Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7385: Get together, flying Sendai! (three)

Are you blaming me?

The holy innocent God sank his face, and a breath of extinction permeated from him.

Feeling this breath, the red-haired old man and others shivered.

They kept backing, saying at the same time: We are not targeting the Supreme One, we are just too shocked.

Those hundred miles asked the sky. Million years ago, he once destroyed the Tianyan God array, and he knew how to destroy it.

If these people have seen Bailiwentian, they must have obtained the cracking method from the other side.

Therefore, they can go so smoothly and break the Purple Dragon Land,

Even, they will break other places next.

Fei Xiantai, Tian Mo Ling, those key places, I am afraid they are all dangerous.

If they are really broken, then we are finished.

He must be stopped. His next target should be Fei Xiantai in the golden area.

We must hurry up and prepare.

At the same time, they were preparing to summon, and those array mages in other places had to let at least one Sanpin master.

The Sacred God of God said the same thing quickly: Now, quickly send me to Fei Sendai, I will take the shot myself.

This time, I can't hesitate anymore.

The red-haired old man waited, and hurried, he teleported the Holy Innocent God.

As for the other masters, they are looking for more powerful array mages.

They must be at Fei Sendai and destroy each other.

The Land of the Purple Dragon,

Lin Xuan and others laughed, looking at this ruin, they were excited.

Zhou Tianshi said: A lot of heaven and earth power is released here, you can absorb it well.

Not only can you recover your injuries, maybe you also have the opportunity to improve your strength.

Talking, he also began to absorb the surrounding forces, Lin Xuan, they absorbed the same quickly.

However, they did not dare to delay it for too long. They knew that going to the camp would not give up.

It didn't take long for them to leave, and they went to the next place, Fei Sendai.

It is also a very critical place, even more terrible than this purple dragon land.

Everyone set off, and Zhou Tianshi said: People who go to the camp are not fools.

I can break the Purple Dragon Land so easily, they will definitely know something.

Maybe they can think of our relationship with Bailiwentian.

I think Ren Tianyue should also send a message to these people, and they will surely know that I have seen Baili ask Heaven. Lin Xuan also frowned and said: Next, will they ambush us?

It should, I think they will gather a lot of power in Fei Sendai.

If we go all the way next, then they must be at Fei Sendai, waiting for us.

The crowd set off quickly, left the purple area, and came to the golden area again.

They found that along the way, it was extremely quiet, there was no danger, and there were no traps.

They are faster

However, they are not happy,

Because they knew that the previous guess was right.

These people, all assembled, are waiting for them at Fei Sendai.

There must be a showdown there.

Murong Qingcheng asked: Seniors, how much power can they gather? Are there many mages here?

Zhou Tianshi nodded: There are a lot of array masters here, except for the Shengsheng camp, which is the array master of the Royal Nine Realms.

However, more of them were arrested array mages.

I have contacted those array mages before and wanted to fight back together, however, those array mages did not dare.

I was alone at the time,

Now, as a group of us, there are ways to ask the sky.

We have a chance.

If we can win the battle at Fei Sendai, then those suppressed mages will see hope.

They will definitely join hands with us.

Next, our road will go a lot better. At that time, we can unite them and kill the core together.

This battle may be very difficult, but we must not lose.

The Supreme One who was hunted down before may come. In addition, there should be some heavenly masters here.

However, most of them are below the second grade, and there should be no third grade.

They might be transferred from somewhere else, one or two,

However, the number should not be large.

Up to two.

This will be a **** battle.

Zhou Tianshi stopped and looked at the crowd and said: We have no way out.

He sent a lot of jade to these people and said: These jade has the power of space. If you really fall,

Will be born again.

After rebirth, you can immediately urge Yu Pei, it will take you away from the resurrection point immediately.

Come to me again and fight.

When they heard this, everyone's faces became extremely dignified: to be born again, it is really incredible to think about it.

I do n’t know, what will it feel like?

Lin Xuan said: Senior, in fact, I still have a strength.

When I was in Tianyuan, I met a group of weapons. Their strength is very strong and not weaker than the true god.

If I summon those weapons, maybe our odds will be even greater.

After listening to Zhou Tianshi, his eyes were also bright: Really? Well.

But don't call them, maybe stare at us,

Wait until the critical moment before calling.

After all, this is the territory of the other party. These people can talk about transmission.

If there is more, it will definitely be discovered by the other party.

Still waiting for Fei Xiantai, it is not too late to summon.

Thinking of this, the group speeded up ~ ~ They guessed right, the people who died in the camp were indeed ready to compete in Fei Xiantai.

They began to sharply transmit the Holy Innocent God to Fei Xiantai.

When the Holy God appeared, he took a breath, and his eyes became dazzling: right here, solve those people!

Next, the other array mages also came quickly.

Red-haired old men, white-haired masters and others also came one after another.

This time, they also invited more powerful beings, two Sanpin Heavenly Masters.

They set up the Tian Luo Di Net, waiting for each other.

The place where Feisentai is located is the summit of a huge mountain, which is extremely vast.

On the top of the mountain, there is a high platform, blooming with golden light, extremely bright, with a sacred breath.

When they came here, they couldn't help but want to bow down.

In the vicinity, there are countless figures gathered, they are all strong here.

Among them, there is a tall man with black hair flying and eyes staring, which is the Holy God.

In addition to him, there are two figures, extraordinary behavior, one person riding an ancient chariot.

This chariot is blooming with golden light, with some mysterious runes on it, which is very scary.

That breath made countless people tremble.

The man on the tank is a woman, she is a Sanpin Tianshi.

Her name is Xiao Ruoshui. She is a member of the Royal Nine Realms. She is the same family as Xiao Qiushui.

Her strength is stronger than Xiao Qiushui. Xiao Qiushui is only a second-class master, and she is a third-class master.

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