Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7422: 0 Miles Ask Heaven vs Great Heavenly Master! (One)

When Lin Xuan was about to open, the ancient land, change came in the distance.

An extremely horrifying force passed, and at the same time, a sound was heard.

After living endless years, why are you getting shameless? You want to fight, I will accompany you.

The voice fell, and a palm fell overwhelmingly, killing that finger.

A roaring voice came,

That finger was blown out directly,

The matrix formation above was broken and turned into starry sky.

So strong.

When Lin Xuan saw this scene, he exclaimed, he closed the ancient land, and he felt a familiar atmosphere.

Those around me were also stunned,

However, the people who died in the camp were frightened.

As they watched this scene, they couldn't believe it: God, what did they see?

Was the attack by the Great Heavenly Master hit?

Do not make jokes!

The strength of the Great Master is beyond everything.

These three masters of heaven are not opponents.

Who can fight it?

But now, it actually happened before their eyes.

At this moment, the array mages who were heading to the camp were trembling, and they could not help but fall to their knees.

In the depths of the core, there was a sound of cold humming,

Roar of the Great Master Gritting Teeth: Baili asks heaven, it is you!

what? Baili ask the sky!

Million years ago, was the man who broke the formation?

Is he here again?

The surrounding mages were shocked when they heard this.

This is an extremely terrible existence. When the other party comes, they feel a fatal crisis.

Lin Xuan laughed,

He felt that this was exactly the message that Barry asked.

The other side did not break his word.

When the other party comes, they can rest assured,

It is no problem to compete against the Heavenly Master with the strength of the other party.

Murong fell into the city, Ye Wudao, they are also shocked with faces: is this what Brother Xuan called the Baili senior?

It really is so powerful.

Little guy, are you okay?

Baili asked Tianwang to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan shook his head: nothing, a slight injury.

Well, rest assured, the two old guys gave it to me.

After speaking, Baili asked Tian Tian's body shape, and rushed towards the depths of the core.

There, there are two figures,

One is the Great Master,

At this moment, his broken fingers had recovered.

He snorted coldly: kill.

He rose to the sky, killed the past, and there was a peerless formation around him.

Another person also shot, she is a nine-finger god.

Her strength is not weaker than the Great Heavenly Master. People like them are already above everything.

It stands to reason that under normal circumstances, no shot will be taken.

Even if they do, they will not join hands.

However, this time, the two joined forces as soon as they came up.

No way, Baili asked the sky is too strong, if they were singled out, they were really not sure.

More importantly, after millions of years have passed, who knows the strength and strength of the other party?

They could feel that the other party had used the power of Tianyuan to stop Wenren from dominating.

Otherwise, just by hearing people dominate, one hand can be able to destroy the other.

Tianyuan is more terrifying than expected, and there is an ancient city called Tianyuan Ancient City with extraordinary origins.

I don't know how many forces can be used in the ancient city of Tianyuan in this hundred-mile ask the sky?

If there are too many of them, I'm afraid they will be dangerous.

As soon as they came up, the two of them tried their best.

The battle erupted in an instant,

In the heartland, countless matrix formations flashed and shrouded everything, turning it into a peerless battlefield.

At the same time, a voice came out: Magic Moon, you destroyed the kid for me, rescued Chen Er, and regained the two forces.


After listening to the magic moon, there was a faint glow in her eyes.

Now, they ca n’t take the shot, they need to deal with Bailiwentian with all their strength.

These people can only be dealt with by them.

He stared at Lin Xuan, with a terrible moonlight in his eyes.

But at this moment, Zhou Tianshi shook his body, came to the front of the magic moon, and said coldly: the opponent is me.

He is not distrusting Lin Xuan's strength, but this magic moon is stronger.

He is the strongest of the six masters of Sanpin. He was afraid that Lin Xuan could not resist.

After all, before Lin Xuan, the battle with Fire Dance and Ice Spirit consumed a lot of power.

Get out of me.

The magic moon roared and played a bright moon formation.

The vast moonlight fell from the sky, just like a sky, amazing power, killing Zhou Tianshi,

As if being able to crush everything.

Zhou Tianshi uses his formations and confronts them.

He condensed to form the phantom of three Valkyrie.

The two battle together, and the magic moon is stopped, he can only growl: Ziluo, you kill him.

A purple figure, like a glimmer of light, killed Lin Xuan, which was also a master of the third grade.

Brother Xuan, let's join hands together.

Murong was all over the city. When he saw this scene, he was extremely nervous.

The true **** of lotus also asked: Boy, are you sure? How much more is your strength?

They did not believe in Lin Xuan, but because of Lin Xuan, they had experienced too many wars before.

The opponent is the terrible Sanpin Tianshi, if it is not the peak state, I am afraid it is difficult to cope.

Lin Xuan smiled: rest assured, no problem, you go against others.

After finishing speaking, his figure flickered, and he rushed towards the purple figure.

The next moment, a cage appeared between the two, and a space battlefield was formed.

Obviously, it was formed by the combination of violets. She didn't want the other party to join hands with others.

She stared at Lin Xuan in the battlefield and said coldly, boy, you will pay for your arrogance.

Kneel down, surrender the young master, surrender those two powers, he is not what you can get.

I give you a happy death.

Although Shi Luo lived for millions of years, years did not seem to affect him.

He still looked like he was in his 20s.

However, his eyes were extremely deep, with purple light flashing.

Although his strength is not as good as Magic Moon, it is also extremely scary.

Although the opponent can kill Fire Dance and Ice Spirit, he still has confidence.

Because of his strength, he is stronger than those two, and the opponent is definitely not the pinnacle now.

He wanted to kill each other easily.

With a wave of his hand, Zi Luo began to pick up prints, and three ancient seals appeared in heaven and earth.

For each one, UU reading books are made from the unique jade of jade.

These three ancient seals, one black, one purple, and the other gold.

The black top is with a terrible magic, and the purple one is turned into an extremely scary excalibur.

The golden one is a golden flame.

These are three different powers that perfectly blend together to form a formation.

Floating formation.

When it appeared, it enveloped the entire space.

The three powers and their terribleness seem to destroy everything,

More powerful than the previous Fire Dance and Ice Spirit.

In front of me, you do n’t have any chance at all.

Zi Luo said coldly.

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