Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7171: Avenue Starry Sky Map (3)

Zi Lei struck the **** drum fiercely, and Tian Lei's god-like voice sounded.

This time, it really came out of hell, and it went far away.

Those who were frantically searching around, were crazy when they heard these voices,

This sound is so terrible, it should be where Lin Wuji fights,

They rushed quickly.

The first to feel it was not the Wushuangxian people, but the people in the Supreme Palace.

Here they are found.

The terrestrial fairy of the Supreme Palace exclaimed, shining a light, shining the world.

Subsequently, the other powerful men rushed over.

Xu Tianwu's cold voice also sounded: while he was weak, he quickly slashed him and took away the treasure from him.

In their opinion, the opponent must have the reincarnation sword.

Those powerful men in the Supreme Palace burst out with terrible fire and immortality, and instantly enveloped the space in front of them.

Many people are very excited with their slaughter in their eyes.

The power of the reincarnation sword will not be long before they can gain it.

Who will be able to compete with them then?

The leader is Xu Tianwu, whose breath is extremely terrible.

He is a half-step true god, and his strength is as unfathomable as the ocean.

As soon as he came up, he stared at the **** world ahead, and he said coldly: Follow me and kill him.

These people, rushing forward quickly,

In the **** world, Zi Lei also frowned slightly, but he was not on the other side!

But it does n’t matter,

Let these people break the **** world first, and it won't be long before they think about it, and the strong on the other side will come.

At that time, you can directly do the harvest of fishermen.

These people are very fast. It didn't take long before they came to the **** interface.

They attacked the **** world.

The roaring voice sounded, the endless black breath flew in all directions.

At this time, Lin Xuan's voice came from the **** world: Are you sure you want to hit me? You cannot afford the consequences.

These people in the Supreme Palace are all land gods. Even the half-step true gods are taking the lead. How powerful they are.

When they heard this, they were immediately angry, and even more sneered: Lin Wudi, we know it is you.

If you have power, will you threaten us with words? You already shot.

It now shows that you are so weak that you cannot lie to us.

Everyone hurry up, otherwise, the people from the other side and the Baishen tribe will come.

By then, we will have no advantage.

Another woman spoke in a deep voice.

This woman, surrounded by a terrible light, formed thousands of avenue treasure jars, blooming with bright glow.

She is also a half-step true god. She waved her hand and rushed forward with those people behind her.

A bright light erupted on the woman, and the avenue treasure jars formed a stream of lightning and rushed quickly.

It turned into a sea of ​​thunder, tearing the heavens and the earth and killing the **** world ahead.

The roaring voice sounded, and the monstrous power broke out, hitting the **** world, causing the **** world to shake violently.

Any land fairy who is struck by this force will definitely die.

Not only him, but other people also shot, all kinds of immortals, superb magical powers, shrouded toward the front.

The **** world ahead shook violently, and seemed to be broken.

However, it remained unbroken and no crack appeared.

how can that be?

These people in the Supreme Palace are stunned: are they so powerful?

At the same time, they were ecstatic. One of the six **** roads was already so scary.

How terrible is the power of that reincarnation sword?

They must get this power and continue to do it.

These people took out powerful artifacts, exhibited superb magical powers, turned them into supreme power, and killed them.

The sound of earth-shaking sounds, they seem to be desperate,

However, all attacks cannot tear the **** world apart.

Shoot together.

The woman in blue snorted.

She and Xu Tianwu, they shot a peerless blow, two and a half steps together the true God, how terrible the power.

They finally ripped the **** world and killed them,

After entering, they were shrouded in darkness.

These men fought against the force of hell, and they flew forward.

Not long after, they saw a figure, a figure sitting on the ground,

It's Lin Invincible.

When these people looked forward, they exclaimed, and they were extremely excited.

Lin Wuji's state at the moment is very bad. It looks like their chance has come.


The three land gods rushed over quickly, and then came to Lin Xuan,

The three shot and killed each other's head and heart.

Once hit, this forest is invincible no matter how strong it will be.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan opened his eyes,

His eyes were like a magic lamp, shining for 9 days and 10 places.

Especially the reincarnation eyes, it is even more horrifying, the towering reincarnation power, sweeping out.

The whole **** world shook violently. If the three land gods were struck by lightning, their bodies would break apart constantly.

Do not.

The three's faces changed drastically and they retreated madly.

As soon as they turned around, they died out.

Not even a trace of remnant fled.

Those in the rear were frightened when they saw this scene: that's the three land gods. It is the existence of real fire and immortality.

However, at this moment, it was incredible to be killed with a single glance.

To what extent is Lin Wudi already strong? They dare not imagine.

He should already be a half-step true **** level, everyone be careful.

When Xu Tianwu saw this scene, he also frowned tightly: Unexpectedly, Lin Wudi at the moment still had such power.

The woman in blue next to it snorted coldly: Lin Wudi, you are too weak,

At its peak, maybe you can fight us.

But, unfortunately,

Before you killed the half-step true **** and the incarnation of the chaos protoss, you have little power.

You are not our opponent at all now,

Obediently capture, give you a happy death.

Behind her, there were also several powerful men who shook the peak of Divine Realm: surrendering the power of the reincarnation sword.

It's up to you? I also want the power of the reincarnation sword ~ ​​ ~ without my own control.

Lin Xuan sneered.

Too arrogant, the other party didn't even look at us.

The strong in the Supreme Hall is angry,

On their side, there are two half-step true gods.

Moreover, it was the peak period.

In addition, the cultivation of the peak of the nerves also has several people.

Such a lineup should sweep everything.

You step back and let me do it myself.

The woman in blue came out, with extremely radiant light in her eyes, and she wanted to suppress it.

The avenue of the avenue on his body, the light shining straight into the clouds, seemed to form a galaxy, falling quickly, as if to suppress Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan stood there, without the slightest dodge, let the starry sky land.

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