Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7364: Seal of eternity! (three)

The Thunder Master raised his palm and struck out a Lei Ting God's Seal, and flew forward.

The imprint of the Thunder God, eternal light.

Lin Xuan didn't dodge at all. He just wanted to verify how powerful his body is.

He reached out his palm and patted him fiercely forward.

On the palm of the hand, there are countless chaotic breaths, which diffuse quickly.

Brilliant to the extreme.

The beginning of chaos,

At the same time, there are still some figures emerging in it, as if everything has evolved.

This palm is really terrible, as if endless years, all condensed in this palm.

The two collided together, and powerful forces swept in all directions,

After one hit, the two are behind each other.

Lin Xuan's body was shaking,

He was even more pleased, he could feel how powerful this new body is.

On the other hand, the Thunder Master is ugly.

Why can't you help each other? It was beyond his expectation.

He stepped out and came to Lin Xuan in an instant. He wanted to fight with Lin Xuan.

The palm is like a sky knife, severely split,

Lin Xuan laughed and confronted him.

Both are like two heavenly gods, who keep firing,

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen moves have been played.

Every move seems to be groundbreaking,

Even if it is the true God, I am afraid it cannot be resisted.

The Thunder Master roared in the sky, and in his eyebrows, he once again condensed to form a **** mark, and rushed forward fiercely.

This side seal is even more simplistic, appearing on it, very old and primitive runes, the power is even increased.

When Lin Xuan saw this scene, he did not dare to have the slightest care, the chaos breath on the body of God, quickly gathered.

He formed a chaotic map and patted forward.

The seal of God and the chaotic picture collided together, and it was a monstrous rule flying,

Suddenly, as if the figures of the two became eternal.

Yes, you won my approval,

Endless years, I have reached the pinnacle, and no one can confront me.

Unexpectedly, I could meet an opponent like you.

In the eyes of the Thunder Master, an extremely dazzling light blooms: you deserve my full shot.

As his voice fell, a big seal appeared again in the palm of his hand.

This time, it was not formed by the thunder, but the true seal of the thunder,

This is a peerless artifact, which was shot towards Lin Xuan.


The cold voice sounded,

Once hit, it will be wiped out, and it will be difficult for Yongshi to stand up.

Six reincarnation punches.

Lin Xuan is dancing with his fists,

He used chaotic all-spirit bodies to perform six reincarnation punches, and the power would be even more terrible.


Each collision, like two ancient worlds, is extremely powerful when confronted.

Lin Xuan ’s fist is really terrible, and he was able to resist the peerless artifact.

This made the Thunder masters extremely shocked.

His brow frowned tightly,

Why can't you help each other?

Cast my second artifact.

He spit out a thunder, and turned it into a ruler in front of him!

Sky Thunder Ruler!

It's covered with ancient runes,

The thunder master, holding the sky thunder ruler, took a fierce shot towards the front.

The ruler, blooming endless power, sweeping across the world with murderous demeanour, marked a golden flash of lightning in the air.

Lin Xuan's chaotic map quickly shook, and cracks appeared.

Seeing this scene, the Thunder Controller shook his head and said: You are powerful, but after all, I am not my opponent.

Lin Xuan snorted and waved his hand, and a magic sword appeared in his hand.

The swordsmanship of the heavens, the twelfth heaven.

Previously, Lin Xuan was only able to perform Nine Sky,

Today, he is a new deity, his power is increased again, and he can perform the twelfth heaven.

A sword was cut out, and twelve phantoms of the sky appeared, hitting the thunder ruler fiercely.

The thunder ruler was hit and flew away instantly, nailed to the distant earth like the same lightning.

Those who are in charge of Thor are also withdrawn by the shock, and the blood is rolling,

His arms were numb, and he didn't expect that the strength of the other party would be so.

He snorted and kicked over with one kick.

This foot seemed to be able to sweep the sky and kicked directly into Lin Xuan's head.

If it is hit, it will definitely die, and even the soul will disappear.

Lin Xuan reached out with five fingers and caught each other.

For a moment, he caught the opponent's attack, and then swung it hard.

He waved a hammer like a hammer and smashed into the hall.

With a bang, the whole hall shook violently, and the Thunder Master was smashed to the ground.

He felt almost broken.

He's never been so embarrassed, no one can catch his attack,

However, the opponent easily caught the blow.

Not only was he injured, but he lost his face,

He roared upward.

The other foot, facing Lin Xuan's palm, kicked fiercely.

It has an extremely sharp breath on it, like a Thunder Spear, enough to penetrate everything.


Another earth-shattering voice sounded, Lin Xuan's body shook,

Even his face became pale.

However, Lin Xuan did not let go at all.

Grab the Thunder Master and dance again.

When he slammed, he smashed the other person on the ground,

One, two, three,

Lin Xuan kept shooting like this.


Xuantian War Spirit Sword, when the three weapons saw this scene, they all watched.

Too powerful, this is completely crushing the Thunder Master,

Mainly to hold the other side to the ground and crush it.

Seeing their blood boiling.

It's too awkward to think about this controller.


The thunder master was mad, he roared to the sky, he broke his feet, and then fled.

When he receded into the distance, his face was ugly.

The broken feet, under the power of the Thunder, quickly recovered.

However, he was not happy.

At that moment, it was the most aggrieved time he had lived for millions of years.

He must revenge Xue Xue.

Boy, you irritated me completely.

The thunder fell.

Waving the sky ruler with both hands, he severely chopped forward.

The sky-ray ruler kept blooming, as if it had become an eternal light of God, spreading towards Lin Xuan.

Heaven and earth were split in half, UU reads www.uukanshu. com

Lin Xuan's brow also wrinkled slightly. Just a few feet from the other side, her entire arm was numb and she had no consciousness.

He did not resist, and quickly retreated, using the power of a sword to restore his right hand.

Boy, do you want to run away now, do you think it is possible?

The thunder controller was roaring again and again, he would not give the other party a chance to escape, he sealed the whole hall.

The sword is very mysterious. Lin Xuan's palm quickly restored strength.

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

Who said I was going to run away?

The power of chaos on his body erupted completely, with phantoms emerging.

He was like a peerless magic sword, rushing forward fiercely toward the front.

I am invincible!

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