Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7444: Block 1 move, I lose! (two)

Lin Xuan's demonstration of the true God's practice really shocked countless people.

Wushuang Lishen was also very surprised, but he remembered that Lin Xuan was not a true **** before, but a land god.

I did n’t expect that to the other side ’s cultivation, the breakthrough was so fast,

Could it be possible, what adventures are there during this time?

He reminded: Be careful, this kid is not easy.

The true gods of the Chaos Protoss are dismissive, Huoyun true **** said: What are you afraid of? Our chaotic blood is far beyond anything.

This kid is not my opponent at all. To be honest, if he can block me, even if I lose.

He really didn't look at Lin Xuan at all.

The other warriors of the Chaos Protoss are also sneer, and even a half cloth **** said: I think I can do it.

Can't carelessly.

Wushuang Lishen shook his head and said: This boy, to be able to fight beyond the level, we must be extremely careful.

Who can't fight in a leapfrog?

Huoyun Zhen rolled his eyes: Can't you fight beyond the ranks?

We Chaos Protoss, if we can't do the challenge of leapfrogging, then there is really no face in this world.

As soon as this word came out, Wushuang Lishen was speechless.

There is also a difference between the Protoss and the Protoss. The blood of the Chaos Protoss is really terrible.

However, he still said: People under the true **** can't shoot, this kid is a descendant of the dragon.

He is very strong.

Do not worry.

Huoyun Zhen walked out and said: I'll do it.

On the other side, Grandpa, the Golden Lion King, they are also very excited.

Lin Xuan is here, and they can finally join forces.

However, Lin Xuan said: Wine master, rest assured, I can solve the battle alone.

A person?

Wine master, they all hold back.

The Golden Lion King also said: No, they are very strong.

In particular, the three true gods are all members of the Chaos Protoss, and they themselves have extraordinary bloodlines.

Far beyond the same order.

Lin Xuan said with a smile: Don't worry, these true gods are powerful, but in my opinion, they are just that.

Lin Xuan didn't lie. He was in the mountain of life, how many true gods he had seen, and how many Sanpin masters he killed.

He even competed with the Great Master,

The three guys in front of him didn't really look at him.

Seeing Lin Xuan's self-confidence, walking towards the front, those in Shenzhou were shocked.

How to do?

The Golden Lion King frowned and said, "I can't help him, I'm afraid this kid will suffer."

Let him try it.

The wine master said in a deep voice: If it is really dangerous, we will try again.

I feel that we still have some odds,

The self-confidence in this boy's eyes was never before.


The Golden Lion King nodded.

It seems that this can only be the case.

They took a deep breath and stared at the front. As long as Lin Xuan was in danger, they would rescue him immediately.

The people on the other side were also slightly surprised. They saw that Lin Xuan seemed to come alone.

Does this kid want to be singled out? It's really arrogant,

Just right.

Look at me to kill him.

Huoyun Zhen strode over,

He stood between heaven and earth, and the flame on his body kept blooming.

This is not an ordinary flame. This is a chaotic fire. It has terrible power. A flame is enough to open up the world.

He stood there, and the people under the true God could not approach it, and could not even bear that power.

Keep back.

However, Lin Xuan didn't care, and just stood there without being affected.

Has this kid become so strong?

The dark red Shenlong poured a cool breath, and he said excitedly: It seems that he can really resist the Chaos Protoss.

These people in the God Realm have a look of hope in their eyes, and those on the other side are also slightly surprised.

It's a bit of a skill, no wonder it's so arrogant.

However, the other party was too naive. The other party's ability was unbeatable in the face of the blood of the Chaos Protoss.

Go ahead and take out your strongest skills. You only have one chance to cherish it.

Lin Xuan looked forward and said coldly.

Although he does not take these people into his eyes, he will not let them go.

If he doesn't come, Yan Ruyu, the dark red Shenlong, they are really dangerous. The gods do not know how many people will fall?

This is not a place for resurrection. It fell here, and it really died out.

These people **** it.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, an extremely rampant killing intention broke out.

The people across were stunned, and the Chaos Protoss were angry.

Damn, isn't this their true god?

What a stupid kid.

He dared to look down on us. He was dead and would catch him later. I would break his bones.

Previously, I didn't know what a frog at the bottom of the well was, but now I know that this guy really sits in the sky watching the sky.

He has come to an end.

A roar sounded,

The smile on the face of Huoyun Battle God was even stronger.

He was angrily anti-smiling.

No one has dared to stand in front of him, so unknowingly.

Even if it is a true **** of the same rank, what?

He still didn't look at it.

Unexpectedly, now someone really dares to challenge him.

Fine, little ant, you successfully angered me, I will let you know, what is the cost of angering me?

The chaos of fire erupted suddenly, sweeping the square.

The whole world shook violently, the universe was empty, and a terrible fissure appeared, which could not bear this force at all.

He reached out a finger, pointed forward, and nodded fiercely.

Above the fingers, countless chaotic fires, quickly beating, as if turning into a chaotic excalibur.

Pointing at it, it was like a bamboo shoot, and countless spaces along the way were cracking.

This finger came to Lin Xuan in an instant,

Lin Xuan did not dodge at all.

A sneer appeared in his eyes,

He had already warned the other party that he was going to do his best, but he did not expect that the other party was so careless.

To pay attention in front of him, but that will pay the price of life.

In his hand, the Xianxian sword emerged, and Lin Xuan cut his sword forward.

Fast Kendo.

Jianguang flashed, faster than lightning, a broken finger flew up, and the blood of chaos shed.

Then the sound of screams sounded, and this chaotic finger was broken by a sword.

However, this is not over,

Lin Xuan stabbed again with a sword.

Red fire Liu Jin!

Wan Dao Jianqi flew out in an instant, killing forward.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The huge flame body was instantly penetrated, and thousands of swords qi penetrated the opponent's body.

Blood stained sky.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene. What did they see?

The fierce and powerful Fire God was defeated in an instant.

The body with chaotic bloodline ~ ~ is like a piece of paper, it is vulnerable.

With a bang, the huge body fell to the ground, making a loud roar.

The sea of ​​blood drifted between heaven and earth.

Everyone came back and took a breath: it was so strong.

Yan Ruyu was shocked.

The Dark Red Dragon jumped up directly: Am I not dreaming?

Wine master, Li Xunxian, they are also dumbfounded, they are also true gods, and they naturally know how powerful Huoyun true **** is.

But now, Lin Xuan actually defeats the opponent with a sword. What kind of power is this?

Beyond their imagination.

No wonder Lin Xuan didn't care about it before, and didn't even look at the other side at all.

Now it seems that Lin Xuan's strength is completely above the other party.

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