Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7095: The goal is 6 worlds!

Beneath the land of the mountain of reincarnation, the hand of **** bloomed the power of hell, and Li Xuantong, who almost fell, recovered.

Li Xuantong's face was so ugly that he knelt on the ground and said, "My ancestor, it's no use to me, and I lost the flower of the six flowers.

I just wonder why my ancestors did n’t do it?

You ancestor, you have to take a shot. The 6 flowers will not be taken away by that kid.

怎么 样 What do you think of that kid? The Lord of Reincarnation asked.

玄 Li Xuantong gritted his teeth and said that although he was unwilling, he had to admit that he was really strong.

Yes, he is strong, and he has reincarnation eyes, and he has the fragments of reincarnation swords,

He is the key to opening the 6 worlds.

We have been receiving the flowers of Liu Dao for thousands of years, but we cannot find the world of Liu Dao, let alone open the world of Liu Dao.

虽然 Although this thing is precious in my hands, but it cannot exert its true power,

If you give this boy, maybe this boy can really open the six worlds.

Wait for the six worlds to open, we can go in and get the treasure inside.

At that time, it would be easy to kill this kid,

It turned out that Li Xuantong laughed when he heard this. It turned out that the ancestor had his own plan.

He just said, how could the ancestors be afraid of each other,

Well, I'll just stare at the kid in secret and see what he does.

Li Xuantong rose into the air and left Samsara.

On the other side,

Lin Linxuan and others are also quickly collecting the whereabouts of the six flowers.

Not only that, Lin Xuan also used the fragments of the reincarnation sword this time.

He knows the mysterious connection between this thing and the six flowers,

Under their full collection, they really found some clues.

Lin Linxuan set off,

He shook his figure, tore the void, and flew towards the vast universe,

He returned to Jiuyou again.

线索 The clue this time is about the mysterious Tsing Yi woman.

This person also has a flower of 6 flowers, so Lin Xuan's goal this time is the other party.

As Lin Xuan searched, he used the debris from the reincarnation to sense,

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he seemed to feel it, just to the left.

He speeded up.

Nine quiet places, somewhere in the dark valley.

女子 Tsing Yi woman, Qingling, practicing in retreat,

Before she died, she evaded several pursuits of the White Gods, and her power was consumed a lot.

This day, Qing Ling opened her eyes and looked into the distance, her frown frowned tightly.

The next moment, her face changed, and she rushed out instantly.

Her pupil, turned into three strange flowers, constantly spinning.

A horrible soul power emerged, and the whole valley was shaking violently,

Below the valley, there was a dark python, which made a roar of anger.

Outside of Luan Valley, a figure came out. This is a handsome young man with the same sorrow on his body.

The moment he walked into the valley, the valley that had been shaken violently became quiet in an instant. It seemed that the destruction power before was just an illusion,

Not only that, but the terrible python in front of him also roared angrily. His body kept backing back, as if he was afraid of the young man in front.

who are you? When Qing Ling saw each other, her brows frowned tightly.

You are not a member of the White Gods.

自然 I am naturally not a Baishen family. The person in front of me is not someone else, but Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan laughed, I was looking for you.

Find me? What is it called? Qing Ling was surprised. What else do I want to ask, suddenly this time she changed her face again and looked up into the distance,

Even Lin Xuan turned his head and looked at it, a faint expression appeared in his eyes,

So terrible soul breath, terrifying all-white eyes, people of the white gods come.

I really want to die.

In Lin Yanxuan's eyes, a slew of killing intentions emerged.

In the sky, a few figures landed, a total of 5 people, with the power of the five elements,

Each person has one of 5 lines, and 5 people together form a five-element matrix,

Directly suppressed the entire valley.

5 These five people are tall and stunned, Lin Xuan can see at a glance. These are five 傀儡, this method is a bit like the way of Samsara before.

Is it 5 ancient corpses again? Lin Xuan frowned slightly when she saw this scene.

古老 These ancient corpses are very powerful and even more terrifying than the reincarnation mountains.

5 These five people are not as good as Li Xuantong, but they surpass Li Ye, which is really a terrible force.

In the later period of general psychic state, it is not an opponent.

Qi Qing Ling looked to Lin Xuan, Shen Sheng said, although I do n’t know, what are you doing to me, but now, I do n’t have the time to care about you,

If you don't want to die, you will go back to the corner, and I will ask you after I destroy them,

Wu Qingling walked forward,

Lin Linxuan stood aside and did not leave.

He said with a smile, do I need to take action? I do n’t think they are pleasing to the eyes either,

No need. Qing Ling said coldly, because your strength is not their opponent, you should leave quickly, you can't resist the power of our battle,

She can see that Lin Xuan's cultivation is only in the middle of the sacred realm, which is not enough to see in front of these people.

Isn't he an opponent? Lin Xuan's expression was so weird that he laughed bitterly and was even looked down upon.

If I say this, I am afraid that people from all walks of life will be scared to death.

Yeah, I ’ll see what you guys have, Lin Xuan retreated,

He is ready to watch the battle,

In the sky, five ancient figures looked down, and they had the power of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

They stared at Qing Ling, said coldly, and handed things over.

The Flower of Six Taos ~ ~ You don't deserve it.

Lin Linxuan was also very surprised after hearing this. The white-eyed family was also searching for the flowers of Liu Dao. It seems that these people also want the power of the six reincarnation.

It ’s a pity, but the 6 flowers are destined to be his,

The white gods are definitely not available.

Even if this Qingling is not an opponent, he will take it.

After the Qing Ling in front of me heard it, he also snorted. The white gods wanted the flower of the six roads. If they didn't come over by themselves, they would like to compete with me by sending a few of them? Too stupid.

Stupid is you. These 5 ancient bodies. Alone may not be your opponent, but the five together, their power is beyond your imagination,

Next you will know how horrible the true Five Elements Power is,

The words fell, and one of them, wearing a blue armor, shot.

I banged with a punch, and the horrific phantom of the sea was killed overwhelmingly.

拳 This fist is so terrifying that it can swallow the whole world.

The whole valley shook violently, completely shrouded by the sea,

A heavy pressure swept through, and even a land fairy would tremble and despair under this force.

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