nine days has never appeared, only exists in the legend,

Some even think that it is just a legend,

Is myth,

It ’s absolutely impossible.

Does the Supreme Master ’s arrest of the Heavenly Master have anything to do with this legend?

Is the other party looking for nine days of power?

Lin Xuan didn't know,

According to records, the vast majority of array masters do not believe this statement,

There are other situations, son, you see this scroll.

Lin Xuan took another file and opened it for viewing. It also recorded some news.

These are the heavenly masters that appeared before, some experiences, and some rumors that disappeared,

Someone found that before the Master disappeared, a scale appeared on his body, a dark green scale,

After such scales appeared, the Master even went mad, and then disappeared.

Zhou Tianshi, this has not happened before, but was taken away by people, suppression,

It seems that there should be other reasons, but Shen Cangsheng couldn't detect it.

Lin Xuan learned something about Tianshi, but he still didn't know about the whereabouts of Zhou Tianshi and the real secret of Tianshi

The previous two speculations are also inferences, but for Lin Xuan, it is still very helpful.

He closed the two files and said, "Thank you very much, and I will take back the information.

He is going to get back to the realm of God, and do some research.

Prince Lin, you're welcome,

Shen Cangsheng said: If the son is not in a hurry, he can wait here for a few more days,

There is another news that is coming back. That news may be helpful to the son.

Lin Xuan was surprised, he asked, and soon he understood,

It turned out that Shen Cangsheng had several ways to search for news about Tianshi.

One of them did not return,

However, the message has been passed, and we are coming back,

5 days in short, half a month in long,

Can reach.

Hearing that there was news to come, Lin Xuan was delighted, and it was not too bad at this moment anyway,

Therefore, Lin Xuan lived here, and just happened to feel the difference.

Hearing that Lin Xuan was willing to stay here, Shen Cangsheng was also extremely happy,

He took Lin Xuan and walked around the family of the division,

Along the way, keep explaining.

Lin Xuan was surprised after hearing this: The division family in this area is really full of formations. Foreigners come in and they will be touched if they are not careful

At that time, it will be wiped out,

The disciples of the Shen family were even more surprised. They were more curious about Lin Xuan's identity.

How sacred is this young man? How could they make their patriarch pay so much attention?

Before, they had learned that Lin Xuan was not a protoss and immortal,

This makes them even more confused.

Who is that?

Is it related to immortality?

They guessed their heads and couldn't guess.

After 5 days, that team has not arrived yet,

Everyone was not in a hurry. Even Lin Xuan practiced in the Shen family.

He is practicing Tao,

Although he has two swords, Lin Xuan also hopes to create his own magical powers.

The anti-sword technique was created by himself,

Including three consecutive cuts against the sky, one sword flying outside the sky, one sword breaking through the mountains and rivers,

Today, Lin Xuan is preparing to combine the two ritual arrays, and then create a great skill in the anti-sky sword technique, one sword into Tai Chi.

No one bothered him,

In my mind, the phantom of countless wars emerged,

He fought all the way, sweeping the Quartet, after many peerless wars,

Lin Xuan will feel in these wars,

Create his Kendo,

On the other side, Shen Cangsheng received a message,

His study, a small array, flashed out,

This is a matrix method for transmitting messages.

On the formation, a pigeon appeared,

The pigeon rose into the air and flew in the air, his claws fell down, a scroll, appeared instantly,

When he saw this scroll, Shen Cangsheng's face changed.

This is a black scroll,

This color means that things are very urgent,

Is it possible, what's wrong?

He waved his hand, grabbed the black scroll, opened it,

Inside, there are only two words.


This is the team that went out. It was the team that was looking for the Heavenly Master.

Is it possible that someone is attacking them?

who is it?

Shen Cangsheng immediately changed his face,

If it was ordinary, he might send the elders in the family,

But this team is very important for the clues to Heavenly Master.

Therefore, Shen Cangsheng was ready to do it himself.

He stood up, waved his sleeves, and in the study, a few arrays lit up.

There is a mirror of formations floating in front of him,

Shen Cangsheng said coldly: Where is the third team? Looking for their spatial coordinates,

The mirror of the law kept blooming, and soon a scene emerged from it.

It was a relatively desolate mountain range. There were no crowds. Even the monsters were few.

Start the space matrix method,

Now that he has found the place where the other party is, Shen Cangsheng didn't hesitate.

A huge array of space emerged under my feet,

He walked in,

The gate of space, swallow him up,

The next moment, Shen Cangsheng's figure disappeared,

After he left, those formations quickly faded, hiding around,

Everything seems to have never happened,

Even the disciples of the Shen family did not know that their patriarch had left,

There are only a few core elders, perceiving,

However, they didn't care.

Their patriarch, but the real land division, the general land fairy, are not opponents,

Even if several land gods join forces to besiege, Shen Cangsheng can safely leave,

This is the horror of the earth division.

In the desolate mountains, a gate of space suddenly appeared,

An old figure came out of it,

It is Shen Cangsheng.

After Shen Cang came out, his eyes were like electricity, looking around,

Like the scene above the Mirror of Formation,

It should be here,

He had to find it for himself.

He landed and walked in this barren mountain,

He found that it was indeed extremely desolate and dilapidated.

Suddenly at this time, Shen Cang gave birth for a moment.

Came to a distance, looked down at a fragment on the ground

It was a fragment of a Warframe.

Shen Cangsheng saw it at a glance ~ ~ This is the warframe of their family,

The armor is broken. Was it attacked here?

Who the **** is it? Dare to attack the Shen family.

Shen Cangsheng didn't know,

He continued to look for clues,

It didn't take long for him to find a fragment of a weapon and the blood of some Shen family disciples, which kept appearing.

In this way, along the trail, he crossed several hills,

Finally he stopped,

In front, there is a deep pit, extremely dark, bottomless,

Shen Cangsheng stood on the top of the mountain and looked forward to the deep pit,

He also frowned tightly,

Do not know why? He just felt cold.

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