Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7358: Power of the Sun! Ascension! (three)

The power of this sword is really terrible.

The huge Jinwu in front, the flames on his body kept extinguishing, forming endless clouds.

Gas steamed Yunmengze.

There was a roar of madness in front of him, and the figure of Jinwu was broken, but still not broken.

With his injured body, it quickly rushed towards Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan grunted.

He waved the red fire and the golden sword, and instantly pierced 10,000 sword lights.

The huge Jinwu stopped in mid-air and its body was broken. At this moment, numerous cracks appeared on it.

Later, it turned into a piece of flame, scattered all over the place, and it was instantly killed by a sword.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, casts his **** body and quickly absorbs the surrounding flames.

Jinwu's backward power is equally powerful and more easily absorbed.

The rune of flame on Lin Xuan's body radiated a brilliant light.

Lin Xuan's previous Jiuyang deity was terrible, but he has been trained to great success.

Further back, there is no longer any formula, and Lin Xuan needs to create his own.

Lin Xuan absorbed the power of the great authentic, and formed a more terrible physique.

The divine body is dominated by the power of the six Taos.

Now that he has gained a lot of magical fire power, he is able to temper his **** body again.

Appeared on the body, one after another mysterious runes.

This is a new rune created by Lin Xuan based on the Jiuyang deity.

These runes, even in the realm of true gods, are equally terrifying.

Feeling the improvement of the divine body, Lin Xuan raised a smile and continued to attack.

He unexpectedly killed forward, and in an instant, he killed dozens of Jinwu.

His swordsmanship was originally terrible, and before he became a swordsman, he practiced countless swordsmanships.

When exhibited at this moment, it is even more powerful.

Those Jinwu were penetrated by Wuyingjian before he approached him.

The body fell from the sky and turned into a mass of fire,

Then, was absorbed by Lin Xuan.

In this way, Lin Xuan was like a bamboo shooter, sweeping all the way, taking the initiative to attack,

Wherever I go, those Jinwu are constantly destroyed.

In the end, Lin Xuan killed directly, in front of this golden **** tree.

He could see the extremely scary golden flame above the leaves of the golden **** tree, turning.

Linked together, it seems like a world-breaking ground, even Lin Xuan also saw a lot of phantoms.

The other party seems to want to open up 3000 worlds.

This golden **** tree is too scary, right?

I don't know if the other party has the blood of God? Can it be swallowed?

Although Lin Xuan did not devour the sword, he did have a **** sword.

A sword was cut out, and the surrounding sea of ​​blood spread out, making a sound of bee-thunder.

This sword was chopped on the opponent's branch.

The earth-shattering voice sounded, and countless golden runes appeared on the opponent's branch.

When under attack, it becomes uncertain.

No break?

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan was even more surprised: too incredible? This defense is too strong.

It seemed to feel the pain, and the golden **** tree began to shake the leaves violently.

Its branches, seemingly turned into peerless weapons, quickly swept over.

The leaves above were extremely sharp and easily split the void.

Lin Xuan uses the sword of Fengshen to resist.

He returned from the wind and skyrocketed,

A sword stabbed.

Killed by the wind and snow,

Together with the power of the Great Dragon Soul.

The power of this sword is even more terrible,

There were no restrictions on Lin Xuan's shot this time.

One shot is lore.

But even so, only three leaves were cut.

Three golden leaves were flying in the air, and Lin Xuan caught them.

He felt the terrible flame power on it, he was so ecstatic that he began to absorb frantically.

Don't look at just cutting off three leaves, the Jinwu around them are mad roar.

They rushed over desperately.

The golden **** tree is even more angry. His leaves, quickly condensed, turned into a flame figure.

A tree branch flew over and turned into a spear.

This spear is extremely extraordinary. Although it looks like a spear, it has two meniscus-like blades next to it.

Not only can it stab the enemy and wave it gently, but it can also cut through the enemy's body.

The flame figure, waving this weapon, headed towards Lin Xuan and quickly killed over.


Lin Xuan exerted the power of immeasurable Tianzun, although it was only a vague voice, but it broke down.

In front of the flame figure, nine cracks appeared.

Even the weapons, there are gaps, and even the surrounding Jinwu, constantly falling.

So terrible, what's this sound?

Xu Tianding exclaimed when she felt the sound.

Xuantian's cutting the sword is also surprised: how does it feel like the supreme supernatural power?

This kid, won't he even learn that kind of magical power? Too incredible?

In front of him, after Lin Xuan punched the opponent, he transformed the figure of Taiji, and instantly shrouded the flame.

The figure of Tai Chi, blooming with yin and yang sword energy, penetrated the counterpart's body.

Lin Xuan continued to absorb the strength of the other side.

Feeling the horror of Lin Xuan, this golden **** tree is completely angry,

The leaves of the sky danced, just like a big hand, patted quickly towards Lin Xuan.

This blow was very sudden, and the power of the belt was beyond imagination, and even Lin Xuan shrank his pupils.

Can't resist.

He retreated quickly,

However, the space covered by this blow is really too wide ~ ~ Lin Xuan seems to be completely shrouded.

At this time, Xu Tianding appeared in front of Lin Xuan, and disappeared with Lin Xuan.

With a bang, the sky in front of him shattered, and endless flames flew towards the clouds.

There was chaos.

In the distant void, the figure of Xu Tianding emerged.

Lin Xuan came out from the inside and said: Thank you very much.

Had it not been for Xing Tianding, this time he would have been hurt.

Boy, be careful, this golden **** tree is very scary.

Lin Xuan nodded, he looked at Xuantian Cho Lingjian and said: Can you use your strength?

Of course, you are also my benefactor, naturally you can use my power.

Xuantian cut the spirit sword and flew in front of Lin Xuan. Lin Xuan took a deep breath and seized the peerless excalibur.

The next moment, he used the power of the Great Dragon Soul and the supreme sword qi, sweeping in all directions.

At this moment, Lin Xuan was extremely powerful.

Even Wan Yao trembled them, their bodies trembling a little.

Lin Xuan growled in the sky, and in his eyes, a radiant light bloomed.

With this unparalleled excalibur, his combat power increased again.

He felt that he could kill Ren Tianyue and others with one sword.


Lin Xuan waved Xuantian to cut the spirit sword, and killed the past quickly towards the golden **** tree.

The golden sacred tree dances with its leaves, flying like a banana fan.

With a bang, the two collided together and Wan Dao Xia Guang bloomed.

The monstrous sword spirit swept through.

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