Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7236: Lin Xuan's hole card! (two)

At this moment of crisis, the Taiji figure spun quickly, killing forward, and blocking the sword of the stars.

As for the starry pagoda, it still fell down, as if to suppress Lin Xuan.

The corner of Lin Xuan's mouth also raised a smile: Well, the two star souls are really beyond my expectations.

However, do you think I only have Tai Chi?

Too stupid.

Let you see, my hole cards.

Lin Xuan's palms were printed with a cold drink, and the void behind him cracked, and the **** world emerged, crushing away toward the front.

An icy breath came towards me, with endless killing intentions, and a murky breath.

As if the gates of **** were opened.

The earth-shattering sound sounded, the star pagoda was shaken out, and floated between the heavens and the earth, the light above them became dim.

blocked! how can that be?

When the star goddess saw this scene, her brows frowned tightly: This kid even had a hole card, it was incredible.

She looked towards the **** world ahead, her face dignified: what kind of world is this? Why is it so terrible?

Where is this kid sacred? Isn't it the Yinyang Xiandian?

After Lin Xuanzhen retreated from the other starry pagoda, he waved his hands, the **** world bloomed quickly, and the world was extremely dark.

The icy atmosphere surrounded the heavens and the earth, and the void faded instantly.

Lin Xuan used the **** world to envelope the star goddess.

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

He said lightly: Welcome to the **** world. Next, you can feel my power.

Lin Xuan is floating in the void, he is as high as the master,

His eyes seemed to be able to break everything in the sky.

Huh, just the world, what can I do? Even the sea of ​​stars cannot stop me.

The star goddess sneered, she walked quickly forward, and the star map under her feet flickered with mysterious information.

She killed Lin Xuan and fought with Lin Xuan.

The two were shocking.

However, here is **** world after all, and Lin Xuan is here in a god-like existence.

He used the power of **** to defeat the Star Goddess, let the Star Goddess' blood and blood roll, and his face pale.

Damn, how could that be?

The star goddess is mad, is she actually suppressed?

Even if it is the true god, it is impossible to suppress her!


She was extremely angry.

On the other side, Lin Xuan was also surprised: I have to say that this star goddess is really too strong, and the power of the star soul is too terrifying.

You must know how terrible the **** world is when he comes to this realm. The other powerful men came in and died out long ago.

Even if the true God comes in, I'm afraid I have to get hurt, right?

But now, the goddess of the stars has just been repelled and has not been injured.

This is incredible.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan snorted, and he waved his hand to use the millstone that was extinct.

Began crushing each other.

At the same time, in the surroundings, a lot of **** swords were formed, and they kept chopping off the past.

The earth-shattering voice sounded, and endless power fell on the goddess of the stars, making a shocking sound.

The star goddess roared, and merged with the star pagoda in the sky,

Earth shaking, the power of terror, destroying everything.

After the blow, Star Goddess stepped back, she stepped on the void and spit out blood.

However, her eyes were more and more horrified: Damn, it hurt me, you have to pay the price.

Lin Xuan's brow also wrinkled tightly: too incredible? Such a powerful attack just made the other side spit out blood.

I can only say that this star goddess is really terrible,

But what about that?

The next moment, Lin Xuan gave a cold drink: six worlds.

In addition to the world of hell, in other places, the phantom of five worlds appeared, and in each world, there was a power that emerged.

Every power is shocking,

Is lore,

Six forces erupted together and killed the past.

At this moment, the whole broken Xinghai seemed to shake violently.

The people of the Huatong family were shocked when they saw this scene: it's terrible!

They couldn't resist this force.

Fortunately, it was carried out in the **** world, otherwise, I am afraid they will spend a family of pupils and kill the ashes!

The roaring voice sounded, and it was a peerless blow, and a figure backed out.

Everyone was nervous: who was it?

In secret, the true **** of coral is here,

Seeing this scene, he also took a deep breath, did he need to take a shot?

In his opinion, the goddess of the sky will definitely not lose,

It was the kid who failed.

Next, he's going to take a shot to extract the strength of the opponent.

However, when he could see the figure in front of him, he was caught there.

how can that be?

He found that it was not Lin Xuan who was beaten, but the goddess of the stars,

The star goddess at this moment is extremely embarrassed.

The Star Tower had been blown out, and a crack appeared on her body, her face pale, and her armour stained with blood.

Damn, how could this be possible?

Coral true god, when I saw this scene, I was stunned: Isn't it the boy's opponent to use the power of the two star souls?

Could it be that the goddess of the stars has been defeated?

Thinking of this, he was there,

Those other people were also exclaimed: strong power.

Between heaven and earth, quiet and terrible,

The body of the star goddess trembled, and her face was mad.

She was hurt, she was hurt!

how is this possible?

She roared to the sky, and the power on her body kept erupting,

With infinite anger in her eyes, she became unwilling.

In the end, it is a kind of killing intention that sweeps the world.


I can't be defeated, and I can't be defeated.

No. 3 soul, condensed.

A crazy roar sounded.

The third star soul emerged quickly.

what? She can also unite the Star Soul!

Those around were almost desperate.

Every star soul, that's a terrifying power,

The two star souls can already threaten the true god.

The third star soul, how terrible is that?

Is it possible ~ ~ Can you directly defeat the true god?

They dare not imagine

Even the face of the lotus **** is ugly.

The distant coral **** also took a breath of coolness: it was really shocking.

Originally, he thought that the opponent was going to lose, and wherever he wanted to, the opponent had a hole card.

I do n’t know what the third Samsung soul is.

Son, take a shot, defeat her, and take advantage of this opportunity to attack her.

The forsythia below exclaimed.

Even the true God of Lotus nodded. He also hoped that Lin Xuan would take a shot at this time to interrupt the third star soul called by the other party.

Lin Xuan waved his hand, and said loudly: I'd like to see, what is her third star soul?

Lin Xuan had infinite confidence in his eyes.

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