Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7120: 8 magical powers! Broken (c)

How did it go? Who wins? Who loses?

强 The strong men around me are nervous,

Even Shen Cangsheng and Qingling exclaimed: This is the **** world!

Son-in-law really condensed out of hell.

Before they met, the phantoms of Lin Xuan's six worlds, among which the phantoms of **** world, began to condense, as if to be transformed into the real world.

他们 In their opinion, this is just the beginning. It will take a long time to completely consolidate the **** world.

Maybe hundreds of years, maybe thousands of years,

Even tens of thousands of years are possible.

I did not expect that in such a short period of time, Lin Xuan actually condensed out the real **** world.


Wu Qingling was relieved, and Shen Cangsheng smiled, but they knew how horrible the **** world was.

The yak demon sky also exclaimed: This is the **** world, this is impossible. Where are you sacred?

他 In his opinion, no one can exert the power of one of the six to such an extent.

Even if the legendary Lin Wudi has reincarnation eyes, he hasn't condensed the real six realms.

I heard that the other party is just a phantom of the six worlds.

Now there is a person who can gather the real **** world.

难 Is this person's strength difficult to achieve, and also surpass that Lin Wudi with reincarnation?

At this moment, the demon is really scared,

He roared, and pointed to Shake.

This is the divine array method that Qin Wuyan gave him. At this moment, he was broken apart.

的 The destruction of this peerless array method, the destruction force formed is really terrible, enough to destroy the world.

The heavens and earth can't resist it.

He can just use this power to tear open the world of hell.

With a loud noise, the sky was falling apart,

Everyone just felt the darkness around them, like boiling water, and boiled violently.

Boy, you wait for me.

The yak demon gnashes his teeth, he must report this to Qin Wuyan,

He reported to the seventh apostle.

I let them fight together to suppress this man and **** the power of hell.

Do you think you can escape by destroying the World Extinction?

Lin Linxuan snorted, and the palms of his palms were printed, his eyes glowed with a trembling light.

The next moment, the **** world rolled violently, and then Sen Luo Vientiane Dan emerged.

Sen Luo Vientiane Dan at this moment, but changed his face.

It is no longer a walnut-sized elixir, but has become extremely horrifying, as if a world-wearing millstone has enveloped the world.

Nonstop rotation.

Each time he spins, the **** power above can make countless living creatures fly to smoke.

These powers hit Niu Motian,

The yak demon sky couldn't resist, he made a miserable sound, and his body began to break.


I heard the sound of this scream, and the strong men around them all changed their faces: what happened? Could it be Niu Motian injured?

This is impossible, 8 kinds of peerless supernatural powers were beaten by one person,

人 This person is already shocking and weeping.

Who can beat the other party?

Is **** world so horrible?

Is this the power they are looking for?

I was really terrible.

The more than 20 strong men prayed in their hearts: Undefeated, Niu Mo Tian will not be defeated, he was just injured.

I look at it. Next, Niu Mo Tian will definitely fight back.

You know, they chose Niu Mo Tian,

If the ogre is defeated, then their end will also be miserable.

Between the heavens and the earth, the black breath slowly disappeared, and the **** world disappeared.

Countless people looked up at the sky and looked forward. They were looking for the figure of Niu Mo Tian,

They searched around and found no shadow of Niu Ferris.

What about the other person? Is it possible, have you escaped?


At this moment, in the void, a long black knife fell to the ground.

This long knife has turned into scrap iron.

When I saw this scene, those around me were exclaimed: this is the Nine You Blade, this is the artifact of Niu Mo Tian.

Is an artifact damaged? It's incredible, right?

The yak demon sky may have fallen, rather than running away.

Thinking of this possibility, countless people 懵: How shocking is this?

8 kinds of peerless supernatural powers erupted together.

Isn't this person in front of him already surpassing the land fairy? Is it true that the other is God?

2020 people are there, like a statue,

They are cold, they feel despair.

As for the blood crow **** and others, they are excited, they seem to linger on the edge of life and death for a long time, and then return to heaven and earth again.

巨大 This great joy drives them crazy.

Great, I survived! We finally survived!

Our choice is right.

强 These strong men wept for joy, they had forgotten how unwilling they were to surrender.

Yeah, my son, my son.

20The 20 people in front of him fell to the ground with a plop: forgive us, we are willing to eat the fruits of **** and are willing to surrender.

I'm late.

Lin Xuan Lengheng: I gave you a chance before, but you do n’t cherish it.

In that case, let's go to hell.

Damn it, run away.

I fight with him.

Some want to run away, some want to join forces and fight together.

When the terrible **** big hand fell, everything was wiped out.

No one can escape, and no one can compete with it.

多个 More than 20 people died out,

The God of Blood Crow and others saw their scalp numb when they saw this scene.

They hurriedly said, "Don't worry, we will never betray you."

I now only surrender and become followers, and although they make them uncomfortable, they are still alive after all.

If you resist ~ ~ I am afraid they will die in an instant.

Let's go.

With a wave of his hand, Yuan Linxuan took these people and walked outside.

This time their number has increased,

Counting the people brought by Shen Cangsheng, there are almost a hundred people.

This is also a relatively arrogant team. Lin Xuan can explore more places.

的 All the good things in this palace were almost obtained by Lin Xuan, so I can only look for other palaces.

Soon, they left the temple and returned to the street.


As soon as she came out, Lin Xuan frowned tightly,

After He formed Hell Road, his sense of the world was different.

He can feel that the breath of the surrounding area is scattered in the nearby purgatory, strong and weak.

Suddenly, he froze, turned abruptly, staring in one direction,

It seems that the **** of that place is very powerful.


Yuan Linxuan is going to set out there,

He is the **** road, and even formed the **** world.

However, this **** community has just formed, and it is not very powerful, at least Lin Xuan is not too satisfied.

He will absorb more **** power to strengthen his **** world.

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