Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7409: Double your power! Ashes fly out! (three)

Lin Xuan stared at Xiao Ruoshui and said coldly, weren't you very arrogant before? It even died, the two true gods on our side.

It's time to get revenge today.

Lin Xuan waved Xianxian sword, facing forward, severely chopped past,

On top of the sword air, with indestructible strength.

This time, he will completely kill two people, one is Xiao Ruoshui, and the other is the Holy God.

He is going to use the Dragon Soul of the Dragon to make the two men truly wipe out and never be reborn.

Xiao Ruoshui was chopped by a sword, spitting blood in a large mouth, her body cracked, and the blood of God kept falling.

She made a miserable voice, she yelled, threatened,

However, in exchange for more sword energy.

Lin Xuan displayed a peerless kendo and kept on shooting.

Gradually, Xiao Ruoshui started begging for mercy, even wanting a happy one.

Xiao Ruoshui felt that his vitality was rapidly disappearing,

The opponent's sword is too stingy.

What else did she want to say? As a result, Lin Xuan condensed out the dragon sword soul and waved the dragon-shaped sword shadow.

A sword cut into the opponent's heart, this sword directly penetrated the opponent's body.

Countless kendo powers erupted, and the terrible sword air engulfed the opponent in an instant.

Xiao Ruo's ash disappeared, and she turned into a mist of blood, floating around.

Solved one.

Lin Xuan smiled at the corner of his mouth. He didn't act immediately, but stopped there for a while.

He ate some natural treasures and restored some strength.

Those around were stunned: Does it take such a hard time to kill a true **** in seconds?

This is not a terrible battle, this is a unilateral operation.

Qing Xuan also laughed: It seems that this boy's power is not much.

He wants to destroy us completely, I am afraid it will take a long time.

Lin Xuan glanced at her and sneered: You are stupid enough, she is really ashes out, and it is impossible to be born again.

Real ashes fly out?

When I heard this, the array mages froze: stop joking, this is the land of resurrection.

This is the mountain of life. No matter who fell, it can be reborn.

If the other party is difficult, can they change the rules of the world here? Just kidding.

Even if they were the masters of the camp, the literati were not old, nor did they have the ability.

They do n’t believe it at all,

Lin Xuan came too lazy to pay attention to them, and looked at the Holy Innocent God again.

One sword cut at the other.

The Holy God, just using the power of the flying immortal to form a body, was instantly broken.

Not only that, the golden villain received a sword, and the life force above it disappeared quickly.

The holy innocent **** growled wildly: the legend is true, you can really use sword air to restrain the power of life.

The Holy God of War knows more. He got a lot of news from Ren Tianyue.

One of them is that Lin Xuan possesses the power of Kendo and can wipe out the power of life.

Ren Tianyue's younger brother was completely wiped out.

Before, he was dismissive,

Ren Tianyue's brother is too weak, his strength completely surpasses everything.

He will not be suppressed.

However, now receiving this sword, he was completely afraid,

This sword can really kill his breath of life.

The previous Xiao Ruoshui was really beaten to death and could no longer be reborn.

And he will be the second.

Do not.

He growled wildly: You can't do this to me, I come from the hall of death, and my status in the death camp is extremely high.

You do it to me, and I will not let you go to the camp.

As good as me, there are several more,

At that time, they will shoot together and you can't resist it.

Let me go, forgive me once, you can let me be born again.

The Holy God started begging for mercy, because he really didn't want to fall.

How difficult it is for him to cultivate to this point, how many thousands of years have he spent?

If this falls, everything will disappear.

what's the situation?

The surrounding mages were shocked when they saw this scene.

The Holy God is asking for mercy? Do not make jokes.

This is the Supreme Being and the Supreme Being. When will you beg for mercy?

Even if they all die together, they cannot beg for mercy.

Unless there is a possibility,

That is, the other person can really make people fly and die, unable to be reborn.

When I think of it, countless array mages, cold sweat all shed.

Qing Xuan asked in horror: Is it possible that you really completely destroyed Xiao Ruoshui?

Previously, when Lin Xuan said that the other party could not be reborn, everyone did not believe it.

Today, the attitude of the Holy God has convinced everyone.

The other party really has such power, the other party can break the rules of this world.

This is a means of transcending domination.

This guy was so bad that everyone was scared, and even Qing Xuan wanted to beg for mercy.

He didn't want to die.

Lin Xuan sneered: Now that I know I'm scared, have you ever thought about regrets when you started working with us? Ever thought of being scared?

Would you let us go if we were caught?

After Lin Xuan finished speaking, a sword stabbed the opponent's body.

The Holy God of War screamed again: I have no choice but to act on orders, I have no choice but to.

Lin Xuan sneered: Well, let me tell you, Dragon has inverse scales, my friend, my relatives, is my inverse scale.

You touched my inverse scale, you will die.

I won't let you go.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, a fascinating light emerged, and the Dragon Soul of the Dragon appeared again in his hands.

Seeing this scene, the Holy God was desperate.

He knew that begging for forgiveness was impossible, and now there is only one way, and that is to threaten the other party.

Let the other party know how important he is in the death camp. In this case, the other party will not dare to take action.

Boy, you do n’t know anything about the death camp, the death hall is the existence above all else.

We have the opportunity to break the realm of true God.

You have to do something to me, you will be dominated by the news, and you will definitely kill you by yourself.

Don't you want to be hunted down by a master?

Yes, my identity is beyond your imagination.

The distant Qingxuan also growled, because she was also afraid, and she wanted to scare each other together.

When Lin Xuan heard it, he stopped the sword in his hand.

He asked lightly: Oh, I would like to know, who is more important than Ye Chen?

Almost ~ ~ Qing Xuan said quickly: Ye Chen is the grandson of the Great Master, he, you can't move.

Otherwise, you cannot afford the wrath of the Great Master.

It turned out to be almost the same.

Lin Xuan smiled: I don't have any scruples.

With a wave of his hand, the black breath rolled, the **** world opened, and two figures emerged from it.

A red-haired old man was kneeling there, his eyes were empty, and he was suffering the torture of illusion.

The other was a handsome young man shrouded in **** chains.

There is a flying sword running through the opponent's body.

Seeing this scene, the Holy Innocent God, Qingxuan and others were shocked.

What did they see? Ye Chen was caught by the other party.

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