Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7102: Phantom of the Six Realms (3)

When I heard this, a sadness appeared in the eyes of the old cow,

His brother-in-law was the very famous nine envoys.

And he was also immortal that followed.

He said that the six petals in the hands of the immortal were also obtained from him.

The six petals of him and the Nine Angels are from immortality.

He was just the immortal of that year.

的 These things are beyond words.

When the old man died, he saw the old cow in a daze, and immediately kicked him.

The sadness in the eyes of the old cow disappeared and he could only sullen his head to cultivate the land.

The vicissitudes of the sea, how horrible was he then?

The true gods in front of him are as small as ants.

But now, he has turned into a mount for others, and he has to cultivate the land silently here.

He said it was cultivated land, but it was also a practice.

The old immortal in front of his eyes is very scary, and he is very close to the immortal realm.

Alas, even if it is a step away, sometimes it can be stuck for a lifetime.

Lao Lao grabbed him undead and left him in this small village in order to sense the breath on him.

After all, he followed, but it was truly immortal,

A lot of immortal breath left on him.

I am immortal and want to feel this breath and become a new immortality.

Wu Xuanming was called over by the old immortal again, and he was extremely shy.

Last time, he was so embarrassed here.

Alas, he did not dare not come.

When he heard the chaos gourd, he wanted to send an avatar and went to the six worlds. When playing, Xuanming only felt his brain was blank.

You're going to play in such a dangerous place,

I think about the identity of the other side, he can only help but sigh.

We will send the strong to guard the little boy.

After I finished speaking, he didn't worry, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm trying to pull the Wentian people over."

I ask the Tian family, very mysterious and powerful, if there is the other party to join, it is absolutely foolproof.

However, the chaotic gourd was shaking and said: I don't want to ask the sky family.

On Chaos Protoss, just add Wushuangxian.

Well, I'll get ready now.

Wu Xuanming went to the Wushuang fairy clan,

When the Wushuangxian people learned the news, they were also happy.

They are also cohesive and ready to go.

Shen Jingqiu naturally also went because she felt that Lin Xuan should also go.

After all, Lin Xuan has reincarnation eyes and can also summon the reincarnation sword phantom, which is definitely not missed.

Those other people naturally think of this. Although they didn't say anything, they have a tacit understanding.

If Lin Xuan appears, they will jointly destroy Lin Xuan first,

The other party threatens the most.

怎样 What kind of power can a person who can call the reincarnation sword exert in the six worlds? Can anyone imagine?

They all stared at the action of the **** domain,

God Realm also knows that the six worlds are about to open.

They also started to prepare.

On this day, after Lin Xuan returned, the dark red Shenlong jumped over and said: Boy, I'm ready, let's go together.

But Lin Xuan shook his head: No, this time I went alone.

what? That's too dangerous, those people will definitely target you.

The Golden Lion King frowned.

自然 I naturally know that it is for this reason that I go alone,

This time, I will hide my identity.

He is easy to handle by himself. If he brings a dark red dragon and others, he will definitely be discovered immediately.

After all, the characteristics of each of them are too obvious.

Once they are found, I'm afraid those people will immediately flock to attack them.

At that time, their situation will be very dangerous, Lin Xuan does not want to fall into such a dangerous place.

He had long thought about it. He joined forces with Qing Ling to hide his identity.

This is why he didn't kill Qingling.

Wu Qingling has six petals and is still an ancient tribe. This has long been known by the Baishen tribe.

Let Qingling be in the bright, he is in the dark, and he can deceive those people.

Don't be frustrated, you have other things to do, you prepare the formation, make good use of the God Eater I brought back.

When this happens, this thing will come in handy.

okay, I get it.

Dark Red Dragon nodded.

Those other people also said: Be careful.

Lin Linxuan left alone, he concealed his breath and did not let anyone discover it.

He even left a copy to deceive those people, and let this copy stay in the heavens.

Ready to lie to those people.

After meeting again with Qingling, Qingling said: If you think about it, I will not bring any forces. This time, we are the only two of us.

I'm more than just the two of us.

Lin Xuan laughed: wait for another person.

Who are you waiting for?

Wu Qingling was surprised.

It didn't take long for the void to crack and a door of space appeared, and a few figures came out of it.

An old man is taking the lead.

Prince Lin, long time no see.

老 This old man is not someone else, it is Shen Cangsheng,

He also brought those array mages from the Shen family.

Lin Xuan introduced both sides with a smile,

Shen Shen Cangsheng was surprised that Qingling is a legendary ancient family.

And Qingling was equally surprised: the earth division family.

I did not expect that Lin Xuan even had such friends.

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth: with the participation of a powerful earth teacher, their strength would increase a lot.

White Gods,

Bai Fengyun took out his 6 petals.

Twenty-six powers, straight into the clouds,

Those who have 6 petals in their hands naturally feel it.

This time, they no longer concealed the six breaths in their hands, and they exerted their energies.

On the other side, a flower of six flew to the sky.

Feathered into a fairy dynasty, the strength of 6 ways shattered the world.

The nine powers in the Nine-Your Land, the Nine-Your Messengers, also permeated the nine days.

The power of the four reincarnations appeared, and the heavens and the worlds shook violently, and countless people were shocked: a terrible reincarnation breath.

what happened?

They have explored one after another,

With the emergence of the four reincarnation forces, the world shook.

The heavens and the heavens have some phantoms. It seems that there is a new world, which comes between heaven and earth ~ ~ When I feel this phantom, those people around me are shocked: God, what is this?

They have seen the advent of fairy earth before, and seen the opening of the land of heaven and the land of nine you.

Each time brings countless opportunities,

He is sanctified, someone preaches to become emperor, and even someone becomes a land fairy.

家族 Each family clan rises, and the world of stars is brilliant.

The top-level Tianjiao, as well as those old monsters who have lived endless years, have also broken through and entered new realms.

Now, there is another mysterious world coming, does not it mean that they will have a chance to break through?

Thinking of this possibility, their eyes were red.

Hurry up.

Some great emperors, the super great emperor immediately rose into the air and flew to the emerging world phantom.

However, they couldn't get in, they just wandered around.

Damn, why is it like this?

You are too weak, let go and let the old man come.

A wave of the land fairy sleeve robes flew these emperors,

He turned into lightning and flew forward.

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