Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7413: Abyss vs. Domination! (One)

After hearing this, the seven figures stood out. They were all Supreme Masters.

Everyone is not weaker than the Holy War God.

Seven of them shot together and will sweep the world.

The people of Life Shenshan were stunned: what happened? It took seven Supremes to shoot together.

Where is the enemy sacred?

They are not clear.

However, they knew each other was dead,

No matter who the enemy is? Are difficult to resist.

Seven Supreme Masters, after receiving orders, rose into the air, and the killing intentions of their orders appeared in their eyes.

It seems that the Holy God is probably a failure. In this case, they should shoot.

No one of you can go.

In the sky palace, Baili Wen said lightly.

As his voice fell, the illusory figures around him landed quickly.

The seven roared, uttered seven peerless attacks, and killed those phantoms.

However, the next moment, they felt that the sky was spinning, and those phantoms enveloped them.

Get out of me.

The seven Supremes roared again and again, but they were stopped again.

The sound of Baili asking the sky rang again: Don't bother, this is the projection of Tianyuan, you can't resist it.

Abyss projection!

When I heard this, the warriors around me were shocked: what is this? Tianyuan, isn't it one of their resurrection points?

However, when you are not old, your pupils shrink: you can use the power of Tianyuan!

I can only use a little bit, but stopping you is enough.

He didn't look so old, and it became more and more ugly. He knew the true power of Tian Yuan.

Once it breaks out, I am afraid that the mountain of life will cover the soul, and he may not be able to resist it.

However, he still has to try, as long as there is a slight possibility, he will not let these people succeed.

After all, it took millions of years to re-consolidate the peerless array method, and it is absolutely not allowed to be broken again.

Wen Ren stepped out step by step, the next moment, he came to Tianyuan's projection.

Obsessed with obsession, in this case, let you see, Tianyuan's true power.

The sound of Baili asking the sky also sounded.

The next moment, in this abyss, a huge figure appeared, just like an innate giant, extremely terrible.

If Lin Xuan is here, he will find that this giant wants to be the one who bears Tianyuan.

Extremely mysterious!

He rushed to smell old,

The battle erupted instantly, with a devastating atmosphere sweeping out.

Fortunately, these powers are in the projection of Tianyuan. Otherwise, the whole mountain of life will be destroyed in an instant!

Seeing that Wenren was not old, Baili Wentian turned and left, and he went to the core.

Hearing people is not old, is the master here, the power he uses is even more terrible.

The power of Abyss exceeds these people's imagination. Even if they can't kill and hear people are not old, it is enough to stop the other party.

At its core, those mages are not worried about how powerful they are.

Not to mention the situation here, Xiang Shengying will definitely have to know that when the time comes, countless strong will be sent.

Maybe even the master will come in person.

Sure enough, they felt that at the top of the mountain of life, there was a vast breath.

It was the master who was awake.

They were all excited, but then, the Lord was blocked,

A huge projection appeared in the sky.

Like the abyss, it is overlord.

Immediately after, they could not feel it anymore, and they smelled old.

What is this? It's scary to be able to compete with the master, right?

The matrix mage in the heartland is pale.

There are two figures in it, an old man with only nine fingers, he is a nine-finger god.

The other, a very handsome man, looks like a young man.

However, he is not a young man, he is a great master.

His gaze looked far away, and Shen Sheng said: It seems that we can only rely on ourselves.

Even if the hundred miles ask the sky and come again, we can resist it.

That's right, I also want to ask the sky again and compete against it.

The Nine-Fingered Master also said with a smile that they were not too worried.

Because they have supreme confidence in themselves.

At this time, an array master came to the Great Master, and whispered, "Little Master, he hasn't returned yet.

He also went to the land of flying fairy before.


After listening to Da Tianshi for a moment, did his grandson go to the land of flying fairy?

He frowned and tried to call the other side, but found no response.

what's going on? Even if his grandson falls, he has to respond.

It seems that it should be suppressed.

Da Tianshi snorted and waved his hand. On his palm, a stone plate appeared.

There are many scales engraved on it, as well as many ancient and mysterious runes.

He dripped a drop of his own blood and fell on the stone plate,

The stone plate absorbs and blooms a mysterious light.

A pointer appeared and kept spinning,

Eventually pointed to one of them.

A vague shadow emerged from above, a very handsome man.

Da Tianshi pointed at this shadow and said: This person is related to Chen Er, grab him and you will know where Chen Er is.

Fire dance.

Ice spirit.

The Great Master shouted coldly.

The void split, two figures came over,

One is wearing a fire robe and one is wearing a frost armor.

Two figures, kneeling on the ground on one knee: Ask the Master.

Go on, bring Ye Chen back, and bring back the people who shot, I will personally send off.


The two figures stood up and turned to tear open the void and disappeared.

After Fire Dance and Bing Ling left, Da Tianshi did not put away the stone plate, his eyes became more and more narrowed.

He said: Let's do it too.

The nine-fingered master next to him nodded, and the two figures flickered, but they also disappeared.

On the other side, Lin Xuan and others were in a state of smashing bamboo, and they set off quickly towards the core.

Finally, they came to the edge of the core land, and the breath ahead was really different.

The core place is made up of five forces, more mysterious.

As soon as they approached, they felt that there were many people standing on the edge.

These array mages are very powerful, and each of them carries a peerless killing array.

Seeing someone coming, one of the array mages who took the lead yelled coldly: kill them.

With an order, UU read the book, and the formation of their body rushed over, killing Lin Xuan and others.

Everyone, please go all out. This battle is about the fate of all of us.

Zhou Tianshi said in a loud voice that he took the lead in launching a big Yan Zhou Tianzhen.

One shot was lore, which was his strongest formation.

The array of mages who followed him also roared and shot.

They originally belonged to the heavens and the world, but were caught here and became prisoners here.

Some tens of thousands of years, some exist for hundreds of thousands of years, they do not want to continue like this.

Today is the best opportunity,

They won't stay.


Lin Xuan also wielded the Excalibur and killed forward.

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