Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7176: Enemies are here! Invincible danger! (two)

Bai Jingyu took three big shots and shot together. This lineup is enough to make any half step really desperate.

Even, he dare to call Banzhen.

He was a sneak attack. It was a sneak attack when Lin Xuan dealt with Bai Ruoyun, and the results were very good.

In an instant, they were killed in front of Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan changed his face and resisted.

A roaring voice sounded, and he was pulled out by Zhen, spitting a few blood.

Great, hit him,

he got hurt.

The people of the Protoss smiled when they saw this scene: next, this kid's death.

Lin Xuan stepped back, he stared at Bai Jingyu, a ray of ray appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, he snorted coldly. Six phantoms of the world appeared around him, and powerful six forces poured into his body to repair his injury.

Soon, he recovered.

Those around us were stunned when they saw this scene: weren't they? After being attacked by four half-step true gods, he was so quick to reply after being injured!

This forest invincible is too bad.

Bai Jingyu frowned tightly: I have to admit that Lin Xuan is really strong and incredibly powerful.

The physique of the other party seemed beyond imagination.

He looked at Bai Ruoyun and said: The boy's strength has been greatly improved than before, and he must have got supreme strength here.

Alone, I'm afraid he can't win him. Let's join hands.

Suppress him before discussing what to do next.

how do you feel?

it is good.

Bai Ruoyun nodded,

He also had this idea,

The two then joined forces.

Both of them are extremely terrible, plus three and a half steps of the true God's puppet, it can be said that this is five and a half steps of the true God attack together.

The people of the white **** family sneered: I don't believe that this boy can resist it.

When Zi Lei saw this scene, he also sneered: Unless the boy took out the reincarnation sword, or the strength of the big dragon sword, he gave it a full blow.

May be able to resist.

Otherwise, the other party will surely die.

However, the other party is able to exert it. How many times is that peerless power?

The opponent just finished using it for a long time, and now I'm afraid I can't show it anymore, right?

The other party is dead.

Even if he faces such a lineup, I'm afraid it will die out in no time!

Everyone thought that Lin Xuan was dead,

Lin Xuan was indeed suppressed, the six worlds were shaken violently, and even the light became dim.

I have to say that the power of five and a half steps of the true God level shot is really terrifying.

Bai Yunyun and Bai Jingyu were even more surprised. Their lineup was just suppressing each other and did not kill each other.

This is incredible.

This kid is even more terrible than he thought, and can't let the other person grow up.

Thinking of this, they shot more crazy.

The world is roaring, the void is rolling, the murderous spirit is soaring into the sky, and there is completely nothingness.

Lin Xuan frowned tightly, and he snorted coldly: Is it more than the number? Do you really think you are crowded?

With a wave of his hand, the **** world opened again, and from within, several figures emerged.

These figures were covered in black chains.

Every figure is terrible,

Lin Xuan used the power of **** to control these figures and rushed over.

Instantly killed the crickets ahead,

During the war between the two sides, those puppets were actually blocked.

It's incredible, right? How sacred is this figure?

The protoss, the strong of the immortals, watching the battle around, exclaimed when they saw this scene.

God, I also feel the power of the true God half step above,

Is it possible that these figures are also half-step true gods?

Damn, isn't this half-step true **** of my white **** family?

Why is he controlled?

A roar sounded, and they did not expect that Lin Xuan also had a half-step puppet at the level of God.

Moreover, the other party can also control.

The situation changed again, and Lin Xuan's crisis was lifted.

This made Bai Ruoyun and Bai Jingyu grit their teeth: Damn it, this is not the way to go.

In their hands, there are still some true god-level powers not used, this is their last hole card.

They are going to use this power to kill each other,

At this time, there was a voice in the distance.

It turned out that the forces from the side of the nine envoys came, and there were also two powerful men on the side of the envoys.

One was the seventh messenger, and the other was Qin Wuyan.

These two people are equally terrible, neither weaker than Bai Ruoyun and Bai Jingyu,

Even more, Qin Wuyan was even more horrified.

Qin Wuyan is an old monster who has lived endless years. Although his strength has not been fully restored, his means are too many.

His formation is really terrifying.

The arrival of these two powerful men, coupled with the powerful terrestrial gods in the rear, changed the situation again.

It seems that Lin Wuji is dead.

Yeah, even if he took out these puppets, he couldn't resist the new power.

The seventh messenger and Qin Wuyan, who just came one, could change the battle situation.

Two people come together, Lin Wudi absolutely has no possibility of turning over.

Lin Xuan will definitely lose.

Next, they have to think about how to get the power of the reincarnation sword.

After all, the three parties are now fighting for it.

Young man, grab it, you are not our opponent at all.

The seventh messenger came over. This was a handsome man, wearing a black armor, magnificent.

His eyes were as dark as ink.

After Qin Wuyan stepped out, he immediately exhibited the extremely powerful Nine Palace Array.

Nine palaces appeared between heaven and earth, completely covering Lin Xuan.

On the other side, Bai Ruoyun and Bai Jingyu were equally aggressive.

At this moment, the situation was really in crisis and no one could save Lin Xuan.

However, Lin Xuan didn't care, he even laughed.

Everyone is here. In this case, I don't need to go to you one by one.

Deadly, and arrogant!

The seventh messenger snorted coldly: everyone shot together ~ ~ suppress him first.

After that, he took the lead,

He shot a statue of a bull's head, standing on top of it, like an eternal demon mountain, squeezing down from the sky.

The Nine Palaces Array Method was also launched, and nine palaces bloomed with incomparable light, and several of them opened with mysterious and powerful power inside.

Bai Ruoyun and Bai Jingyu also shot,

Coupled with those terrestrial gods in the rear, they also shot.

Although they fought alone, they were not Lin Xuan's opponents. However, these people were really a force of terror.

The breath of the sky completely covered Lin Xuan, and the place where Lin Xuan was located turned into nothingness.

His figure was engulfed in endless black holes.

When they saw this scene, everyone laughed: finally solved this guy,

He is strong and can't resist it.

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