Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7277: Battle plan! (three)

The true lotus **** also released his 12 lotus petals, forming a terrible defense and blocking the front.

The earth-shattering voice sounded, and Lin Xuan joined forces to block the attack.

But even so, they are tumbling blood, you can imagine how terrible this devastating breath is.

They retreated quickly.

On the other side, they also left, but they all suffered some injuries.

The faces of several true gods are also a bit ugly: abominable.

They are injured!

They were fast and fled far away.

Two days later, they stopped. Is there no problem here?

Yang Potian was relieved.

However, it did n’t take long for the front to come, a shock shaking,

Immediately afterwards, a tall figure emerged.

This is a mountain giant ape. The palm of his hand, like a mountain, was photographed.

And his opponent is not Lin Xuan and others, but another monster.

It was a python, and its body was more terrible than a few mountains.

The two terrible monsters, fighting together, formed a breath that made these true gods scalp.

Little Princess Xingyue, her face turned so pale that she almost cried: What the **** is this?

She now regrets it.

She originally thought that the place of rebirth was a place full of vitality. She came here to enhance her strength.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all. Although it has a strong vitality here, it is more dangerous everywhere.

There is a deadly threat to the true God here. The people under the true God are a little careless, and I am afraid they will die out.

Lin Xuan also frowned tightly, it was really dangerous here.

However, if you think about it, the land of resurrection has powerful vitality, and the souls here must be far beyond the outside.

Let's go! Change place.

Xiao Beixuan also had a pale face, and the energy and power of the battle ahead had already made his blood roll.

If these two beasts are close, they may not be able to bear it at all.

The group left quickly.

Next, they took some purple leaves and started to recover the injuries they had suffered before.

Under the strong vitality, they all recovered,

However, their faces did not improve because they encountered some trouble.

When it was dark that day, these people wanted to rest, they found a cave and were ready to go in.

Inside the cave, there were some black bugs with golden patterns on them.

After these bugs flew out, they rushed towards Lin Xuan and others.

At first, everyone didn't care, they attacked casually, and thought they could easily shoot to death.

However, it was found that this was not the case at all. These black bugs were connected into a piece, and there were tens of thousands.

The lines on them, under the night sky, bloom mysteriously,

Looking from a distance, it seems to form a mysterious pattern.

The worm's defense was beyond imagination. Under the general intention, the bodies of Yang Potian and others were cracked.

No, run away.

Several true gods also roared. After they were covered by these breaths, their bodies shook violently.

In this way, they are likely to be injured.

What the **** is it?

They fled madly.

And these bugs are fast following,

These bugs gathered together.

The mysterious lines on their backs have condensed into a golden pattern, just like the golden sacred arrow of the same handle, facing the front and severely chopping the past.

The crowd joined forces to stop the blow,

However, inside the cave, more and more bugs rushed out and flew overwhelmingly.

No, let ’s go separately.

The crowd flew in different directions, Lin Xuan and his party left quickly.

He formed a terrible dragon-shaped sword shadow, with indestructible power, knocking all the bugs in the back.

After three days, Lin Xuan stopped

Surrounded by a vast forest, quiet and terrible, those bugs never chased after.


Yan Ruyu was relieved.

Murong's allure was pale and tired, and she found a place to rest, and those other people also began to recover.

Fortunately, the leaves in this place have a strong breath of life.

So, these people recover quickly.

Lin Xuan stretched out his hand. In his hand, he had a small sword field that kept flying.

And inside, there is a black bug, very mysterious, it **** its wings and wants to rush out.

However, when encountering the dragon-shaped sword qi, it was shocked back, and it could only hover helplessly.

You caught one!

Seeing this scene, Qing Ling exclaimed.

The lotus **** and others were also shocked. They all gathered around. They didn't know that Lin Xuan even caught one.

They looked at it closely and found that the worm was really too mysterious, especially the lines above it, it seemed like a heaven.

Ye Wudao marveled: I am afraid that only Lin Xuan's big dragon sword soul can trap this bug.

Next, Lin Xuan started a little research on this black bug, but he didn't make much progress.

He tried to use the dragon-shaped sword gas to evolve the lines on the worm characters,

Only part of it, so it can't show its true power.

Deep in the vast mountains, there was a figure, his head suddenly raised.

This is a man wearing a bronze battle armor. He is carrying a sword and a gourd in his hand.

Originally he was searching for things nearby. At this moment, he looked up, with a hint of wonder in his eyes.

This breath is Lingtian's battle plan.

how is this possible? Did the Ling Tianzhantu appear?

It's incredible, right?

The man in the bronze armor was very surprised,

The next moment, he put away the gourd in his hand, turned into a flash, rose into the sky, and flew into the distance.

He was very fast, shuttled constantly in the void, and when he appeared again, he had already come to Lin Xuan and others.

He hid in the void, no one noticed, he looked down and was slightly surprised.

He saw Lin Xuan and others ~ ~ and at the same time he saw the black bug in Lin Xuan's hands.

He was extremely shocked: It was incredible that someone could catch this black bug.

Below, Lin Xuan suddenly looked up and chuckled coldly: "Who?"

He stood up abruptly, a suffocated breath appeared on his body.

The Lotus God and others also exclaimed. The Lotus God also frowned tightly.

He didn't expect that there were people here, and, hidden so deep,

He was afraid after a while.

The next moment, he saw a figure in the void.

This is a tall figure, wearing a battle armor, a handsome face, carrying a handle sword on his back, as if wearing a hundred battles.

After he walked out, he stared at Lin Xuan and said coldly: Give up the bug in your hand.

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