Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6941: deep! (One)

Lin Xuan left. He rode in a space formation and headed for this barren mountain.

As for Xue Qi, she stayed at the Shen family.

The people of the Shen family started to get busy.

In their opinion, the Huajia has just fallen from the two big powers and should not come again.

Flower home.

The atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme,

Everyone's face was ashes, and everyone was desperate.

The layout of 3000 years, this kind of ashes fly out.

Everyone is unwilling.

But what about it?

What they face is Lin Wuji, a powerful and desperate existence,

Even the Son of God was defeated in the hands of each other,

What can they do?

Flowers are like shadows, sitting on her throne, her eyes are empty,

These days, the brain is blank,

How she hoped it was a dream,

After waking up, Hua Tianxing did not die, nor did the elders who died too far.

But he knew it was impossible,

It was her fault,

She did not detect the existence of Lin Xuan before. She killed two powerful men.

She felt so guilty,

At this time, in the distance, a figure flew over quickly, kneeling on the ground with one knee.

Patriarch Qilu, the barren mountain was visited again.

Just go, the mysterious extreme of the barren mountain was discovered by chance,

But what exactly is that? I do n’t even know

Even being too old, I haven't figured it out before,

I only knew that place was terrible.

So, the flower family was there before, setting up traps,

It was they who suppressed the third team looking for clues to heaven.

Then, near the barren mountain, the clue was left in order to deceive Shen Cangsheng.

Sure enough, Shen Cangsheng was gone,

And, after entering, there is no return,

Is anyone here now?

Forget it, don't care, there are always people who don't know life or death, but it has nothing to do with their flower family,

However, the disciple of Baobao said with excitement: It was that Lin Wudi, Lin Wudi went to the desolate mountain.


After listening to Hua Ruying, she stood up from her throne, and her eyes instantly recovered.

what did you say? Are you sure it is Lin Invincible?

Yes, from the eyes of the formation, the message came from Lin Wudi.

The disciple was talking, and he opened an eye for formation.

It was a huge illusory eye, and in his eyes there was the sight of a barren mountain,

In that scene, a young figure, riding a matrix, broke through the void and landed near the barren mountains.

When seeing this scene, Hua Ruying was all excited: Madam Lin was invincible, is this kid going to find Shen Cangsheng himself?

If the other party enters the desolate mountain, the other party will surely die,

No matter how strong Lin is, he cannot resist the mysterious place.

Hua Ruying remembers that when they first discovered the barren mountain,

That goes back tens of thousands of years,

When they found out, they were shocked to heaven, thinking that it was a peerless treasure.

They sent a large number of strong men, land gods, and even two earth divisions,

Hua Ruying also went,

They are extremely excited,

What happened later was like dreaming,

This flower is like a shadow, I do n’t want to remember now,

too terrifying,

All the people who went in fell, and even the earth division never came out.

Hua Ruying was at the back of the team. As soon as she approached, she felt that something was wrong, and she immediately returned.

It is because of this that she lives alive,

No matter how strong the forest is, it will not be able to compete with the power of this barren mountain.

Lin Wudi is dead,

Too much elder, spend the day, do you see it? That Lin Wuji is going to **** soon,

She immediately summoned the elders of the flower family and talked about it.

The desperate flower family immediately boiled,

Lin Wudi is about to fall, so can they make a comeback and kill the Shen family again?

Today's Shen family has no heads, and the formation has been severely damaged.

This is the time when they are most relaxed,

Who would have thought that their flower family would make a comeback?

Hua Ruying is too excited,

But soon she calmed down,

Is this a trap?

She said: You start preparing to restore strength, preparing for the formation, I wait for someone,

When Ping Xing returns, we will go immediately,

At the same time, people were sent to stare at the situation near the barren mountains.

Remember, wait and see from a distance, do n’t get close, do n’t let that forest invincible discover that our existence,

I want to make sure that Lin is invincible. Has he entered that abyss?

Orders were issued, and the people of the flower family began to act quickly.

The vast mountains.


In the sky, a gate of formations emerged, and then from inside, Lin Xuan walked out,

After he came out, he looked for 4 weeks, squinting his eyes,

The surroundings are extremely desolate, there are no people, and there are no monsters.

Very quiet.

The third team disappeared here,

Shen Cangsheng also disappeared here. Where did these people go?

It has something to do with the power of this barren mountain!

Lin Xuan's palms were printed, and reincarnation was displayed.

The light of reincarnation blooms, and in the sky, an illusive eye appears, just like the eye of God.

It overlooked the entire desolate mountain range,

Suddenly ~ ~ It snorted, and in the eyes of God, a palm came, and it directly photographed the void in the distance.


The sound of the broken formation sounded, a fist-sized stone fell from the sky,

Eyes were carved on the stone.

This is exactly the eye of the Huajia formation. Lin Xuan was discovered instantly.

He snorted coldly, and it seemed that it was a means of arrangement by the flower family,

Next, he cast the hand of heaven again, and destroyed three eyes of formation,

After he found nothing, he carefully searched for this barren mountain.

Well, what is that?

Lin Xuan found a mysterious power,

He felt a touch of shock, even shaking his eyes slightly,

Have found!

Lin Xuan shook his body and rushed forward,

Jumping over several mountains, he stopped,

In front of him, there was a crack, like a canyon and sky pit, appeared in front of him

Lin Xuan casts her reincarnation and looks inside.

He froze slightly,

He found that it seemed he couldn't see it all at a glance.

This is incredible.

How terrifying his reincarnation eyes, but he couldn't even see the abyss.

Could it be that Shen Cangsheng just went here?

He probed carefully with reincarnation eyes for 4 weeks, and found some deep breath,

That's right, Shen Cangsheng went to the abyss below.

It seems that if you want to get back to each other, you have to go in.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, and the real flavour of the shamisen erupted on his body, forming a **** armor, covering his body.

Then he fluttered and flew towards the abyss below.

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