Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7396: Lin Xuan is here! (two)

Facing this peerless blow, Murong was desperate,

It seems that she may be born again.

At this time, the true **** of lotus and the true **** of sycamore, the two of them joined forces to block the blow.

The true God of Lotus said coldly: Don't you be afraid of Prince Lin, will he hit you again?

Here comes the son of Prince Lin, you will die, no doubt, don't hurry up.

Huh, do you mean that kid?

He won't let me go,

Do you think I will let him go?

Rest assured, let you go to **** first, I will let that kid go to hell, and I will torture him to death.

Ye Chen's expression was extremely embarrassing.

He knows that the Supreme Holy Spirit is innocent and will not spare him.

No matter how strong that kid is, he cannot be an opponent of the Holy God.

When I heard this, the Lotus God and others were silent.

Indeed, how powerful the Supreme Master is, Lin Xuan is really at a loss.

Brother Xuan will not lose.

Murong Qingcheng gritted his teeth and said: We just need to stick to it.

She began to burn her own blood, and she was ready to work hard.

Yes, fight with him.

The true **** of lotus and the true **** of sycamore also gritted their teeth.

In particular, the true **** of Indus gave Murong the power of his body.

Murong fell, forming a colorful phoenix, and rushed forward fiercely.

Repelled Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was almost vomiting blood,

There is no way, the combined attack of the two is really terrible.

He was mad: **** little ant, let me die.

All the spider silk in the Feixian Formation was killed towards Murong.

He wants to destroy this woman first.

not good.

Lotus really growled wildly, he rushed forward to help,

However, his arm was directly chopped by those flying fairy formations.

After that, no one can save Murong.

When he was desperate, a sword qi was cut down, cut off the world, and enveloped Murong.

The sky full of silk was also blown out.

Ye Chen's blood and blood rolled over, and he found that his Feixian array had been damaged.

Damn, who?

There are still people who can compete with him?

Get out of me.

He growled wildly.

Am I not dead?

Murong opened his eyes and froze: Is it possible that Brother Xuan is here?

The others were equally shocked, and they turned to look.

I saw space split by a sword, and a huge crack appeared.

A figure came out of it.

This is a tall man, it is Lin Xuan.

Great, Brother Xuan is out.

Murong was relieved that Brother Xuan rescued her.

The true God of Lotus and others also laughed,

It seems that the other party defeated the Supreme.

However, those who died in the camp were crazy: this is impossible! How could you be alive?

You fight against Supreme Master, how can you come out?

Supreme Master, I should let you die, right?

Could Supreme be defeated?

This is impossible, we don't believe it.

These true mages are crazy.

Ye Chen also gritted her teeth: it's you!

He was really mad, the enemies met, he was extremely jealous,

He could not wait to go up and kill the other party.

But he couldn't do it.

He growled wildly: Holy Lord, where are you?

The red-haired old man and others also growled: Supreme Master, please, kill this thief.

Stop shouting, no one can come to your rescue.

Lin Xuan said coldly, with a wave of his hand, he threw a body directly to the ground, crushing the void.

All eyes fell on it,

Everyone was stunned.

At this moment, in this space battlefield, the raven is silent,

Everyone was shocked.

Because they found that the corpse thrown out by Lin Xuan was the Holy God.

The Holy God is dead.

how can that be?

Did you defeat the Holy God? I do not believe.

The red-haired old man waited for someone, growling wildly.

You know, the Holy God is Supreme, how powerful.

But now, not only is the other party defeated, has the corpse been suppressed?

How did this happen?

How did you do it?

What despicable method did you use?

Ye Chen is also crazy roaring,

Lin Xuan ignored them, but looked at Murong Qingcheng and others.

His face became extremely cold, and there was an angry flame in his eyes, beating.

At this moment, Murong was full of tears, and there were many cracks on his body.

Ye Wudao next to him fell directly to the ground, surrounded by boundless seas of blood.

The lotus of the true **** of lotus

Indus True God is dying.

Everyone was seriously injured, no one was complete,

More importantly, Lin Xuan found that many people were gone.

What about Qingling? What about the ancient three links?

Brother Xuan.

Murong shed tears, she gritted her teeth and said: Qing Ling fell, I was unable to save her.

The ancient three links also fell and were killed by Fei Xian Zhen Fa, all his hands.

She pointed to Ye Chen.

Lin Xuanqi's body shivered,

These are his friends, all his relatives.

However, it was such a traumatic moment.

The ancient three links and Qingling were reborn.

No forgiveness, no forgiveness!

Blame me, I should have used the Dragon Sword to directly kill him, and let him die, never to be born again.

Rest assured! I will take revenge on you, and I will make this guy die better.

I will let him know what despair is,

I want him to bear my anger.

Lin Xuan's voice became louder and louder, sweeping in all directions, like a thunderstorm in nine days.

The endless void is shattered, and everyone is shaking.

The red-haired old man and others were stunned: how did this guy do it?

What happened in that battlefield just now? Why did Supreme Master fall?

Is it possible that this boy has surpassed the Supreme?

Impossible, they don't believe it.

Hearing Lin Xuan's roar at this moment, they only felt cold.

Waiting for them, it seems like a **** storm.

Boy, just come here.

Lotus said really weak.

Sorry, because of me, Qingling has been born again.

Lin Xuanwang adored the lotus, with an apology: However, I swear that I will make the enemy pay the price.

While talking, Lin Xuan played a sword, this is the sword of all.

It has a very powerful recovery force, covering Murong Qingcheng and others, and quickly recovering their injuries.

Then ~ ~ Lin Xuan turned around,

He stared at Ye Chen and others, his killing intentions constantly erupted, sweeping the world.

His eyes were enough to penetrate the sky,

The whole battlefield shuddered because of him.

Ye Wudao, the Lotus God, and others were also excited. Lin Xuan came and they won.

Lin Xuan can avenge them.

Boy, say, what despicable means did you use? Contrived to supreme.

The red-haired old man growled wildly,

The other array mages were also roaring.

Their eyes were also red, and they said: Although you attacked the Supreme One sneakily, the wounded will soon return.

He will take revenge, you are dead.

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