Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7388: No weaknesses! Power duel! (three)

Is it blocked?

Ye Chen frowned slightly.

The next moment, he sneered: Then you try again, its real power.

The prints of his palms, the whole world of Kendo, rolled violently.

Countless sword-like swords quickly fell down and killed Lin Xuan.

The terrible power immediately enveloped the entire space, and Lin Xuan's figure disappeared.

Solve it?

The surrounding masters laughed when they saw this scene: I didn't expect it to be so easy.

A roaring voice sounded, and inside the sword array, a huge crack appeared, and Lin Xuan's figure came out of it.

Lin Xuan's sword was so powerful that he was surrounded by a black sword and turned into a black sea.

This sword technique, named the Northern Underworld sword technique, is terrible with 10 points of power.

As a swordsman, Lin Xuan practiced too many swordsmanship.

In addition to the Beiming swordsmanship, he also performed other swordsmanship, which struck the Litian Sword Formation, shaking vigorously.

Ye Chen also put aside his contempt. Before that, he was high above him, and he didn't look at the other side at all.

But now, he changed his mind. The other party was really strong. Perhaps he couldn't help the other party.

He went all out and began to control this side of the sword array, while those others were watching tensly.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of strokes passed, but at this time, Lin Xuan suddenly turned his head and looked at Ye Chen.

There was a smile in the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, Ye Chen was struck by lightning, and his heart seemed to be cracked. He felt as if he was pierced by Wan Jian.


With a scream, he kept backing and almost fell to the ground.

This suddenly changed and shocked those around them: what happened?

Has Ye Chen been injured? Did not feel any attack.

Boy, how are you doing?

They rushed forward and helped Ye Chen up.

Ye Chen's face was so pale that his body was trembling.

He had a stroke. He looked at each other just now, but he did not expect it.

Because the opponent's eyes have powerful illusion power.

In addition to his powerful sword skills, is his soul so terrible?

He admitted that he had taken care of it, and he did not expect that the opponent had more than one hole card.

Damn guy, you will pay for it.

Ye Chen gritted his teeth.

The next moment, he formed a matrix again and surrounded him.

This is a defensive formation. He will not hit the opponent's illusion anymore, nor will he be attacked by the opponent's soul again.

It is soul defense.

The red-haired old man and others exclaimed: Is it just a soul attack? This kid has such a skill!

At this time, the world of Kendo ahead was roaring, and a huge crack appeared, which was cut in half by a sword.

Lin Xuan stepped out of it, and said lightly: your sword array, but so, what other powerful array? Let ’s show it all.

If not, the battle can be over.

The words fell, Lin Xuan suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he came to Ye Chen's presence.

The left hand turned into a fist and banged fiercely at the opponent.

So fast!

When those mages in the distance saw this scene, they were shocked.

However, some people sneered: He thought that Ye Gongzi was afraid of melee, which was too stupid.

The son of Chen Chen is an array mage, and his formation is unparalleled. The opponent is not afraid of melee.

Ye Chen also gave a cold hum: one hundred thousand heavy mountains.

This is a formation method. Behind him, the phantom of the One Hundred Gods Mountain appears instantly.

These phantoms dropped endless power, all poured into Ye Chen's body.

The next moment, Ye Chen seemed to become a supreme overlord, with supreme power between his hands and feet.

After gaining the power of the One Hundred Gods Mountain, Ye Chen slaps forward with a palm, his palms like sky, with a mysterious breath.

Killed the opponent's fist.

A roaring voice came, and the two collided together, a devastating storm sweeping in all directions.

The array of mages around them quickly retreated, with only a few bodies, and the shadow stood between the heavens and the earth, unaffected.

They stared at the broken void, and the next moment they saw two figures deadlocked there.

Murong Qingcheng and others saw it, and they exclaimed: No? Can even compete with Xuan Ge!

This guy is so strong. What kind of formation is that?

Seven-star true god, they also exclaimed, but they knew that Lin Xuan's physique was very powerful.

It's been pretty bad before.

Especially not long ago, Lin Xuan also condensed and formed, the chaotic all-spirit body became more terrible.

Unexpectedly, it was incredible that someone could block it with his bare hands now!

Zhou Tianshi Shen Sheng said: Wan Zhong Shen Shan, this should be the formation method created by the Great Heavenly Master.

This grandson was unparalleled in power when he displayed it, but I have confidence in Lin Xuan.

If he was singled out, he would not lose, let's watch it patiently!

In the broken void ahead, a smile appeared in the corner of Ye Chen's mouth.

He said lightly: Boy, do you think I'm afraid to get in as a mages?

you are too naive.

I have no weakness at all.

Is it actually blocked?

Lin Xuan was also very surprised. I didn't expect that the opponent's formation was stronger than expected.

But what about that? His chaotic all-spirit is not the other party's imagination.

Just now, he didn't exert his full strength with this punch. Now he let the other party know what is invincible power.

Do you really think you can stop it?

Lin Xuan's voice sounded.

Opposite Ye Chen slightly surprised: Could it be possible that the opponent has a hole card?

Are you kidding me?

He didn't believe it.

Just when he wanted to say something, suddenly, his body shivered, and his palms seemed to be cracking.

He saw the opponent's fist, shining a brilliant light, the power above, and its terrible speed are increasing ~ ~ not good, the other party really hides the power and wants to back, but it is too late.

A terrifying voice came, and his palm broke instantly, and even his bones broke.

He flew upside down, bloodstained into the sky.

A roaring voice sounded, and he sank the earth, shaking it.

The world is quiet and terrible, all the mages on the opposite side are frightened.

What did they see?

Son Ye Chen was hit by a punch.

Isn't this dreaming?

Xiao Ruoshui, Qing Xuan, they frowned slightly, but they knew about the formation of the 100,000-strong mountain.

Once cast, it will become infinitely powerful and sweep all around.

Even the defense became terrible, and the true God could not break it.

Unexpectedly, the other party was injured now. Could this boy's strength surpass the 100,000 mountain?

In the eyes of the Holy Innocent God, a terrible light burst out, and he stared at Lin Xuan.

Inverse Sword God

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