Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7299: Wan Jian Chaozong (1)

I have to say that the Thunder hit by the Warframe Men is really terrible enough to destroy everything,

Even Lin Xuan is an enemy.

However, Lin Xuan did not dodge.

He yelled at the sky and rushed forward quickly,

Those around us were stunned when they saw this scene.

Zijin Condor sneered: stupid things, do you want to compete?

Can you fight it?

The mysterious woman also shook her head and sighed. They were not optimistic about Lin Xuan.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, with a glimmer of light, his way is against the sky, the stronger the enemy, the more he can feel the blood of war.

Just let my sword cut away everything.

At this moment in Lin Xuan, he was extremely domineering.

Wan Jian Chaozong.

With a big wave of Lin Xuan's hand, the towering sword swelled out from him and flew in all directions.

Each sword is enough to penetrate everything in the heavens and the earth,

These swords were really terrible and turned into a sea of ​​swords.

Swallow the world.

Those around me were originally disdainful, but when they sensed this sword qi, they all changed their faces.

What kind of swordsmanship is this? Is it terrible?

The body of the Zijin Condor was almost trembling.

The sound of a terrifying sky sounded, and the violent sword energy collided with the terrible sky mine.

The Warframe man was so proud, but it didn't take long for the smile on his face to disappear.

He found that the eight-door thunder that he struck was quickly disappearing and was split by Wan Jian Chaozong.

how can that be?

Warframe men are going crazy, has his peerless supernatural power been broken?

Why is the opponent's sword so terrible?

My sword is enough to cut everything in the world.

Lin Xuan's voice sounded like a supreme master.

Damn, I don't believe it.

The Warframe man roared wildly, urging Bamen Tianlei to the fullest.

It didn't take long for those eight doors to be crushed by Wan Jian Chaozong.

Lin Xuan's sword is extremely sharp, and it is like a bamboo shoot, after breaking the opponent's magical power, he kills the Warframe man.

The Warframe man was struck by lightning, and his body was instantly penetrated.

God's blood stained the sky, and he made a miserable voice.

Recover, give me recovery.

The Warframe man growled wildly, and the resurgence of his body was pouring out, and he wanted to recover again.

However, he found it difficult to recover where the sword was cut,

His vitality is declining rapidly.

If he goes on like this, he will die out,

The men in the armor are stunned.

How did this happen?


He never dared to stay again, turned around and fled, and the gourd behind him drew countless golden sand.

Beside him, a series of defenses condensed and fled into the distance.

Lin Xuan printed the palm of his hand, and the imperial sword flew.

The power of the immortal body erupted again. At this moment, he seemed to be the immortal king who was high above him, and there were tens of thousands of sword qi around him, flying into the distance.

Hit the golden sand,

Numerous cracks appeared, and the golden sand was constantly broken.

Warframe men are really scared,

He kept vomiting blood, so he would die if he went there.

Abominable boy, you are waiting.

The warring man roared, his body cracked, turned into a storm of destruction, and disappeared.

what's the situation? Did it fall?

Those around me were scared when they saw this scene.

It's incredible, how powerful the battlefield man is, but now, it has fallen.

And it's self-defeating.

This scene is like dreaming,

Everyone was stunned, the world was quiet and terrible.

When Lin Xuan saw this scene, he frowned slightly: This guy is really decisive.

However, the other party gave him some news,

From his point of view, the other party really died out.

However, the other person said that you are waiting,

It seems that the other party will make a comeback.

Could these people be here, even if they fell, can they be resurrected?

Lin Xuan frowned tightly.

He waited for a while and didn't find the other party making a comeback.

Is he wrong?

Still, even if this destruction is to be resurrected, it is not so simple.

Lin Xuan didn't know,

However, he has made up his mind to collect some people's memories.

After all, these people are not the people who died in the camp, there should be no strong seal in their minds.

Lin Xuan must figure out what secrets are there in this resurrected land?

Inside the golden valley,

Some warriors were in action, and some bones were shackled.

Suddenly, at this time, inside the valley, a bone emerged,

Then, a wild roar was made.

Damn boy, I won't let you go.

When seeing this scene, the warriors in the valley were shocked.

what's the situation?

This breath is so amazing.

They rushed forward quickly,

Soon, they came to a skull.

This skull is roaring wildly: Give me life magic water.

who are you?

A warrior asked, frowning.

Stupid thing, do n’t you even know who I am?

The skull roared, and then spit out a token.

That token, the mysterious light that bloomed, was engraved with a nine character.

Royal Nine Realms.

God, is it a person from the Royal Nine Realms?

The warriors around him, when they saw this scene, were almost kneeling down.

The so-called Royal Nine Realms is an extremely terrifying martial art.

He is different from the death camp, there are not many warriors in the Royal Nine Realms.

However, all of them are array masters, and they are top array masters.

Under normal circumstances, even people who are going to Shengying Camp will not be able to do it to Yu Jiu Jie.

Adults rest assured, let's get the water of life. What else do adults need?

The warriors were very respectful, and they fell to their knees.

This skull is naturally a Warframe man. He didn't expect that he would be born again?

It hit him very hard.

Although it will not die, it consumes its origin,

Even if he wants to return to his peak, he needs some strength.

In short, it's very troublesome.

Take the water of life first.

The Warframe man gritted his teeth and said that he would definitely take revenge.

However, he will not go back directly, he is going to go back to Yu Jiu Jie first and get some top-level formations.

Then he wants to suppress the other person himself.

On the other side, everyone in the run-down villa was frightened,

They did not expect that Lin Xuan was so powerful.

It was able to defeat the top array mage.

Even more shocking is still behind,

Lin Xuan shot again, even shot against the Zijin Condor.

Zijin Condor is extremely angry,

He did not dare to resist, after all, even the people of the Royal Nine Realms were defeated. I am afraid he is not an opponent.

He wants to leave.

However, Lin Xuan had already blocked the Quartet with sword gas, and quickly killed the past.

Wanzong Chaozong again.

Between heaven and earth, thousands of sword qi killed the Zijin Condor.

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