Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7430: Town Tianbei! (three)

I have to say that the power of the core place is really very much.

The colorful light fell into the formation of the two, and they blocked the town monument for a short time.

The two were deadlocked in the void,

This made Da Tianshi and them both relieved temporarily.

Da Tianshi's eyes looked into the distance. He stared at Lin Xuan.

This is his only chance.

Before letting the ice spirit, fire dance shot, but failed.

Magic Moon also shot and failed.

And now he has to face Baili to ask the sky, how long will he play next, it is not clear.

However, it must be a difficult battle.

Nowadays, the multicolored power that has just obtained the core place has temporarily countered each other.

This is his only chance,

Once he was about to rescue his grandson, Ye Chen.

Furthermore, he wants to recapture the fire of Kirin and the ice of the sky,

Also kill each other.

Thinking of this, the Master Tian Da took a shot,

The sleeve robe waved, the wind raged, the world was dark.

That huge sleeve robe seemed to be able to engulf everything.

The people around were stunned,

Zhou Tianshi, they also changed greatly.


They retreated madly.

There is a kind of peerless name called Qian Qian in the sleeve. It is said that the sleeve of a robe can cover the heaven and earth.

Extremely terrible.

Now it is being exhibited by the Great Master. Want to be more powerful?

When Hun Yue saw this scene, he laughed sneerly. He looked at Lin Xuan with a sneer in his eyes.

He laughed: This kid is dead.

This is not just the sleeve in the sleeve, this is the sleeve in the sleeve, with the formation method of the Master of Heaven.

This is the new Peerless Magic Power, named Qinglong in the sleeve.

In that huge sleeve robe, a cyan figure appeared.

The huge body covers the world,

When that figure appeared, it seemed to be shaking for nine days and ten places, and could not bear it at all.

Everyone, only feeling the blood and blood rolling, the soul trembling, seems to be ashes away.

This is a blue dragon, a blue dragon condensed from the formation.

Although it is not a real beast, it is even more terrible than a beast.

After the appearance of Qinglong, huge eyes bloomed with powerful power.

The splendid breath split the world in an instant.

The blue dragon in his sleeve killed Lin Xuan.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Tianshi's face changed greatly. He wanted to take a shot, but was stopped by the magic moon.

At the same time, Magic Moon sighed coldly: Stop everyone, and don't let any Sanpin Tianshi save him.

With an order, the masters on the side of Shengying shot and stopped the enemy.

No, Brother Xuan is in danger.

Murong fell all over them, his face changed greatly,

They want to shoot.

However, before approaching, he was beaten back by Qinglong's strength, and he vomited blood.

They are not opponents at all.

They can only pray for Lin Xuan, hoping that Lin Xuan can resist it.

When Lin Xuan felt this scene, he also changed his face.

I have to say that the power of the Great Master is really too powerful.

He took out Ziyue Ding and resisted,

But I found that I couldn't stop it.

He took out a page of scripture and turned it into a golden light,

Suddenly, he split the heavens and the earth and fell on the blue dragon.

A roaring voice came, and a page of scriptures was shaken back,

There was no crack on Qinglong.

what's going on?

Lin Xuan was stunned,

You should know that this page of the Bible can easily cut open the body of the true God.

However, it did not cause any harm,

Is this blue dragon too strong?

Lin Xuan himself has a dragon sword soul, and he has also cultivated dragon-shaped sword strength after practicing the strength of the dragon path.

He also turned into a dragon, but he had never seen such a powerful dragon.

This is even more terrifying than the Dragon Girl of the Taixu Dragons.

What kind of power is this? Is it beyond the power of the true God?

Lin Xuan is not clear,

Instantly, he was enveloped by the huge body of this blue dragon.

That strangling force is enough to make everything fly.

Lin Xuan cast a chaos god, and instantly, a crack appeared in his body.

The blood of chaos fell and penetrated the world.

Lin Xuan growled,

I can't resist it, I'm afraid it won't be long before his body will die out.

Countless people were stunned when they heard the roar of Lin Xuan: Is it really irresistible?

The true **** of lotus, there was a despair in their eyes: the gap is really too big!

Hahaha, this kid is going to fall. After rebirth, his power will definitely decline, not our opponent.

Those who went to Shengying laughed.

The magic moon was also startled, but it didn't happen in a flash, and the boy was really strong!

But what about that?

I'm afraid this boy can't hold on for ten seconds.

The other party will surely die.

Lin Xuan did feel the crisis,

Deadly crisis,

This is not the way to go.

It is really possible that he will die.

Incarnate as a dragon.

Lin Xuan roared, scales appeared on him, and he seemed to turn into a blue dragon.

A roar, the terrible dragon roar, rang through all directions, shaking the world.

At the same time, the blue dragon in his sleeve burst out roars.

Ssangyong duel.

Sky is falling apart.

Useless, you can't resist anything.

The moon in the distance, sneer again and again.

Previously, his peerless school was broken by the other party. At that moment, he was helpless, desperate, shocked, frightened

He died with all his heart.

Now he is finally recovering,

He also wants to let the other party feel what despair and terror are.

After turning into a dragon, Lin Xuan's power changed again, and a sharp breath appeared on that dragon scale.

That's the power of the Great Dragon Soul, all invincible power,

Lin Xuan pushed the Dragon Soul of the Dragon with all his strength.

Wan Jian Chaozong.

With a roar, the sword qi in his body exploded, and the sword qi in dragons began to sweep around him in all directions.

These sword qi hit the blue dragon in his sleeve and made a shocking sound.

The huge body even shook slightly.

I can imagine how terrible this sword energy is.

However, he still did not pierce the blue dragon in this sleeve.

Dalong Soul is very powerful, however, this time, the gap between Lin Xuan and Datianshi is really too big.

So big that Lin Xuan couldn't hurt each other,

This is the first time Lin Xuan has met.

Can only say that the other party is really too strong.

Those outside were still sneering, they felt that Lin Xuan was dead ~ ~ However, people like Huanyue and others frowned tightly. .

Ten seconds have passed. How could the other party be alive?

This guy can resist such a long time.

It's incredible!

What the **** is this? What method did he use to stop it?

Is his physique so strong?

The Great Master in the distance also changed his face,

To be honest, he didn't have much time left.

Ten seconds seemed short, but for him, it was enough to kill the opponent thousands of times.

Even if it is a true God, it should be in his hands, dead and alive.

However, the other party was still alive.

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