Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6974: You Long's Doubt (1)

Near the abyss, the Huajia and the Beiming clan fought, and originally thought that the Huajia would soon lose, but the situation was beyond everyone's expectations.

The two are fighting equally. It is really incredible.

何 Where is this flower family?

Many people are surprised, there are several land gods, exclaimed: Look at the formation method they use, is the formation family.

Moreover, it is very likely that it is the top family in the formation family, the earth division family.

What is the Master Family? That's a family that can use the power of the earth's veins.

When I heard this, those around me were exclaimed: I did not expect that the flower family was so horrible.

The people of the Beibei family are also extremely ugly.

Wu Youlong gritted his teeth: Damn, it turned out to be the Master Family.

The situation is difficult, I'm afraid they will be beaten.

At present, the Beiming old immortals of their Beiming family have not yet arrived, and they are still unable to resist each other.

So Youlong said: The earth division family? Well, you are qualified to sit on an equal footing with me.

If we fight now, we will only make the enemy proud. How about we stop there?

Wu Huaruying also stopped, she said: I don't want to conflict with you, if you will let it go, we will naturally not do it again.

The two sides did not fight again, which made those in the distance extremely disappointed.

At this time, the void in the distance was broken again, and a terrible killing swept across.

Between heaven and earth, there was an extremely terrible flame, beating, as if it were a sea of ​​fire, covering the entire sky.

Countless people have scalp numbness: What a terrible power, who else is coming?

The people of the Beibei family crowed their brows tightly, and the power of the flames made their sea of ​​death shake violently.

If they are close to the enemy, the visitor is not weaker than the flower family,

Yanhua Wuying is even more complexion: Shen family.

They rise into the air.

Peerless killings burst into 凛冽 rays, the two sides are enemies, meeting each other is extremely jealous.

When Wu Huaying saw the old man taking the lead, she immediately exclaimed: Shen Cangsheng, you are alive, this is impossible!

Yan Hua Ru Ying is really crazy: how can Shen Cangsheng come out? This is incredible.

At this moment, she was like dreaming.

Shen Cangsheng snorted coldly: Flowers are like shadows, and you dare to secretly calculate the old man, and dare to attack the Shen family twice. You have to bear the anger of our Shen family.


With a loud roar, Shen Cangsheng took these strong men of the Shen family and quickly killed him.

People in the Huahua family can only fight quickly.

The two earth division families fought, that was really terrifying.

The power of the heaven and earth was fully mobilized, and the surrounding spiritual mountains and veins were also shaking violently.

One after another, the formations, collisions, and collapses between heaven and earth are like the destruction of one world after another.

恐怖 This terrible message makes those around you feel scalp: Is this the Master Family? Too strong, unimaginable.

Nianhua's family was suppressed.

No way, their elder elders have fallen, and the elders have fallen.

Hagihara's peak strength was weaker, and coupled with Shen Cangsheng's breath, it seemed to be stronger than before.

He actually suppressed the flower like shadow,

This makes flowers feel like shadows, so incredible.

Shen Shencang was born in the abyss, what did he get?

哪里 Where did she know that Shen Changsheng had a life of nine deaths and naturally had a new insight.

So, this trick is more effective.

Moreover, Shen Cang was born, and it was not without harvest.

He saw the handwriting of the Emperor in his eyes, his eyes widened, and the power of the formation also increased.

Is a peerless blow, Shen Cangsheng condensed the black big tripod, directly blasted the flower like a flower.

Between the heavens and the earth, the petals fluttered, and the flower quit like a shadow, and vomited blood.

Her body shivered: Did she lose so quickly when she thought of flowers?

I'm not reconciled.

She knows that she is no longer Shen Cangsheng's opponent.

Those of the Shen family drank coldly: Huajia, let you go to **** today.

Yinghua Ruying took the clan and quickly retreated, and they completely fell into the wind.

那些 The people around me are completely facial expressions. No one will help the flower family.

I may not even be convinced that they will fall into the rocks and step on the right flower family.

People in the Huahua family are desperate, can it be impossible, will they fall here today?

Flower Ruying is gritting her teeth, she said coldly: Do you know who he is?

She pointed to Shen Cangsheng and snarled wildly: He had been tricked into this abyss by me before, and he even came out alive.

肯定 He must know that the secrets in this abyss, and even the changes in this abyss, have something to do with him.


Hearing this, those around me are no longer calm,

Their eyes all fell on Shen Cangsheng.

Even the strong men of the Beiming family are murderous: Have you ever entered the abyss?

not good.

Xiao Shen Cangsheng's face changed: I did not expect that this flower like a film thought of this method.

He dare not admit it, otherwise he will be the target of criticism,

The strong men around him will attack him crazy.

He can only say coldly: nonsense, this abyss is so horrible, how can I come out alive after I enter?

You don't want to be fooled by her. She obviously wants to kill someone with a knife.

The strong men around me talked.

Jin Wu Wushen shook his head slightly: I am afraid that even if the true **** enters, he cannot easily come out.

再 No matter how strong Shen Cangsheng is, he cannot enter the abyss.

Seeing the doubts of those around him, Shen Cang was relieved.

Wu Huaruying growled and said, "It's true. If you don't believe it, you can catch him and collect his soul."

You will definitely gain something.

Grab Shen Cangsheng?

A lot of people are silent, they dare not,

Shen Cangsheng is the patriarch of the Di Shi family ~ ~ Now, he is fighting against a Di Shi family.

However, they have seen how terrible the earth division family is. The formations just now can easily tear them to pieces.

Other people dare, but the people of Beiming family dare.

I saw Hua Ruying so sure, You Long said: Shen Cangsheng, honestly explain, have you ever entered this abyss?

Shen Cangsheng snorted coldly: What does it have to do with you, I said that Hua Ruying has gone in, do you believe it? Will you take her soul?

Wu Youlong sneered: But I doubt you!

When others come here, they all want to save their strength and enter the abyss, but you do n’t.

上 When you come up, you bring your tribe and work hard with the flower family.

Obviously, you have no intention of entering the abyss, that is, you are afraid of the abyss.

If it wasn't for entering the abyss, how could you know the horror inside?

I doubt you very much.

Xun Youlong was very clever. Through some details, he guessed that Shen Cangsheng had entered the abyss.

He said coldly: If you want to dispel my doubts about you, let me search your soul.

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