Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7253: Sword, unsheath! (three)

When this blow went out, everyone was pale,

Those who are strong in God's Realm are shocked.

too strong.

Even the weak are almost kneeling to the ground.

He is also the **** earth, which can withstand it, or be placed in the void, and endless stars will be destroyed.

A roaring sound, keeps ringing,

Lin Linxuan's figure disappeared,

When the people of the Baishen family saw this scene, they all laughed,

Huh, what Lin is invincible, but so is it,

No matter how strong it is?

Can He compete with the true God?

I haven't died out yet.

I ’m not good, those people in the God Realm are also looking up,

Yun Murong all wanted to rush over, but was stopped by the dark red dragon.

He said, rest assured, the boy's strength is beyond imagination.


Broken nothingness, slowly recovering,

Bai Fengyun is standing on top of the ancient city.

After annihilating Lin Wudi, he will then shoot at Jiuxianxian.

By then, the big dragon sword and the devouring sword are theirs,

Thinking of it with a touch of excitement in my eyes,

When he wanted to take a shot, he gave a slight stun,

He found in that nothingness that there seemed to be a figure coming out,

He looked in that direction,

The next moment, her pupils shrank, her body shook, and she didn't even faint.

how can that be?

的 The smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a shock.

Grandma, what's wrong?

Those people of the Baishen family are also stunned. What can make a true **** so shocked,

They also looked forward,

The next moment, they were equally stunned,

A shock, surprise, and incredible expression on their faces.

how can that be? That kid is still alive,

How did you do it?

Hallucinations, must this be hallucinations?

They're crazy,

They found that from the broken nothingness, Lin Xuan's figure came out,

Lin Linxuan was unharmed.

Just kidding,

People of the White Gods ca n’t believe it,

That's Bai Fengyun, with the blow of an artifact, even if the other party is a true god, I'm afraid it can't be easily blocked.

The people on God's side are also relieved, but they are also extremely curious,

How does Lin Xuan block it?

To be honest, even Lin Xuan was startled,

的 The power of this blow is indeed very powerful, and it also gave him a fatal crisis.

Well, his hole cards are not what these people can imagine.

时刻 At the moment of crisis, he used great authentic power,

At the same time, I used the power of the reincarnation sword fragments,

结合 The combination of the two, Lin Xuan, directly condenses the big tunnel into a shield, blocking it in front,

With the fragments of the reincarnation sword, the shield turned into an absolute defense, blocking the shock

Although Bai Baiyun did not know how Lin Xuan blocked it, his face became more and more ugly.

Lin Linxuan's strength is beyond his imagination,

Moreover, there must be an incredible hole card in his hand. He didn't feel the breath of the big dragon sword just now, so what is the opponent blocking?

Does the opponent have a true God-level weapon?

When I thought of this possibility, Bai Fengyun's face became extremely ugly.

Lin Xuanxuan in all directions, follow me!

He rushed forward again,

His goal is,


Those who ravaged the domain of God, also rushed over quickly,

Lord Queen, Golden Lion King, Montenegro, Northern Demon, Dark Red Dragon, Murong Qingcheng,

They also shot one after another,

At this moment, the people of God's Realm are overwhelmed.

Sweeping through the void like thousands of troops,

The whole sacred soil shook violently.

Quickly defend, start all the formations, gather the power of the Divine Land,

Those people of the Baishen clan, when they saw this scene, they roared wildly,

之上 On top of their ancient city, one after another mysterious runes bloom, forming an absolute defense

This is not a showdown of one or two people, not even a showdown of a true God,

It's a matchup beyond imagination,

Two giant beasts, fighting together, countless genius strong shot crazy.

Where is the Sword Palace?

Among the crowd, Lin Xuan rushed into the sky, stood above the sky for nine days, and shouted loudly,

Suddenly, in the crowd, countless figures rose into the sky, all of them carrying Ling Jian's sword light,

They looked at Lin Xuan and said excitedly that the Sword God Palace is here!

Sword, come out!

The Linxian sword in the hand of Xuan Linxuan, straight into the sky, the sword points to the sky,

冽 道 冽 Ling Ling's Jianguang erupted from him, sweeping for nine days,


The swordsmen of the Sword God Palace also pulled out their long swords and roared upward.

Sword, come out!

Swordsman, originally was the existence of super strong attacking force. At this moment, countless swordsmen gathered together.

In addition to Lin Xuan, the heir to the Great Dragon Sword, it is even more terrifying.

At this moment, these people joined hands, as if numerous swords were out of the sheath, chopped forward.

On the other side, the face is old, the Shen Cang's bones are thick, the palms are printed,

Sunda said loudly, the disciples of the Shanshan tribe listened to the orders and let the people of the Shencheng know about it.

Remove their formation!

With a cold drink and countless arrays, he rushed out of these people in the Shen family.

The Shen family is a family of mages, and they have a very long tradition. The tactics they played are equally terrible.

Even, Shen Changsheng cooperated with the Dark Red Dragon, and they wanted to take the power of the Divine Land and turn it into their own use.

This is a very bold idea. Once successful, this is their place.

The city of God is not to be feared.

On the other side, Qing Ling also came,

She rushed over with those monsters of the Huatong family,

瞳 Hitomi Sanhua.

With a cold drink, the eyes of Qingling bloomed with bright light,

Three petals rotate quickly,

The void above the twenty-ninth sky split, and a majestic beast emerged.

These are starry beasts, each sweeping the sky, extremely powerful,

At this moment ~ ~ A starry beast emerged, killing the city in front.

The power of vastness, sweeping

神 城, violent shaking,

Although they have peerless guards of formation, this scene is really scary,

The people of the white family are almost fainted when they see this scene.

Is this the power of Divine Assembly? too strong,

Even this is not just the power of the Divine Realm

There are other clan powers, and these people are equally terrifying

Bang bang bang

The panic-sounding sound sounded, and each attack made the city shake quickly

The formation above flashes constantly.

The people of the Baishen family are extremely nervous. Can they resist them?

A genius said, rest assured, this is our place,

Our **** city, as solid as gold soup, no one can break it

The others nodded, and no one knew the terribleness of the city of God better than them.

Suddenly, at this moment, an extremely terrible sword air burst out ahead,

Zhe Lin Xuan, offering the Dragon Soul of the Dragon!

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