Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7142: Eyes are amazing! (One)

The people of the Baishen family were so shocked that some people came earlier than them.

You know, they took out three demigod puppets, and then they broke out and rushed in.

Could it be that these people have more cards in front of them than they do?

Or do these people originally belong to the indigenous existence in this fairy mountain?

they do not know,

However, they are extremely cautious.

Where are you sacred? A strong man of the Baishen tribe, while asking, walked forward.

At the same time, they slowly exerted the power of pupillary surgery and shrouded toward the front.

When they thoroughly saw the people in front of them, they froze.

It's you!

Bai Jingyu's face also became ugly. His eyes passed these array masters of the Shen family and looked forward.

There, there was this figure, with his back to him.

Although he doesn't know Lin Xuan's identity, he has seen each other.

Bai Jingyu had all-white eyes and faced each other before,

He even found that the other party had a powerful **** world.

Unexpectedly, now the other party has come to this heaven again.

Damn guy, give up the puppets that belong to our Protoss.

Bai Jingyu roared.

Those around the white gods are also extremely surprised: is this the enemy?

They were instantly close to the enemy.

Li Xuantong next to him was also stunned: Is this person the legendary master of hell?

He would like to see if the other party is as powerful as the legend?

Lin Xuan turned around and looked at these people. There was endless light falling in his eyes, full of supreme coercion.

Suddenly cut off the world, everyone just felt cold body.

What kind of eyes is this? After being stared at by these eyes, they seemed to disappear in an instant.

This person is so strong!

These people of the white gods have a scalp,

Even Li Xuantong's face was a bit ugly.

Although we haven't fought yet, we can see from the momentum of the opponent,

This person is more horrible than expected.

The atmosphere was a little frozen, and no one dared to do anything.

These array masters of the Shen family were not practicing, and gathered around Lin Xuan, as if they were close to enemy.

Just then, there was a roaring sound outside,

Someone came in again.

Many people came in this time,

The Yuhuaxian Dynasty, the Supreme Palace, the other shore, etc., these strong men rushed in.

They felt that the powerful heavenly forces around them were ecstatic.

Great, we came in,

We have the power of one of the six.

When they came in, they found the atmosphere extremely depressing.

These people smiled at him, and frowned one after another: What happened?

They looked forward,

I saw that there were dozens of figures standing there, standing there.

Who is this Does not seem to be a member of the White Gods.

Everyone talked.

You are still alive and have successfully entered.

At this moment a sound of exclamation sounded.

The person who was exclaimed was the Xu Tianwu of the Supreme Palace.

Originally he thought that Lin Xuan and others could not enter, after all, the test of this heaven was extremely horrible.

It took them a lot of efforts to build up a lot of strong people before they got through.

No matter how strong Lin Xuan is, it's impossible to come in.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually came in.

For a moment, he exclaimed,

Those others were also surprised: who is this person?

Lin Xuan turned his head and stared at Xu Tianwu, and the next moment, a terrifying atmosphere appeared on him.

This breath seemed to be engulfing the heavens and earth, and the surrounding area faded instantly.

The breath of the heavens was vast and mysterious, with immortality, but it was extremely cold at the moment.

When everyone felt this breath, everyone felt cold and their bodies shivered.

Xu Tianwu was startled, and stepped back involuntarily.

Those around me were stunned when they saw this scene: Cangtian, how is this possible?

Xu Tianwu is a half step true god, how terrible.

Now, I was frightened by a look,

Who is the sacred person ahead? Could it be true God?

Thinking of this, they also frightened back.

Xu Tianwu was really startled, he once fought with Lin Xuan simply.

Although he did not exert all his powers, he knew the space behind Lin Xuan and suppressed three and a half steps of the true god.

He remembered how shocked he was when he saw that scene.

Seeing Lin Xuan again, he was startled,

Everyone backed up, like the enemy.

Lin Xuan seemed to frighten the strong.

Hmm, it's really a bunch of waste, and it was frightened by a look.

Just then, a sneer sounded, the voice was extremely young.

When I heard this, the strong men around them looked a little ugly.

Xu Tianwu snorted, and his eyes swept away: Who is it? Speak here in the wind.

When he saw the speaker, he froze slightly.

He found that it was not alone, but a gourd.

This doesn't seem to be an ordinary gourd, beside this gourd, there are many masters on the other side.

Obviously, the other party's origin is very extraordinary,

There is no need for Xu Tianwu to provoke the other side,

He snorted heavily and retracted his gaze.

This gourd is exactly the chaos gourd on the other side.

At this moment, only one of his gourd incarnations came, but still arrogant.

He saw that Lin Xuan was very dissatisfied when he scared off the ten million strong, and he did not allow anyone to be more bullish than him.

He said coldly: I hate this pair of eyes, come, and dug it for me.

Little master, rest assured, what you don't like doesn't need to exist in this world, I'll do it.

A strong man came out.

This man is very tall, with a terrifying apparition of mountains and rivers on his body.

Raising your hands and feet seems to suppress everything,

This is a terrestrial fairy, whose strength is terrible.

Reached the pinnacle of Tongjin.

Only half-step true gods present ~ ~ were able to suppress each other.

After he came over, he said coldly: Where is your arrogance in front of Xiaozhu?

He knelt down on the ground obediently and dug out his eyes,

Otherwise, you will die as soon as I start.

There was no answer. Lin Xuan stood there, his figure blurred, but his eyes became more and more scary.

As if looking through the heavens and earth, like a high master, overlooking the Cangsheng.

Everyone felt the trembling and smallness under this eye.

The land fairy on the other side was angry.

court death.

With a roar, he shattered the world and reached out with his large hands, covering the sky.

In the palm of your hand, there are thousands of gods, and they keep falling.

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