Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7148: Seize the opportunity (1)

The appearance of that eye caused a magical change.

The whole Xianshan shook violently.

The dazzling light flashes in all directions, and the power of heaven is boiling.

Everyone was stunned.

Lin Xuan and Bai Ruoyun also stopped their hands. Instead of fighting, they turned to look into the distance.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, a terrible light broke out: Heaven seemed to be opening.

Shen Cangsheng, they also walked over and said: the son, the stone in her hand, is extremely extraordinary, similar to the stone I got.

However, it seems more powerful,

She should have got it from this mountain.

Lin Xuan nodded slightly after hearing: Unexpectedly, the Baishen family still had such gains.

Those other people were equally surprised: the heritage of the Baishen tribe is too deep, right?

Such babies can be found.

Are they too lucky?

They are most likely to get the power of heaven.

When countless people looked at the white gods, they were envious and jealous.

However, some people laughed coldly: What is urgent? After the heavens are opened, we can all enter.

At that time, who can get the power of heaven, not necessarily?

Although the white gods have seized the opportunity, our strength seems to be more powerful.

Every sound sounded,

These people do n’t do it anymore,

Even Bai Ruoyun retreated, preparing to grab the power of heaven.

The strong men around looked at each other,

The people of the Baishen family naturally know, but they did not stop.

They ca n’t sneak in, they might as well open the heavens,

They have the stone eyes in their hands, and they definitely have the upper hand.

Bai Jingyu's left palm spread out, and the stone eyes floated above his palm.

He exerted terrible soul power, spurring stone eyes.

Above the stone's eyes, some mysterious runes appeared, looking forward.

Makes the entrance of the heaven world even more dazzling.

The people of the Baishen family didn't rush in, they waited.

One day, two days.

Three days have passed.

Someone is getting impatient.

At the Nine Angels, someone hummed coldly: coward, let's go first.

The two powerful figures walked past, their bodies were terrifying, and behind them were the phantoms of the cow demon, as if they could break new ground.

They strode towards the entrance to the heavens,

The people of the Baishen group looked at this scene coldly and did not stop it.

After everyone saw it, they were all excited.

The people of the white gods did not stop!


The Yuhua fairy dynasty and the people from the Supreme Palace also came out.

In front of me, a scream came suddenly. The bodies of the two tauren were ashes,

Not even a drop of god's blood remained.

what's the situation?

Those who had originally planned to enter the rear stopped.

Their faces turned green, and cold sweat dripped from everyone.

Are the two strong men dead like this?

It really went away.

Is this the power of heaven?

too terrifying.

Heaven is ruthless.

Kill everything.


The strong man from the Baishen family sneered,

Those other people frowned.

It turned out that the people of the Baishen family did not stop, but knew that the danger ahead was serious, and the other party was there to prepare to read the joke.

Bai Jingyu ignored the others, and he pushed the stone eyes with all his strength.

After another 10 days, he said coldly: OK, leave.

Hearing this, those people of the Baishen family walked forward.

This time near the entrance to the heavens, they were not attacked.

However, when they wanted to enter heaven, they encountered some trouble.

This world has tremendous pressure. When these people approach, they become very slow.

It's hard to get into the sky if you want to go in.

No, although the heavens are open, the power of the heavens is too horrible, and we cannot enter.

Ahead, those of the Baishen family looked ugly.

If you can't get in, then back off and let us move forward.

The people in the Supreme Hall strode over,

On the other side, people from the other side also followed.

Everyone is acting.

At this moment, everyone rushed forward,

They found that they were also under tremendous pressure as they approached the entrance to Heaven.

As if entering a quagmire.

Drive me.

Bai Ruoyun gave a cold drink.

Wushuang Xianjian chopped down fiercely, as if he could break the ground.

This sword split the pressure directly in front of it, like the sea, and was split in half.

The people of the Wushuang fairy clan just felt relaxed, and they walked forward.

Great, Ruoyun's ancestors are too strong.

They were extremely excited.

A man with two kinds of super bloodlines is really terrible.

Those who are strong around are exclaimed again and again: this person is too strong, they stand alone, they are not opponents at all.

However, the good times didn't last long.

Those of Wushuangxian cried again.

The pressure turned out again, endless and could not be cut off at all.

This makes them desperate.

Can't even Ruoyun's ancestors cut the sword? So how do they get in?

Can they act even after entering?

On the other side, Bai Jingyu also tried, and he found that he could also split.

But soon, that mighty force swept through again, making him desperate.

He whispered: What are you waiting for? If you want to enter the heavens, join hands.

Only by joining together can we break this world.

Otherwise, no one will get the power of heaven.

Join hands.

The people from Yuhua Xianchao stood up.

OK, then join hands for a while, but after you go in, you have your own skills.

The people from the Supreme Palace also came out.

Reincarnation Mountain, asked the Tian family, the Nine You Messenger and others, agreed.

They are ready to join forces.

To the rear, Shen Cangsheng asked: "Son, do we have to take a shot?"

Lin Xuan nodded and said, "You take a shot, use your formation and help break the formation."

"Otherwise, we will sit idly by and be besieged by that time."

it is good.

Shen Cangsheng and others nodded, and they came over with a powerful formation,

Everyone seems to be joining forces.

Chaos Gourd is standing there ~ ~ sneer: "Join us? Are you not worth joining us?"

Bai Ruoyun didn't act either. It seemed that he didn't plan to join hands.

Those around them frowned tightly, even though so many of them were united, it was already a powerful force.

However, the other side wants to take advantage of the fishermen and make everyone dissatisfied.

Didn't see even Shen Cangsheng and the mysterious strong man who owns **** are ready to join forces?

"Don't bother with the other bank, then we can just block it out of heaven."

"Want to take advantage of the fishermen, in front of us, this is not possible."

Many people sneered.

The young geniuses of the Wushuangxian clan are also a bit worried: "Our ancestors, don't we really help?"

"What if they hit us?"

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