Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6983: The power of the emperor (1)

It's really terrifying to meet so many strong people.

They broke into the abyss again,

Behind me, Jin Wu Vulcan and others followed, and they were extremely excited.

Looks like this time, I can really follow it.

They just entered the abyss and wanted to fly towards it. Suddenly, at this time, a roaring sound sounded.

If these people who entered into the abyss were struck by lightning, they would spit blood in their mouths.

what! Damn, rewind.

They retreated madly.

All the fairy swords played by the Wushuangxian tribe were all broken,

The soul power of the Zhabai Gods is also torn to pieces.

They were all injured, and retreated madly,

As for those other people, it is even miserable.

Many figures of the Divine Medicine Garden are broken and broken,

The ancient tree was broken, the vines were split, and the ashes disappeared.

The Xiuluo sword clan, Shen family, Yuhua Xianchao and others were all injured.

人 The people who wanted to rush in outside stopped immediately: What happened?

The next moment, they saw a bright light suddenly appearing in the abyss, just like the golden divine light.

Light up the world.

Sugawara's dark abyss became extremely bright at this moment.

And this terror power emerges with the golden light.

Everyone keeps backing,

Their eyes fell on the golden light.

Later, when Lin Xuan saw this scene, he also exclaimed: This is the golden door, did it even appear?

Is n’t it incredible?

In the golden light of the sky, a golden door gradually emerged.

门 This door stands between heaven and earth, with mysterious power, with endless mysterious runes on it.

How terrible!

Everyone exclaimed.

On the other side, the immortal, the protoss, the immortal dynasty, their eyes burst into an extremely dim light.

The strong men in the Supreme Palace in the dark also held their breath, they felt an amazing power.

轰轰 轰轰!

The golden door appeared between heaven and earth, and it slowly opened.

Everyone was ecstatic.


This door must lead to the treasure house of heaven and earth.

The golden door opened, bringing golden ripples, the golden light inside was terrifying.

Lin Linxuan's reincarnation eyes are unclear, and those white eyes of the Baishen family are also unclear.

No one has the soul's gaze to look over.

But Lin Xuan knew what was inside this golden door.

Shen Shen Cangsheng also knows,

At this moment he took his family members and retreated madly.

In front of the golden gate, a figure appeared in the endless ripples, which was a seat of God.

Peerless Peer.

It is immaculate, blooming with mysterious brilliance, and is completely made of a piece of stunning jade.

It stands there, with mysterious power, it seems that as long as it ascends this seat of God, you can dominate the life.

Did you show up again?

When Shen Cangsheng saw this seat of the throne, with a hint of despair in his eyes, he lowered his head, and did not dare to look at it anymore.

也是 He also warned those facing the family.

On the other side, Lin Xuan also took a deep breath: I don't know who else is? Will ascend to this throne and be trapped inside.

出来 When this seat came out, those people around were crazy, many people rushed forward and wanted to sit on this seat.

However, change is happening again,

He was different from Shen Cangsheng's life before, and a **** light suddenly appeared above the seat of God in front.

It was a **** light the size of a fist, just like an agate.

之后 After it appeared, it turned gently, and a vast force burst out suddenly.

He is more terrifying than the golden light.

The bodies of the several land gods approaching me were instantly torn apart.

Even, there is a strong man who is in the middle of the Divine Realm and falls directly.

麻 The scalp of those other people is numb: what is this?

Even Lin Xuan was a little surprised. He cast his reincarnation eyes to the extreme and looked forward.

The next moment, he exclaimed: This is a drop of blood.

A drop of blood the size of a fist, crystal clear, blooming with majestic strength.

This power transcends the true God. Can it be achieved? Is this the blood of the Emperor?

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Xuan's heart was beating,

When he went in before, he never saw the blood of this emperor.

I thought that there should be too many strong men this time, which brought tremendous pressure to the emperor's ruins.

Therefore, the blood of the Emperor of Heaven appeared.

This is the blood of the Emperor!

On the side of the Baishen clan, Bai Qingyu exclaimed. He was ecstatic.

听 After those other people listened, their eyes were also red.

The gods of the gods, the immortals, the other shore, and the feathered immortal dynasty are also glowing with red eyes.

A little greed emerged from their eyes: the blood of the Emperor of Heaven, if you get it, you can absorb the power inside, and you can definitely leap forward.

Even, they can become true gods directly.

I shot.

I don't know who roared.

At this moment, everyone rushed forward madly,

The heavens covered the sky, and the endless fire of the ocean filled the world.

The immense immortality turned into lightnings, shattering the void.

This time, even Lin Xuan also said: You can shoot, but be careful and safe.

I have new changes, and Lin Xuan is not calm.

After listening to him, the Golden Lion King, Queen Empress, Gu Santong, Ye Wudao and others took a deep breath.

They all rose up and killed the past.

Tong Murong looked at Lin Xuan and said: Brother Xuan, the two of us joined forces. The power of Shenlong and Gufeng can be merged.

it is good.

Lin Xuan nodded.

He played the terrible dragon path power and turned into the peerless dragon path sword shadow,

On the other side, Murong poured out the power of Gu Feng.

Two phantoms appeared between heaven and earth, turned into peerless **** beasts, flying between heaven and earth,

Then, it quickly merged.

Power of Dragon and Phoenix.

This is a transcendental force. Once it appeared, it swept across the wasteland directly, and it was like a smashing bamboo, killing forward.

Countless people dodged in horror.

I did not expect that the power of these two young men far exceeded the others.

的 The people on God's side shot, so that the overall strength was improved.

The endless breath covered the golden door and killed the blood of the Emperor, trying to suppress it.

The blood of the heavens and earth just turned slightly, and the mysterious power erupted again.

The speed of its rotation is getting faster and faster, and every time, it carries a vast breath.

The attack from all people was blocked.

Not only that, the attacks started to break quickly, and the power that beat the people around kept vomiting blood.

During this process, many powerful men began to fall, and even people at the level of land fairy fell.

He connected those strong men in the later stage of the divine realm, and they were also seriously injured.

The power of dragons and phoenixes played by Lin Xuan and Murong fell into the vicinity of the throne, although terrifying.

However, it was easily destroyed by the power of the Emperor.

too strong!

Tong Murong was surprised,

Yuan Linxuan frowned, too.

At this moment, the blood of the emperor that day bounced lightly, and the power like mountains and rivers ~ ~ emerged.

Except for the abyss, everything around it has become nothing.

I'm not good, run away.

The Wushuang immortals were frightened, they were madly devoted and burned their immortality.

The people on the Baibai tribe spit out a few bloods, forming all-white eyes, covering the sky and the earth.

Everyone is running away like crazy,

Alas, they still run slowly.

These people of the Wushuangxian clan have broken into pieces,

The Baishen people screamed, their eyes bleed and they were badly hit.

Souls are broken.

The other side, the Yuhuaxian Dynasty, the Supreme Palace, and even these people in the God Realm were also injured.

The ancient three links madly cracked through the void and resisted.

However, this power is really too powerful, it is as strong as his ancestors, and it is the power of the Emperor.

Fortunately, during the crisis, Lin Xuan took the shot and rescued these people with Tiandi Jade, and took the ancient three links and others to quickly retreat.

Baishen clan, Bai Qingyu growled wildly: Please come to the ancestor of the true god.

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