Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7323: 6 fusions! (One)

Isn't the power to change lives in the land of fate?

It even appeared in the land of resurrection.

It's incredible.

Does this hundred miles ask the sky, has also been to the land of fate?

Lin Xuan is not clear.


Those who went to Shengying, the Royal Nine Realms, were actually retreating.

It makes everyone feel like dreaming.

The new skeletons are roaring to the sky: Where to go? You must bear our anger.

A terrible divine power burst out on them.

Kun Yu's arms waved, and his fingers seemed to be transformed into a peerless spear with terrible lightning on them.

The hole penetrated the world and killed forward.

The other two bone gods also shot, and the other strong bones, turned into a bone army, and killed forward.

The war broke out instantly.


Both have damage,

However, none of them died,

This is the place of rebirth.

After they fall, they can rise again,

Moreover, this Tianyuan itself is a resurrection point.

After they fall, they will come back from the sky.

However, with each resurrection, their power was consumed and they were extremely weak.

If they continue like this, in the long run, they will most likely really fall.

To the side of Shengying was badly hit, because Kun Yu is too powerful.

Photographed by a large hand, the thunder on it caused many people to die.

After the resurrection, these people snarled from a distance: why should they attack us? You want Destiny Stone, look for that kid.

The outsider had two pieces of destiny stone in his hand.

When hearing this, Kun Yu Shen turned his head and looked at Lin Xuan.

There was a terrifying light in his eyes.

Boy, do you really have shards of destiny in your hands? If so, give it up.

I read that you can help me break the shackles, I will not hurt you, and I allow you to stay with me.

Let you exist under one person and over ten thousand people.

Sorry, Destiny Stone is very important to me. We can work together to defeat the Ascension Camp and find the next level together.

As for those in my hands, I cannot give them up.

Lin Xuan shook his head and said.

Young man, can you think about what you are talking about? Never make the wrong decision.

Kun Yu's face sank.

Although the other party saved him, what happened then? For Destiny Stone, he can shoot without hesitation.

Lin Xuan also frowned tightly. These guys are indeed the devil, and now they want to shoot at him.

Well, this scene, he had expected.

He was not so surprised,

What's more, as long as you can stop going to the camp, it's worth doing anything.

Lin Xuan's figure flickered, and he was about to leave.

Leave me.

Kun Yu really snorted, and he spit out terrible thunders. Those thunders condensed into a thundercloud, covering the world.

The emptiness around it instantly faded, as if in the dark, an oppressive breath rushed to all directions.

The skeletons around him trembled. This power is really terrible.

Kun Yu really said coldly: Young man, for the last time, hand it over, I never blame it.

you are dreaming.

Lin Xuan shook his head and refused.

In this case, don't blame me.

Kun Yu was completely outraged. With a wave of his hand, the thunder clouds in the sky kept rolling.

Falling from one after another, the terrible thunder broke through the world.

Killed Lin Xuan.

This power is really terrible, as if the world was destroyed,

Suddenly, Lin Xuan was swallowed up.

Can the boy resist it?

Those skeletons around shook their heads and sighed, they didn't know Lin Xuan.

In their opinion, Lin Xuan is certainly not an opponent of the true god.

Lin Xuan growled, and the six worlds appeared beside him. The power of the six reincarnations resisted all the thunders.

In the end, he punched the sky, ripped Thundercloud, and killed him.


The skeletons around me were stunned after seeing this scene: this man is really terrible, he can really compete with the true god.

When Kun Yu saw this scene, he was shocked.

The boy's strength was beyond his expectations, but what about it?

He reached out with a large hand, with a devastating power on it, as if turned into a sky, and slaughtered forward again.

In his palm, lightning intertwines constantly, with immense divine power, extremely overbearing.

At this moment, all of them retreated madly.

Regardless of the skeletons or the people who went to the camp, all retreated to the distance, and no one dared to approach.

Six reincarnation punches.

Lin Xuan responded calmly,

His fist, merging the power of six, blasted out fiercely.

The frightening voice sounded, and this fist, smashing forward, instantly broke the palm of Thunder.

And the power continued unabated, quickly killing the true **** of Kun Yu, and instantly flying the true **** of Kun Yu.

how can that be?

Those skeletons were so scared that they fell to their knees, which is incredible.

The true **** of Kun Yu was also stunned. He was even beaten by someone under the true god.

Are you kidding me?

Has he been locked up for 500,000 years, and his strength has declined to such an extent?


The true **** of Kun Yu couldn't accept it. He roared to the sky, and the thunder of his body kept condensing, as if to destroy everything.

However, Lin Xuan was faster, soared into the sky, and immediately came to the true **** of Kun Yu, wielding six reincarnation punches, hitting the opponent again.

With a click,


A bone on the body of Kun Yuzhen was interrupted.

The voice numbed everyone's scalp, and everyone around them was shocked.

He is just a half-step true god, so unexpectedly terrible,

How terrible is his power?

Am I dreaming?

The other two true **** skulls ~ ~ are equally shocked. How exactly is this young man sacred?

Lin Xuan stood in the void, and he ravaged the world like the heavenly **** above.

He said coldly: I can release you, I can suppress you as well,

Don't blame me if you dare to shoot at me.

It ’s so domineering. There are several real gods here. Does the other party have no fear?

Kun Yu's real face was all black, he growled wildly: join hands and take him down.

Three true **** skeletons came together.

At the same time, the skeleton army also heard the order and killed toward Lin Xuan.

On the other side, the people who went to Shengying Camp were equally sneer, and they were ready to shoot at Lin Xuan.

The situation at hand seemed to be at an extreme, and Lin Xuan was extremely cold.

With a wave of his hand, he took out a crystal clear light, which was the fragment of the destiny stone.

Lin Xuan flicked his finger, and the fragments of this destiny stone flew towards the spirit vein below.

Go and grab it.

The strong men around them, when they saw this scene, rushed madly.

They know that Lin Xuan is very powerful, and it is difficult to grab it from the other side.

But now, the other party throws a piece, this is their chance.

Get out of me.

Kun Yu is roaring again and again.

However, Ren Tianyue and others who died in the camp did not fear, they rushed forward to fight these skeletons.

The alliance that had just formed broke up in an instant.

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