Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7398: Ashes and smokes (1)

Looking at the miserable look ahead, Lin Xuan was extremely cold, and he said coldly: What about thousands of troops? What about ten times the power?


Is this god?

The array of mages on the opposite side are desperate, and even the heavenly masters are full of fear.

And Ye Chen's body shuddered.

How did this happen?

He thought that on their side, there were only a lot of strong players and countless formations, and he could easily kill each other.

However, the result of the incident was completely beyond his expectations,

The other party was unharmed,

On their side, they have been hit one after another.

Seeing the other side so afraid and scared, Ye Wudao felt very relieved.

So happy!

Even the true **** of lotus, they are also mad growling, before they were really too cruel.

It ’s not that they are not strong, but that there are too many enemies,

If they were singled out, they wouldn't be afraid.

However, the number of people in the other party is not only one generation more than that, it is ten times more than them.

They can sustain to this day.

Already very bad.

How miserable they were,

If Lin Xuan didn't come, all of them would be born again.

It will even be caught and tortured to death.

Now they saw how Lin Xuan paid, they were extremely excited.

Blood Shura.

Lin Xuan's full urging, Shura Road in the six worlds.

A shadow of Shura emerged, this shadow was very illusory,

After it appeared, it began to absorb the surrounding blood.

A scarlet jersey appeared on him, and the killing intention on him was even more terrible.

This is Blood Shura!

Not only that, Lin Xuan gave him new power. In the hands of the opponent, a **** magic sword appeared.

Blood Shura, walking quickly forward, came to the front of a top array mage.

He said coldly: Suffering from anger, feeling pain, feeling despair.

When the sword fell, the array mage screamed and turned into bones.

If you dare to touch the people around me, I will return a hundred times.

There was another sound,

Immediately afterwards, the second person was penetrated by Wan Jian.

Blood Shura kept firing, one after another, the top array mage, kept falling.

Everyone is frightened, is this to make them wipe out?

Run away.

Don't think it's too late to run away now?

Lin Xuan grunted.

The six worlds have completely emerged, covering the entire space battlefield.

He will not let anyone escape.

These people can only watch, one after another, the mage, constantly falling, turning into bones.

The red-haired old man waits for someone, and growls wildly: Supreme One will come soon, boy, you are dead.

The voice had just fallen, and he was also hit with a sword, and one of his arms broke into bones.

Lin Xuan said coldly: What about he coming? I can kill him once, I can kill him a second time, a third time.

I can even make him completely wiped out and disappear into the vast world.

Lin Xuan's words numb everyone's scalp: What? Disappear completely, can't you be born again?

Impossible, the other party can never do it.

At this time, Lin Xuan had already shot at the white-haired old man.

The other side is also a second-class master. Lin Xuan shot strongly and beat the other side out.

Seeing his companion fall, the red-haired old man was completely crazy.

He growled and said: Come, the big deal is the fall, anyway, I can be born again.

Do you see the waste lying on the ground? I was hit by half of his injuries.

And that woman, I also attacked her, how about it? Are you angry?

If you have one, you can take it. It won't be long before I will make a comeback.

The red-haired old man growled wildly.

When Lin Xuan heard this, his killing intensified in his eyes, and he fluttered to the other side.

He gave a cold drink: heaven.

Instantly a condensation formed in the sky, a god's eye.

Gaze fell from the inside, turned into a palm, grabbed the head of the red-haired old man directly.

The red-haired old man wanted to fight back. As a result, Lin Xuan's chaos punch broke his body with one punch.

The red-haired old man screamed and fell to his knees.

Lin Xuan stared at him and said coldly: Do you think you can easily be born again?

It's ridiculous.

In front of me, you know what it means to die.

I want you to endure reincarnation,

Let you spend millions of years in despair.

Lin Xuan's voice was extremely cold,

The reincarnation eyes bloomed, forming a powerful and powerful illusion directly, covering the old man.

The old man screamed, he tried hard to resist, but soon he hit the illusion.

In the world of Lin Xuan, he will be endlessly tortured.

The sound of misery was loud, and everyone's scalp was numb.

Is it even so miserable for the second master?

Others, I'm afraid it will be even more desperate.

Ye Chen was so frightened that he turned and fled. He didn't want to stay here anymore.

However, just after he turned around, Lin Xuan's sword was chopped out.

Sweeping thousands of armies, heaven and earth were split in half.

The opponent's body was also split in half, and the blood of God kept falling.

Ye Chen screamed, powerful life force emerged quickly to repair his broken body.

He screamed wildly: Boy, do you know who I am? My grandpa is a great master.

He is a very powerful being, completely beyond your imagination, you offend me, my grandpa will not let you go.

My grandpa can make you alive with a finger.

is it? Where is your grandpa? Let him come, and I will let you die in front of him.

Give you three seconds to summon your grandpa.

Lin Xuan said coldly.

Three seconds later, Lin Xuan stabbed another sword and hit Ye Chen.

He said coldly: It seems that your grandpa is a waste and will not come to save you.

In this case, I'll get some interest on you first.

Aren't you very arrogant before? Dare to do something to my companions, I will let you experience what it means to die.

With illusion, that's too cheap for you.

Lin Xuan flipped the other side to the ground with one palm, and then, Wan Jian pierced his heart, and a dreadful sword stabbed through him thousands of times.

That pain is enough to make anyone despair,

Everyone was crazy ~ ~ Ye Chen just passed out.

He had never suffered such an injury, nor had he suffered such a torture.

When he woke up, Lin Xuan shot directly at the soul, and Ye Chen screamed again.

When he woke up, his eyebrows opened, and he gritted his teeth and said: Boy, you wait.

He wants to destroy himself.

However, he had no chance at all. Lin Xuan's reincarnation eyes were so powerful that they directly hurt the other side.

Let the other party have no power to do anything.

Next, Ye Chen realized what despair was.

At this moment, in the battlefield, only Ye Chen's screams were heard. It did not disappear until a long time later.

Lin Xuan exerted the power of hell, swallowed the other side,

Let the other party be in the **** world and bear his anger!

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