Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7400: You do n’t know sword! (three)

Zhou Tianshi smiled because he found that the person who came was Lin Xuan.

This shows that Lin Xuan has won in the battle with Supreme.

Xiao Ruoshui, Qing Xuan, they also turned their heads and looked at it. After seeing that it was Lin Xuan, they were slightly surprised.

It's you!

This is impossible, why are you here?

Shouldn't you be killed by the Holy God?

They were really shocked.

Lin Xuan sneered: Who told you that I would lose?

The Holy God is indeed strong, but unfortunately, he is still defeated in my hands.

Soon, you two will also be defeated in my hands.

Lin Xuan's eyes bloomed with radiance.

Lost, is this impossible?

Xiao Ruoshui was stunned: the other party was able to defeat the Holy God of War, what a joke?

However, the fact is that Lin Xuan is standing here, but the innocent God is missing.

Boy, I don't care what method you use to defeat the Holy God of War, but when you meet us, you don't want to win.

Xiao Ruo drank coldly.

There was a terrible light in his eyes, and he raised his hand with a palm, and quickly killed him towards Lin Xuan.

In the palm of his hand, there is an array of methods emerging, covering Lin Xuan.

Xuantian Sword Formation!

Seeing Lin Xuan was shrouded, Xiao Ruoshui sneered: I thought you were so good, but that's all.

Next, fall into this sword array.

She didn't look at Lin Xuan from beginning to end.

In her opinion, Lin Xuan was able to appear here, but also used a mean method to sneak attack on the Holy God of War.

However, the other side's means in front of her were simply unbeatable.

Lin Xuan is shrouded in the Xuantian Sword Formation, and there is a disdain in his eyes: Do you deserve to use the sword in front of me?

Let me tell you, what is real swordsmanship?

With a wave of Lin Xuan's hand, those Xuantian sword qi in Xuantian Sword array shook violently.

Later, they fell into Lin Xuan's hands, as if surrendering to Lin Xuan.

how can that be?

When Xiao Ruoshui saw this scene, he was blinded.

Has her formation been easily controlled by others?

If it is Zhou Tianshi, she has such strength, she still believes.

However, the boy in front of him is not a magist at all.

How can he control Xuantian Sword Formation?

Lin Xuan smiled: I admit that your formation is very strong, but, unfortunately, you don't know the sword at all.

Your understanding of Kendo is really too rubbish, I am embarrassed to hit you.

Are you also playing Kendo?

You know nothing about Kendo.

Xiao Ruoshui was furious. As a high-ranking master of Sanpin, who dares to say that she is weak?

Her Xuantian Sword Formation, how terrible the power, once defeated the true god.

This is also her peerless sword evidence, how can she become vulnerable in front of the other party?

In particular, the other person's words were ridiculous and directly hit her face.

Say she doesn't know Kendo, say she's ignorant?

Damn guy, you will pay for it.

Xiao Ruoqi's body shivered.

Boy, are you challenging me? I will make you worse off.

Xiao Ruoshui growled wildly, and in her eyes, two mysterious runes broke out, which turned into a formation.

Killed Lin Xuan in an instant.

This is the soul formation method, which can directly kill the soul of the enemy, it can be described as killing invisible.

See how you resist?

Xiao Ruoshui sneered.

Eyes of heaven, sword of heaven.

On the top of Lin Xuan's head, a sky-like eye emerged, and his gaze fell, directly turning into the sharpest excalibur, splitting the world.

Your formation is really weak and pathetic. Before, I just doubted that you didn't understand Kendo.

It seems that not only do you not know kendo, you also do not understand the soul!

Abominable, abominable.

Xiao Ruoshui is really about to collapse, she has never been so mad like today.

As a master of Sanpin, she is high above her, and even if the true God is in front of her, she can be treated with courtesy.

No one has ever dared to sting like this in front of her.

The other side looked down on her formation, she was really angry.

She said to Qing Xuan next to him: Zhou Tianshi gave it to you, and the boy gave it to me.

I see. Use it. May I help you stop that sword?

Qing Xuan next asked in a deep voice.

No, I can handle it, just a broken weapon, I will seal it.

As for this guy, I will make him die.

To be honest, what Xiao Ruoshui was most afraid of was the sneak attack of Zhou Tianshi.

If Zhou Tianshi was stopped, she would have no worries and she would shoot Lin Xuan with all her strength.

Qing Xuan next to him looked at Zhou Tianshi and said: Come on, the battle between you and me is not over yet.

The two of them flew into the distance, played a lot of battles with each other, shrouded the world and formed a space battlefield.

Seeing Zhou Tianshi's figure disappeared, Xiao Ruoshui sneered: Boy, see who can save you later?

Lin Xuan laughed: You are really stupid, do you think that you can suppress me?

To be honest, I think you are weaker than the Holy God.

More importantly, you left the Xuantian Sword of Souls here,

Do n’t you know that I am a peerless swordsman?

Just that broken sword? After playing for a long time, he couldn't help me,

To be honest, I want to seal him, and it's very simple.

Xiao Ruoshui said coldly.

Xuantian's sword cut is also angry: **** guy,

Boy, the two of us joined forces to let her know how good I am.

He flew over and came to Lin Xuan,

Lin Xuan was holding the Xuantian Sword of Soul, and her eyes burst into the light of extreme appreciation.

Isn't this sword a broken sword? This is a peerless artifact.

Lin Xuan felt that this sword was even more terrifying than his Wuxian sword.

He pointed his sword forward, looked at Xiao Ruoshui, and said coldly: Believe it or not, I can split your formation with a sword?

No matter what kind of formation you play? Can't stop my sword.

This statement is really too arrogant. You must know, what is Xiao Ruoshui's strength? How terrible her formation is.

Although the previous two formations were blocked by the opponent, however, it was not Xiao Ruoshui's strongest formation.

Xiao Ruoshui was so aggressive that even if he was a divine god, he would not dare to say such a big thing.

She is ready to play her hole cards.

The stars shine.

This formation method ~ ~ is extremely terrifying,

Xiao Ruoshui's palms were printed with seals, one by one, running in the hands of her, condensed in her hands, drifted to the four sides, and merged into the void.

The whole void shook quickly, and it didn't take long for the whole world to completely darken.

The sky was clear, but at this moment, it was dark clouds over the city.

That pressure alone is enough to make anyone despair.

Although people in other space battlefields can't see Lin Xuan, they can feel the horror.

They all felt an oppression, as if their bodies were about to be suppressed.

What a terrible formation!

The array mages in the Shengying camp were excited when they felt this scene.

Great, it ’s Sanshi Tianshi who is angry.

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