Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7334: Shoot! 1 punch boom! (three)

Seeing Ren Tianyue's shot, the next true God of Kun Yu also rushed over quickly,

He can also see that Lin Xuan is better at bullying.

However, in the air, a terrible space crack appeared, which directly blocked the way of Kun Yuzhen.

I saw Xiao Qiushui came over and said: The boy's debris is ours,

You go get the shard by the valley.

what did you say?

The real **** of Kun Yu was immediately angry. Everyone could see that the valley was terrible. I am afraid that the real **** could hardly compete.

Xiao Qiushui shook his head and said: What does this boy say, it's also your life-saving benefactor, do you really want to be ungrateful?

I'm afraid the heavens can't bear it!

Damn it.

Kun Yu snorted.

Just when he was stopped, Ren Tianyue in front of him had come to Lin Xuan's side, with a cold smile on the corner of her mouth.

Boy, obediently kneel on the ground and wait for death.

Lin Xuan sneered: Do you think you can really compete with me? Who told you that I am weak now?

After the ordinary true gods break through, they are indeed very weak, and their realm is not stable.

However, Lin Xuan is different.

Lin Xuan has an ancient place in his body.

It has a steady stream of power.

The next moment, Lin Xuan absorbed the strength of the more bones, his weak breath began to leap forward and recover quickly.

The next moment, a vast force swept out.

Six reincarnation punches.

Lin Xuan's fist burst out, with a terrible light on it, and the power of the true god.

Between the heavens and the earth, the void is constantly shaking, it can't bear it at all,

This punch directly killed Ren Tianyue.

When Ren Tianyue's complexion changed, she felt that Lin Xuan's strength recovered quickly, and she was stunned.

how is this possible?

How did this guy do it? Even if the other party eats geniuses, it is impossible to recover so quickly.

Damn it.

Ren Tianyue raised her hand and struck out a moon, spinning quickly, blocking her in front of her,

Just like a shield.

She is the true **** of Xiaocheng,

She was able to suppress Fang before.

If it weren't for the opponent's hands and possessed that sharp sword energy, the opponent would have fallen.

Right now, she does n’t care at all,

What if the other party is a breakthrough?

Still not her opponent.

The next moment, the two forces collided together, and a roaring voice came.

Later, Ren Tianyue was struck by lightning,

The moon in front of her broke instantly.

This punch hit her, her bones broke quickly,

Her body was directly penetrated and blood-stained into the sky.

Like a disconnected kite, she flew out and landed in the swamp.

This scene is very sudden,

Those around him had not responded yet, and Ren Tianyue was already injured.

When they reacted, they were stunned: God, what did I see? He flew Ren Tianyue with a punch.

Do n’t be kidding, Tianyue true god, but how can the real little come true **** be defeated?

Isn't this kid just becoming a true god? Where does this power come from?

Those who went to the camp were stunned,

Not only them, the Royal Nine Realms, including those skeletons, were equally stunned.

How did this happen?

Even Xiao Qiushui and Kun Yu were also startled.

This kid's strength has grown beyond their imagination. Before the opponent had a strong hole card, he was able to compete with them.

But now, the opponent's random blow can hurt the true god,

How terrible is the opponent to show their hole cards?

Kun Yu really sneered: Huh, well, you guys can deal with this kid.

He took two steps back and stopped participating.

Xiao Qiushui's face was ugly: how did he feel that this kid was even more terrible?

I think it's Tianyue's idea, right? Otherwise, how could it be hurt?

Seeing one punch hurt the other, Lin Xuan was also very surprised: good strength.

He was ecstatic. This power was beyond his imagination.

He looked forward and said lightly: Is this your God of Reality? It was really vulnerable.

I think you are too weak.

In this way of cultivation, you still want to **** the treasure from me. I don't think you really live or die.

Lin Xuan's words make everyone scalp numb,

Who dares to underestimate the truth of God?

However, it seems that the other party is really dismissive now.

Damn boy, I must catch you and torture you.

In the swamp ahead, Ren Tianyue rushed over quickly,

The power of rebirth on her kept absorbing, repairing her injuries.

Although the injury was already well, her face became more and more ugly.

In the eyes, she was blown away with a punch and her face was lost.

She must revenge Xue Xue.


With a roar, the four immortals on her body flew up quickly, just like the flying fairy under the moon, surrounding her.

Like the same deity, she came quickly and came to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan used his unique boxing skills to fight against him. At this moment, his physique became even more terrifying, and he competed with Ren Tianyue, and he did not fall behind.

Lin Xuan battled more and more bravely. Six phantoms of six worlds appeared around him. Six reincarnation punches were extremely powerful.

Six reincarnations, this kind of power is beyond imagination, Ren Tianyue can be stronger, but gradually it can not support it.

Finally, she was blown out again,

Half of his body turned into a mist of blood.

Everyone was scared, this is Xiaocheng's true god, how powerful,

However, at this moment it is so vulnerable ~ ~ this person's strength is too strong, right?

Just broke through and become a true god, can you fight beyond the ranks?

What kind of blood is the other party? Why is it so scary?

Xiao Qiushui was also stunned: if I could explain it with a big idea before, how do I explain it now?

This situation shows that Lin Xuan is completely above Ren Tianyue.

To be honest, her cultivation is worse than forbearing Tianyue, but she can compete with Ren Tianyue by virtue of her formation.

However, it is just that its drums are quite equivalent. She cannot do anything to defeat Ren Tianyue.

Today, Ren Tianyue is defeated,

Wouldn't she say she's not an opponent?

Who can still suppress this kid?

Together, we have to join forces.

Xiao Qiushui came over and said: Tianyue, we shot together.

Ren Tianyue was mad all over. She was red like an injured beast, her eyes were red, her body was aggressive, her broken body, and she recovered quickly.

Her face was as cold as frost, and she looked at Xiao Qiushui and said, "You let me go, I want to solve him by myself."

As she spoke, she strode toward Lin Xuan.

At the same time, a purple tripod appeared in her hands.

Dacheng weapon, Ziyue Ding.

When seeing this scene, Xiao Qiushui was relieved and finally used this weapon.

With the addition of Dacheng weapons, Ren Tianyue's strength can also change dramatically.

Want to come this time, the kid must be irresistible.

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