Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7090: 1 palm kill (3)

承认 He admits that Lin Xuan is very strong, the other person ’s body transcends everything, and physically, he is not an opponent.

How about that?

He has six reincarnations.

Although it is only one of the six **** powers, it is also a power that transcends everything.

There are few that can match it,

In this burial emperor star, in addition to the ancestors of the reincarnation mountain, others have no opponents.

But now,

An outsider even exhibited six reincarnations and easily suppressed him.

This makes Ye Chen unthinkable.

who are you? Who are you

He can only roar madly.

I am the master of samsara.

Lin Xuan said coldly.

Presumptuous, what do you count? Are you worthy to be called, Lord of Reincarnation?

Boy, don't be arrogant.

Ye Chen growled wildly,

He answered him with a slap, and the hand of Heaven fell violently, killing half of his soul.

Ye Yechen screamed like crazy,

Hitting him at this moment was really scary,

At that moment, he felt a deadly threat.

It seems that if the other party is willing, he can easily kill him.

的 This feeling of fate being controlled by others is really too desperate.

He has always been the supreme master. Only he can control the lives of others.

Even, can easily control the life of the land fairy.

But now, is his life dominated by others?

The magpies around, when they saw this scene, also fell to the ground.

Stunned their bodies, trembling slightly,

Although they are not creatures, they are also instinctively afraid at this moment.

古 家 ,

The Golden Lion King, Yan Ruyu and others laughed when they saw this scene.

Xu and Lin Xuan competed for six, really looking for death.

It looks like there is no danger.

Zhe Linxuan was in a state of despair, and then, Ye Wudao and others could be rescued.

The Golden Lion King said with a smile.

These other people are also relieved. In their opinion, there should be no accidents.

Boy, do you dare to kill me? My grandpa is the true master of samsara! Kill me, you can't go out at all.

Ye Yechen was still screaming there.

How dare you!

In Lin Linxuan's eyes, the killing intention suddenly bloomed, and Tiandao's hand took a hard shot.


The illusory figure in front of me was shot out instantly, and the miserable sound sounded in the heavens and the earth,

Countless crickets, fluttered and fell to the ground.

Huh, I really treat myself as a person, I kill you, it's no different from pinching an ant.

Zhe Linxuan said coldly.

轰轰 轰轰!

With the illusory voice disappearing, the whole reincarnation mountain shook violently,

There was a burst of powerful breath.

I also have endless killing intentions, turned into a sea of ​​oceans, sweeping the heavens.

Damn it, you dare to shoot at my nephew, you have to pay the price.

An old voice rang out from the depths of Samsara.

The next moment, a man strode forward.

的 The breath on this man is even more terrifying, far more than Ye Chen before,

Even this breath surpassed the later stage of Tongshenjing.

Half step true God!

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes,

修 This practice is indeed very powerful and very close to the true god.

Are you the Lord of Samsara?

Lin Xuan asked coldly.

Even if the other party is a half-step true god, then what? He still dares to challenge.

Boy, face me, you dare to provoke, you have courage,

多 There are not many brave young people like you.

But, unfortunately, there is no courage.

You shouldn't be, you shouldn't be, and you shouldn't be wild here.

Li Xuantong is very angry,

The reincarnation mountain has just awakened and rises between heaven and earth. It should have shined and swept the world.

He became the true master,

However, when he first appeared, he was beaten.

He even killed someone directly, which made him intolerable.

With Xuantong's intention in his eyes, Li Xuantong didn't take the shot immediately, but used the power of **** to make a gentle wave toward the void.

Suddenly, a gate of **** emerged, as high as a hundred feet, with a powerful **** force on it

Li Xuantong opened the gate of hell.

Summon my nephew!

Ye Chen, who had died, had his soul reunited from the gate of hell.

Although he was very weak, he really appeared between heaven and earth.

Thank you, Uncle Yun.

Ye Chen was extremely excited.

In fact, his real name is not Ye Chen, Ye Chen is just the name of the peerless **** body, his real name is Li Ye.

After Li Ye came out, he turned his head to stare at Lin Xuan, and gritted his teeth and said: Uncle, hold him, I want revenge.

He knows that his uncle is very powerful, half-step true God, surpassing everything, and can easily kill each other.

Even if this kid is strong, he is probably not an opponent.

I can rest assured that I will try to suppress him. He has the power of six reincarnations. I have to figure out, who is sacred?

Li Xuantong waved his hand, the gate of **** did not disappear, but rushed towards Lin Xuan quickly.

For a moment, he came to Lin Xuan,

门 The gate of **** opened, as if engulfing Lin Xuan.

How similar this scene is,

Before Ye Wudao, Gu Santong and others, when they disappeared, they looked like this.

The power of the **** road rushed out madly, engulfing Lin Xuan.

Changing into any land god, even the strong ones on the **** list, can't resist at all.

No one can resist except the true God,

This is the power of the half-step true god, plus the power of hell, to the extreme.

I was enveloped by such a terrible gate of hell, but Lin Xuan was expressionless.

He looked up

Alas, the eyes of reincarnation have bloomed even more shy.

The phantom of the six worlds surrounds him, resisting the gates of hell.

He said coldly: Six human ways.

Lin Linxuan controls the three heavens and earths ~ ~ At this moment, he exerts the power of humanity, and he seems to become the king of the earth.

There is a mysterious light flashing on him, this is not the power of Sanwei Real Fire, but the power of humanity.

There is a supreme breath between raising his hands and raising his hands. He raised his palms and patted them forward.

With a bang, the power of humanity killed the hell.

Suddenly the gate of **** shook violently, and the breath above it rolled.

The gate of that **** turned out to be unreal, as if it would disappear between heaven and earth at any time.

Li Xuantong, who was opposite him, also leaped wildly, and he was dumbfounded: the original blow could easily crush the opponent.

But the other party blocked it.

The other side exerted the power of humanity.

The palm of my hand is obviously the power of heaven.

The other party actually controlled the power of two of the six, which was beyond his expectation.

You really surprised me and caught you! When we reincarnate the mountain, we can control the three forces.

To thank you, I am going to kill you in a trick.

Li Xuantong's eyes bloomed with shocking light.

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