Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7217: Peerless 7 Star Sword Formation! (One)

The 27 elders were crazy, she was stunned when she saw the black and white figures in front of her.

how can that be?

The other party can perfectly separate the power of Yin and Yang!

This is incredible.

发现 She found that these two figures seemed more terrifying than the breath above her two excalibur swords.

Can't make it happen, her yin and yang power surpassed her?

What are you kidding?

Elder Seventh did not believe,

Her complexion and roared: Go to death.

She rushed over quickly, chopped down the black and white swords in her hand.

At this moment, a huge crack appeared in the world, as if to break,

The whole void shook violently.

I can imagine how horrible the Seven Elders are.

Forsythia and others, retreating madly,

They are not opponents at all, they can only look to Lin Xuan.

In the face of such a terrible attack, Lin Xuan was calm, with a wave of his robe, and the two figures in front of him flew quickly.

The next moment, the two figures collided with the two excalibur swords, as if the world was turned upside down, and the universe opened.

第 一次 The first time the two collided, the terrible breath penetrated the world.

People of the yin and yang **** tree family also retreat like crazy,

Their blood was rolling and their faces were pale.

He is so strong, this boy can have such power.

I was so incredible.

Can Elder Seven defeat him?

what are you thinking about? Definitely, no matter how strong this kid is, he is not an opponent of the Seven Elders.

I just finished speaking, a figure, but backed out, it is the seven elders.

This is impossible.

The people of the yin and yang **** tree family are stunned: have the seven elders been shaken back?

Did Elder Qiqi fall into the wind?

They felt that the sky was about to fall.

The Elder Qixi even roared, and if she was crazy, she rushed over quickly and was ready to make a full shot.

She doesn't allow herself to lose.

Zhe Linxuan's body was so divine that the two figures in front exploded with horror.

He is another trick, shocking,

Then, the black and white Excalibur in the hands of the Seven Elders broke apart.

Elder Qiqi, like a lightning strike, flew out and landed directly on the ground.

There was a thunderous sound, as if one hundred thousand thunders had landed, overturning the void.

那些 The people around me, when I saw this scene,

People of the yin and yang **** tree family are also stupid.

什么 What did they see?

The powerful and powerful Seven Elders, defeated,

The terrible yin and yang sword is broken.

That's an artifact, how could it be interrupted?

They can't believe it, how good is this kid in front of him?

This person, wouldn't he be the heir to the Yinyang Xiandian?

Otherwise, why is it so scary?

When Liyang saw the scene, his face was ugly.

His condition is very poor.

After He was rescued, he passed out.

He woke up again. After seeing the state of the Seven Elders, he roared: This boy is very strong, and you should join hands and don't give him any chance.

动 Do it together.

The twenty-five elders strode over,

The elders of Qiqi also stood up again, and the cracks on his body recovered quickly.

Behind him, the other powerful men acted the same way, and for a moment, they were overwhelming, like countless gods.

Puyang looked at the three elders around him and said: You also shot.

Don't need it? The three elders said.

Two and a half step true gods, plus the other powerful ones, and the five artifacts in your hand, should be fine.

However, Yang Potian said: No, you don't know how terrible he is.

Hurry up and suppress him completely, don't give him any chance to fight back.


The three elders nodded.

He said that, but he didn't take it seriously.

In his opinion, the reason why Yang Potian was defeated and injured must have been the attack by the other side.

The opponent's strength is strong, but it is only a half step true **** level,

They are three and a half steps away, no one can escape.

动 Let's do it together.

After the elder Tuan San came out, he shot it with one palm.

The elders of the twenty-five have hit the seal of Yin and Yang, and the seven elders have also shot.

The broken Yin and Yang Excalibur flew out again.

I was so murderous.

Three and a half steps really shot, plus other strong, this power is really terrifying to the extreme, and can destroy everything in the world.

Boy, let's use the array.

When the dark red **** dragon saw this scene, he also said Shen Sheng,

He also felt a deadly crisis,

Well, the temptation is over. Yinyang Shenshu family, but this is the case.

Lin Xuan nodded and opened up the formation.

Lin Linxuan shook her figure and retreated to the rear.

Boy, you can't escape.

The elder smirk sneered.

The Seven Elders roared: I will kill you and use your physique to create a magic sword.

Escape? Who said I was going to run away? I want to give you a great gift.

Lin Linxuan snorted, and his hands were long, and the **** world shook violently.

At the same time, under the Qixing Lake, the seven rays flickered and flew into the world of hell.

Through the heavens and the earth, through the sword of the seven stars.

The power of the **** world is pouring wildly into these seven star swords, and a peerless formation is opening.

力量 This power is really terrible. When it appears, it sweeps the world.

Hell Seven Star Sword, cut.

The seven swords of the stars, with the boundless **** power, quickly fell down.

The whole **** world, the crazy rotation, the breath of horror, and the complete outbreak enveloped the people of the yin and yang **** tree.

In an instant, the yin and yang **** tree family was hit hard.

Many of the disciples' bodies broke apart, and their attacks were also broken.

Alas, **** it, what's going on?

怎样 What kind of power is this?

I was too scary.

This is a peerless formation, they are using the power of Qixing Lake,

Don't be afraid, the power of Qixing Lake, but so.

The elders of Twenty-Five roared again and again, urging his Yin and Yang seal to kill him, as if to break the Seven Swords.

However, after a blow, his seal was blown back, and the light became dim.

Even, there was a crack in one horn.

How could this look like this?

The five elders are crazy.

The next moment ~ ~ he was chopped by the terrible sword air, one arm was chopped, his body was broken, and he flew out.

Damn, run away.

The elder elders exclaimed.

His face was so ugly that even his half-step true **** was hurt,

怎么 How can other people resist?

He escaped madly.

Elder Yun San's eyes were even more red. He found that the disciples around him were falling.

Anyone who was chopped by the sword was completely wiped out and no one could escape.

Alas, elders save me.

My ancestor saved me.

Those disciples of the yin and yang **** tree frantically called for help.

I don't want to fall yet, I'm almost half a step away.

A genius screamed at the sky, but was killed by a sword.


The elders of Qiqi also roared: Otherwise, the **** medicine garden will not let you go.

Alas, still useless.

The two swords were cut off, the body of the seven elders was penetrated, and the sky was stained with blood.

She was badly hit.

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