Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7005: Shadow of the Wind, Flame Armor (2)

Fei Tian Fei Xian, flew forward, chopped down to the gray mist.

Silent collision, the mist was split.

But then, the surrounding mist rushed over and covered the crack.

Everyone can only see the scene for a moment,

After the mist, it really is a ruined temple.

But after only a moment, they saw nothing.

Lin Xuan frowned: a mysterious mist.

He grunted coldly, ready to use a sword to break through the mountains and rivers, and use ten thousand swords to smash these mists directly.

At the same time, he was ready to use the unstoppable power of the Great Dragon Soul, making these mists impossible to recover.

However, he hadn't acted yet, but there was a sudden wind around him.

At first it was very small. In the blink of an eye, the wind became horrible, as if the monster was between heaven and earth, its teeth danced.

Those winds formed a storm in an instant,

A few black tornadoes flew over them quickly.

A breath of depression, permeated,

what is this?

When Lin Linxuan saw this scene, he frowned.

Peacock Dan **** they exclaimed: retreat.

黑色 This black storm is extremely terrible. Last time, we had three companions and fell here.

After listening, Toad hurried back,

Peacock Dan God also took people back.

Dark Red Dragon played a formation and surrounded them.

This array of formations condensed into five shields, each of which stood like a mountain and stood tall.

The roaring sound of crickets sounded, and those storms hit the shield and made a cricket sound.

The shield shook fiercely, and the dark red dragon's brows frowned tightly: not good, retreat fast.

They backed up again,

As soon as I left, the shields shattered into pieces and scattered to the ground.

So powerful.

Dark Red Shenlong was very surprised.

These other people also exclaimed,

The formation of the dark red dragon, they know it, it is extremely terrible.

The opponent's formation was broken in an instant, and the storm was really terrifying.

I should n’t have done it. The last time we came, although we encountered a storm, it was not so scary.

This storm can already threaten the land fairy.

Last time, only the demigod fell.

I ca n’t help it. Is there a land fairy to fall this time?

Thinking of this, they frowned tightly: After a short while, what happened?

I mean, is it because of the change in Lin Xuan ’s sword qi?

Lin Linxuan was not clear. He cast his reincarnation and looked at the storms around him.

He found that in these storms, there are some figures,

These figures are extremely blurry and cannot be seen clearly.

Flicking his reincarnation, it was equally terrifying, he still saw some situations,

He took a breath.

He found that the figures in the storm were similar to the patterns they saw on the stone pillars in the palace before.

Has monster-like features and a human body.

I am very much like a half demon.

Is the half demon so powerful?

This is absolutely impossible,

存在 These existences are too mysterious.

It's not just these storms, dark clouds have appeared in the sky, like a huge black palm, which is about to fall,

I suppress them in general.

Fight back!

Toad exclaimed: We are so many, we are not afraid of him, besides, there is Lin Xuan's indomitable sword spirit, here it is.

However, the dark red dragon is saying: Don't act lightly, this place is very unusual, and the power of heaven and earth is terrifying.

可能 It is possible that the stronger you attack, the stronger his counterattack.

Let me try it.

Dark Red Shenlong said as he was playing arrays, he also used the power of heaven and earth here.

The earth broke apart, forming stone pagodas one after another, suspended between heaven and earth, covering their bodies.

They withstood the black storm again,

They didn't relax because it wouldn't take long for these pagodas to break.

Hey, weird enough, kid, let ’s attack?

The blind defense does not have any effect, so the dark red Shenlong stared at the mist in front, and said: Boy, use your two ritual sword array, and I am using it to cooperate with you.

Others put their power into the formation.

When Xuan heard the words of the dark red dragon, Lin Xuan nodded, and he opened the Liangyi sword array.

A figure of Taiji appeared between the heavens and the earth, and the yin and yang swords emerged and killed forward.

These sword qi, with the power of Tai Chi, and also the power of indestructible, the power is much stronger than before.

Dark Red Dragon is to use the formation method to make the Liangyi Sword Formation bigger and bigger, as if to cover the whole world.

Not only that, but the power under this earth also poured into the sword formation, making the power of the formation even more horrible.

Other people, seeing this scene, have put their power into the sword array,

The sword is as strong as a dragon, killing forward,

The grey mist was shaking, but it was still torn apart.

And the storms around them became more and more, they rushed over madly to prevent everyone from entering.

Dark Red Shenlong sneered.

The earth is like a dragon!

Sunda's claws grabbed at the ground, the whole land rolled, the mountains swayed, and the endless rocks rushed out from below the ground and turned into dragon after dragon.

They rise into the air and kill these black storms.

The sound of Qi Zhentian came, and the formation of the Dark Red Dragon was really powerful.

He could resist these black storms with his own strength.

Zhe Linxuan used the two tactical sword arrays to form a cloud and moon and the sun is unparalleled.

I finally ripped off the gray mist.

Go in quickly.

With a wave of his dark red dragon, a space matrix formed and shrouded everyone.

The next moment, they passed through the gray mist and entered the palace inside.

I finally came in.

I heard the sound of the storm outside, and they were much smaller. These people of Dan Shenzong were completely relieved.

When they looked at Lin Xuan and the Dark Red Dragon ~ ~ with gratitude,

If it weren't for the two, they wouldn't have come in at all.

Hurry up, where is Shangguan flying?

Zhe Linxuan exerted his soul and looked at the surroundings in an overwhelming manner.

Those other people are also looking fast.

Alas, soon they were trapped.

The puppet palace was not large. They were quickly searched, but they did not find the figure of Shangguanfei.

what's up?

Lin Linxuan frowned slightly: Isn't it here? Not this palace?

Impossible, it is definitely a palace.

Peacock Dan **** they said: absolutely not wrong.

Hey, why don't you see Shang Guanfei? They look again.

At this moment, Toad jumped out and said: Look, there is a robe.

After listening, everyone hurried over, and in the corner of the hall, they found a robe.

The robe, the flame of flame above it, has become dim,

Peacock Dan **** they recognized them at a glance.

This is the robe of Shangguanfei.

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