Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7283: Lin Wudi is here! (three)

The Indus True God was hit again, flying backwards, and his body was broken.

He madly cast his own fire and fled desperately into the distance.

He turned into a streamer.

You can't escape.

At the rear, when the man in the purple clothes saw this scene, he sneered, recovered his figure again, and rushed over quickly.

The two traversed one another in the void.

Purple forest, endless,

In different places in the forest, there are some figures, such as Lin Xuan, Meteor Sword Pavilion, and Xinghundian.

They act separately.

However, before the war of true **** level, they still shocked them. They looked up to the sky and looked into the distance.

Someone exclaimed: What happened?

On the side of Lin Xuan, the dark red Shenlongs were also very surprised: a terrible breath, this is a true God-level battle.

The true **** of lotus is even more dignified: how do I feel that there is a trace of power, the true **** of paulownia?

Who is he fighting? Is it possible that he also met the people who died in the camp?

No, we have to check it out.

Lin Xuan stood up and said: I went with the Lotus Taoist and the ancient three links.

Everyone else stays here.

After finishing speaking, he also played a sword of dragon spirit and stayed in the hands of Murong Qingcheng.

Once there is danger, this Dragon Sword can take them away quickly.

After doing all this, Lin Xuan received the warframe man and received it into the **** world.

He then left with the true lotus **** and the ancient three links.

The ancient three links displayed the Void Ancient Scriptures and directly opened a space passage. After Lin Xuan entered, they disappeared instantly.

On the other side, those in the Star Soul Hall also felt it.

The Star Goddess frowned and said: People in the Divine Medicine Garden are fighting people,

with who? Is Lin Invincible?

Not like.

Another power, very mysterious, looks like it should be a monster in this forest.

Wouldn't they find purple crystals?

Qixing Zhenshen took a deep breath and said: Let's go and see.

They also flew forward, and they were just as fast,

Moreover, their position is closer to Indus true body.

They took the lead in discovering the true **** of the Indus tree, but that didn't matter, they almost scared away.

They found that the Indus true **** was very embarrassed, his body was broken, his blood was dripping, and he penetrated the world.

More importantly, the Indus God is at large.

God, a true god, it ’s incredible that he was so hurt.

What kind of power is it? Can it hurt the true god? Is Lin Invincible?

Star Goddess, the first one thought of Lin Xuan, because only the other party has this power.

The Indus True God is almost desperate. If this continues, he will be caught up sooner or later, and he will be wiped out.

Didn't expect that he would fall here?

I thought that the place of resurrection would enable him to live the next life, but where he wanted to, it would make him so desperate.

At this time, he looked down into the forest and saw a familiar figure, who was in the Star Soul Hall.

Save me fast.

The Indus true **** seemed to grab the life-saving straw and flew down quickly.

At this time, a terrible sound came from behind.

You can't escape, no matter if you escape to the ends of the earth, you can't escape my palm.

The sound, like a sky thunder, was accompanied by a purple breath.

Between heaven and earth, a huge figure appeared, like a purple god.

So terrible, what is this?

Below, Xingyue was scared when she saw this scene.

The Star Goddess exclaimed: Not Lin Wudi, but an unseen existence.

No, hurry up, this person seems to be a strong man in the resurrected land.

Damn, there really is a strong man in the world here, leave quickly.

The Seven-Star True God turned and left, and he and the Star Goddess joined forces to play the terrible power of the stars and quickly flew away.

You know, the other party is indigenous here. Who knows how many people are standing behind the other party?

There may be thousands of troops.

They dare not resist,

Look at the look of the Indus real wolf howling, once you are caught, that life will be worse than death.

As for the help of the Indus God, they ignored it.

No, **** it, don't go.

Come back soon.

When Indus True God saw this scene, he was desperate.

Unexpectedly, the people in the Star Soul Hall were so heartless, they didn't care about him at all.

His heart sank a little bit.

At the rear, the purple giant has chased it up and laughed coldly: Was it abandoned by his companion? Did you feel desperate.

Rest assured, obediently obey me and become my servant, I let you live, and even I avenge you.


The big purple palm fell down, and the purple gas came eastward, engulfing the true sycamore, as if to completely suppress him.

This is a supreme power, and anyone will despair in the face of this power.

The Indus God is seriously injured at this moment, and he can't resist it.

There was a madness in his eyes: I fight with you.

The next moment, the fire on his body boiled quickly, and the Indus was really deified and ready to fight with it.

Try hard with me, do you have this opportunity?

The man in purple sneered and sneered, and his palms were printed with a secret technique.

Between heaven and earth, ninety-nine purple chains fly around, like purple dragons, shuttle through the void.

Instantly shrouded the body of the true **** of Indus,

The Indus true **** only felt that his power was imprisoned.

No, is he going to be suppressed?

Waiting for him will be worse than life.

The heart of Indus True God gradually sinks.

At the same time, in the void, three figures emerged. It was the three Lin Xuan.

Gu Santong was stunned when he saw this scene: wasn't it? A true **** has come to such an end!

Who is the sacred man in the purple suit? Too powerful, right?

The true God of Lotus asks: What to do?

Save people.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and said coldly.

Although he had been an enemy with the Indus True God before, he had fought, but that was a thing before.

Today, they come in together, it can be said that the alliance,

More importantly, the enemy now is the Ascension Camp.

Zhou Tianshi ~ ~ It is very likely that he is going to Shengsheng Camp,

If Lin Xuan wanted to save Zhou Tianshi, he might do something to the camp of death.

In this area, the death camp is the existence of a hegemon, and Lin Xuan's individual strength is difficult to counteract.

He needs to be in alliance with others.

Especially with the true God alliance.

The Indus True God is likely to provide him with powerful power in the future, so he must not be allowed to fall here.

He saved the other party, and he would never be the enemy again if he wanted to come.

When thinking of this, Lin Xuan took a decisive shot, and Xi Xianjian waved it fiercely, turning into a peerless sword light.

One sword cuts, and 99 chains are cut.

The true lotus **** is to help the ancient three links, expand the space passage, and prepare to escape with the true **** of paulownia.

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