Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7354: Sweeping Wanjian! Xuantian Sword appears! (three)

You must see Wuying Sword, otherwise he would not be able to continue.

According to Lin Xuan, since there were sword holders before, it means that someone had defeated Wuying Sword before.

Since others can do it, so can Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan began to make various attempts,

He tried to cast the reincarnation eyes to the extreme, and the eyes of God looked through everything.

Lin Xuan's speed of escaping is getting faster and faster, but still unable to cast the Shadowless Sword.

His brow frowned.

On this day, Lin Xuan still has no clue, but the big dragon sword soul, but it is rare to say: Sometimes, it is necessary to see the other side's kendo clearly, and it is not necessary to use eyes.

Lin Xuan froze for a moment, then, suddenly realized, a word from the other side, let him inspire.

Yes, he was too obsessed to see clearly with his eyes, but fell to the lower floor.

Lin Xuan closed his eyes.

To outsiders, it seems as if they have to give up, but not.

Lin Xuan began to feel attentively, he was ready to unite the sword heart.

Yuxin Yujian!

The moment he closed his eyes, Lin Xuan completely let himself go, he felt that the surroundings were terribly quiet.

I couldn't even hear my heartbeat.

The whole world is quiet,

Suddenly, he heard a sound, the sound of Jian Qi breaking through the void.

Getting louder.

Getting louder.

He took a step back.

A terrible black hole appeared where it stood

It was a black hole that seemed to swallow everything after being penetrated by a sword air hole.

Lin Xuan ducked away, without using his eyes, he just avoided the attack of the other side by merely feeling with his heart.

Next, Lin Xuan's footsteps changed again,

His body moved only a small distance.

However, they avoided the opponent ’s Kendo,

Lin Xuan seemed to sense the trajectory of the other party.

He finally sensed Wuying Sword, and he successfully united the sword heart.

Finally feel the sword without shadow,

In this battle, Lin Xuan also won.

When defeating Wuying Sword, Lin Xuan opened his eyes. He felt his kendo and was sublimated.

Next, Lin Xuan encountered many strange swordsmanships, and some threatened him.

For example, there is a long blue sword, which is very heavy.

Its sword gas turned into a blue monster, and if you look closely, you will find that it is a whale.

Furthermore, it is a whale that combined the power of Kun Peng.

The power of each head is amazing.

Hundreds of heads were waved, and rushed over,

Any true God will be desperate when he sees this scene.

This is a duel of power,

Lin Xuan yelled from the sky and stretched his body to the extreme.

This whale swordplay is also practiced.

In this battle, Lin Xuan scored 10 points.

Gradually, Lin Xuan won more and more recognition from the Excalibur. When he thought he was about to succeed, he encountered another crisis.

It was a blood-stained sword, called a blood-drinking sword, and he was able to absorb the blood of the enemy.

When a sword was swung out, the golden blood in Lin Xuan's body flew out and floated forward.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan responded quickly enough, and swallowed the gold blood again.

Otherwise, really let the other side swallow it.

The confrontation with Lin Xuan was an illusory shadow. There was no **** blood at all.

In the end, he turned himself into a magic sword, which resolved the crisis.

At this point, Lin Xuan has won the recognition of all Excalibur, and he has become the sword holder here.

He can use any of the magic swords here to cast their sword skills.

With a wave of Lin Xuan, the world of Kendo formed before condensing slowly disappeared.


Xu Tianding and Wan Yao are waiting patiently. They have been waiting for three years.

They ca n’t hear anything, they ca n’t sense what ’s going on in the Kendo world,

They can only expect that Lin Xuan will succeed.

On this day, the world of Kendo suddenly disappeared, and both artifacts became excited. Did the results appear?

Did you win?

They looked forward and found Lin Xuan standing there.

At first glance at Lin Xuan, the two artifact bodies shook.

I feel this boy's breath is different.

Xu Tianding exclaimed.

Wan Yaoyu is also a careful induction, when it comes to saying: it seems to become more powerful than before.

Did he break?

No, it's still the previous practice. Did he become a swordsman?

Boy, have you succeeded?

The two artifacts flew over with excitement and came to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan nodded: it was successful.

really? Great.

The two weapons were extremely excited, no wonder the other party felt different.

Boy, let's try your swordsmanship.

Wan Yaoxi said.

His body kept growing, the covered sky, countless monsters, and rushed towards Lin Xuan quickly.

This scene is extremely scary, and the whole world is boiling for it.

When Lin Xuan came out with a sword, hundreds of thousands of sword qi appeared in the heavens and the earth, and in an instant, they hit all the monsters and phantoms.

The beasts made a mournful sound, their eyebrows were pierced by the sword gas and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Wan Yaofan was startled and retreated madly.

how is this possible?

One sword will solve it.

He was really shocked.

Boy, have you used the Dragon Soul of the Dragon?

They have also seen Lin Xuan's previous strength, and after sacrificing the Dragon Soul of the Dragon, they can kill the enemy with a single sword.

However, Lin Xuan shook his head: it really didn't work.

After hearing that, Wan Yaoyun was stunned.

Let me try it.

Xu Tianding also rushed over to ~ As a result, he was defeated by Lin Xuan with a shadowless sword.

Stop, kid, I'm convinced, you are really strong,

Facing you is the same as facing the sword-holder of that year.

Let us feel despair.

Both weapons are amazing and rejoicing,

They can finally rescue Xuantian Sword of Soul.

Let me do it.

Lin Xuan reached out his palm and pressed it towards the ground.

The palm of his hand fell on the earth. Suddenly, Wan Jian shouted, and numerous cracks appeared on the earth.

The scarlet earth cracked slowly, and an abyss appeared.


In the abyss, the sound of a chain collision came.

At the beginning, the voice was very weak, but in the end, it was like a panic attack, sweeping the sky.

A peerless sword light cut through the void and straight into the clouds.

The whole abyss is illuminated,

It wants to break out of the abyss,

When he came to the earth, he stopped.

It was locked by nine chains, each of which was mysterious and full of thousands of runes.

It is blocked and cannot leave.

Finally came out.

Xu Tianding next to them, they were extremely excited.

Lin Xuan also looked carefully and found that the sword that was locked was a magic sword.

Its hilt is as black as black gold.

And its sword body is like crystal, dreamy and pure, with bright light.

Is this Xuantian Sword of Soul?

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